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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Strength, Constitution   Roles - DPS, Tank   Any non-Lawful  

Class Basics:

Note: Unchained Barbarians are now accepted, they simplify some mechanics but if you are using an app to run your character it is more of a side grade rather than a clear upgrade. I’d suggest if too many mechanics are overwhelming, take the unchained version because it is easier to manage.   Barbarians are a mixture of animal like speed and agility, their rage is their primary enhancing feature. Either the basic Barbarian or their Unchained Barbarian form, they use rage to become more resilient and hit their enemy harder. Using Rage powers a barbarian specializes their rage to make themselves unique. They are also excellent dodger of area of effect attacks, moving quicker and are able to evade traps effectively.  

History in Dycides:

Barbarians were the first true martial people in the Age of Dragons. They have existed in isolated communities and backwards folk since the dawn of time, but they also fought axe and sword against dragons in the old age. Many thought with the ages that followed one day they would become part of society, normalized by the influence of Abadar. Barbarians remain, some wishing good for the world and others destruction, but regardless bound by their own views and not caught in the net of decorum and diplomacy.  

Religious Influence:

Barbarian’s view on religion is usually negative as they are another structure telling people what to think or do. That said there are deities often favored among barbarians. For lizardfolk Barbarians Apsu or more commonly Tiamat are their chosen gods. To the more Good focused barbarians, Desna (“Mother Moon”) is their lucky deity, while the more warlike will attach themselves to Gorum (“Our Lord in Iron”), while the creulest and most destructive worship Rovagug, “The Great Destroyer.” Rather than deities though many Barrbarians see the elements, beasts, and nature as things to take stock in, giving their tacit appreciation for Gozreh in the process.  


(- to -- : Slightly Negative to Negative)   The word Barbarian is often used interchangeably with Raider or Brute, and for some Barbarians that connection is very accurate. For those trying to live along side others it can sometimes strain their relationships. When most merchants are as likely to call the guards on a Barbarian looking at their goods to dealing with them, it creates a genuine sense of distrust in all cities. A Barbarian is likely going to have to either have friends to help with social graces, or push hard against expectations from the world around them and show themselves as excellent people to be accepted.  


Unchained Barbarian

While not truly an archetype, the barbarian folk of Tenacity Hold are a notable sect of barbarians. A tribe of diverse peoples these folk have lived on the mountains and in those valleys for many many generations. They aid the explorers of Tenacity Hold, as long as their tribal holdings are free for all time. Generally a kind people, they battle beasts and monsters to keep their land free, but some of them have ventured beyond the borders to seek fortune and glory for themselves.  

Elemental Kin

In the Dragon Jaw Wilds, the threat of dragons was an ever-present reality. They learned the lesson of letting the breath of dragons fuel their rage. Not having to worry about traps in the wild they focused their hate against all elemental attacks, allowing them to keep their rage going far longer against this magical energy. They are dangerous opponents to any caster, using their power to fuel their rages. They teach this lesson still in case the Dragons return from the past to reclaim the world again.  

Armored Hulk

Collecting the wreakage of armor of your enemy is a key way to show honor kills among the Shard Keeper Lizardfolk of the Seven Scale Tribal Territory. Some of these Lizardfolk fashion their metal heaps into a primitive form of full plate armor and are called by outsiders the Armored Hulks. Though initially they are bogged down by the weight of the armor they wear, they eventually reclaim some of that speed overtime. Resilient against critical damage and able to charge or stand their ground with potency makes them truly fearsome.  

Invulnerable Rager

The Seasword Alliance are a nation of Dycides men and women most notable for their longboat speeds and war with the Kingdom of White Flowers. The Invulnerable Ragers were able to hold the line against many elvish archers and swordsmen, and helped chop and rip the great tree of the elves securing many great victories. They ignore all but the strongest blows, not using dodges or fancy footwork. They also have a certain resistance to both fire and cold damage, the favored elements of their elven enemies. The Invulnerable Ragers are still trained today, for some think at any time open war could rip the North apart again.  

Mad Dog

In Kervosh, regions were given to dedicated orc and half orc Pain Weavers in exchange for loyalty to the Great Reclaimer. Those most deadly Barbarians trained animals as feral as them to server as companions on the battlefield. Instead of the Gevati monitor lizards, they collected Panthers, Crocodiles (nature’s trashcan), and Giant Scorpions to serve as war beasts on the front. Though not as strong ragers and their fellow barbarians they impart their bloodlust on their animals making them an efficient duo. After losses to Barataria some half-orcs left the service of Kervosh, in search of new lands to bring their fury to.  


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