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Banished Half-Elves

Born bastards to their elven ancestry, the Banished are more akin to True Dhampirs than any other people. Those that survive to adulthood learn to be wary of any elf for fear of their imperial lineage being finally tracked down. Their caution can sometimes lead to full fledged paranoia, as they always see a plot before it can hatch. Due to this tendency, most of the Banished Half-Elves are able to identify those who can or cannot be trusted, and tend towards hyper awareness of their environment.  

Physical Description:

Luckily for the Banished there are no standards of appearance that sent them apart from the Free Spirit Elves. Finding this to their advantage, they often integrate into families of Free Spirits, and pay to have records doctored to join their family, an arrangement the kinder gentler Free Spirits are accustomed to support. The way to often tell a Banished apart is their reactions to lying which is usually harsh, or to cause a loud distraction in a room. Where others wince or shout, they focus waiting for the next threat to their life with crystal clarity.  


The Banished have no true society, and generally treat each other with caution or outright hate for breaching their cover. They resort to working with Free Spirit Elves or Humans as a necessity of their lives but are detached emotionally from them as well. They often disdain any elven ancestry because of their own self hatred and the harsh reality that they must face the world alone. When faking familial ties isn’t an option, they flee to far flung lands like Tenacity Hold, Davos, or Barataria where they might find peace and solace in isolation.  


Most Banished are waiting for an elf to stab them in the back at any moment, and so most banished do all they can to isolate themselves from that future knife. Some have left the Dycides entirely, choosing to go to Gevat or even Ethium to escape their hunters. This leaves them with a very real prejudice toward any that view Elves in a positive light. Though this is true they do their best to hide their feelings as a tell, but simply slowly distance themselves from anyone. Often this leads them on very solitary lives, never having any relationships more than curt ones.  

Alignment and Religion:

To the Banished there is no unified belief in anything other than survival. Able to take to the religious practices of the locals of an area, few see their life as one supported by any god. Norgorber the deity of secrets is often the only God that the Banished might pray to when they have a moment alone. While one would hope their rejection from an Evil society might preclude a tendency towards a positive attitude, that is usually not the case. Neutral to Evil, and more Chaotic than Lawful tend to be the impulses of most Banished. They are more likely to be lured into a death cult or worship Rovagug than to hear the call of Sarenrae.  


The Banished that choose an adventurers life do it to provide options to travel. A clean passport that allows them to move with ease can save them from a hunt when it comes. When a job involves sticking it to an Imperial Elf, they relish the job with great satisfaction. Banished also find time working with the Red Market, hunting down elves of any ancestry with an efficient mind. Most people that work with a Banished Half-Elf never learns of the association until well after the fact. The Banished take well to careers that require stealth, spying or self-reliance, making Rogue, Slayer, or Ranger common options. Becoming a Magus also can appeal to them, especially a Blackblade as then they have at least one ally in their solemn vigil.  

Stats Block

Ability Score: Banished characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.   Type: Banished are humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf subtypes.   Size: Banished are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Base Speed: Banished have a base speed of 30 feet.   Languages: Banished begin play speaking Common and Elven. Banished with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).   Keen Senses: Banished receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.   Low-Light Vision: Banished can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Elf-Scorned: Many half-elves, especially half-imperial, are rejected by their elven parents and feel nothing but hatred and fear toward their inhuman ancestors. Banished gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against elves.   Wary: Many Banished have spent their long lives moving from place to place, often driven out by the hostility of others. Such experiences have made them wary of others’ motivations. Banished gain a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive and once per day they may roll twice for a sense motive roll taking the higher dice roll.   Elf Blood: Banished count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.  
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