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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Strength, Charisma Roles - Tank, Melee DPS, Secondary Healer, Party Face (with some work) The same alignment as their chosen God  

Class Basics:

Champions are a Dycides variety of the Paladin, who represent a distinct God of the Dycides pantheon and defend their values with resilient natures. They are holy warriors with minimal casting, channeling, touch blessing and augments to their pure martial might. Smiting is a basic feature of the class to attack their alignment enemy. Beyond that their touch or channel can heal or harm depending of their God’s nature. They also augment their weapon with powers (mounts are not a specialty on the champion). Finally auras enhance their allies or harm their enemies.  

History in Dycides:

As the Age of Vacancy caused shifts as the Genies took on their benefactor’s roles, their complacent nature left many waiting for heroes in this new age. Champions fulfilled that role, many united together, serving a plethora of gods willing to further expand the Dycides, drive back the Dragons beyond the borders of the map and settle the land. Overtime these paragons of took to more and more diverse Gods, and now Champions of all strong willed Gods wait to be given their next greater calling.  

Religious Influence:

There are champions to most gods, those without champions are the True Neutral gods, Gozreh, Nethys, and Pharasma. Each other primary God has its champions, each committed to aspects of their faith. While in Ethium the idea of a Paladin existed because Paladins represented Atar, the Champions represent that same determined inflexible worship if their deity. Depending on the alignment of their God, they take on the features of Paladin or Antipaladin.  


+ to ++ (Slightly Positive to Positive) Most champions wear regalia of their God or Goddess, and approach the day with expected goals, are clear to the world of their intentions. To the common folk it makes it clear who they are and what they stand for, and in that way Champions are very safe individuals because their reasoning is attached to certain ideals. Those who worship a God or Goddess of a specific land, are celebrated there as champions and heroes, often given free drinks at a bar and are able to find lodging often for free. A champion of an opposed deity at least is given a begrudging respect for not trying to enter a community in disguise and can expect a fair but monitored exchange of goods in a city.  

Champions By God:

Each God sculpts their champion to their desired result, and so each Champion is different.  

Click Here

  To learn the mechanics of this new class! It helps to have the pages for Paladin and Antipaladin open as reference as well.  


Holy Tactician

The Champions of Iomedae, Sarenrae and Erastil of Prater Point have achieved a particular unity in battle not seen since the last dragons were removed from the Dycides. Sacrificing their ability to smite and many of their aura’s they become divine conduits rousing their fellow troops toward teamwork and resolve. They aid their allies in strategic movement and motivation to take one great enemy to the ground. Though in Prater Point these are good Champions, an association of evil folk could benefit from a Champion who allies them together.  


Specializing in healing the Hospitaler of Treley Expanse take vows to keep their community safe above all. Often members of the Abadar, Sarenrae or Shelyn faith, this order of champions will take in any champion willing to have a community minded spirit. Limiting their smites per day, they instead focus on gaining greater capacity to channel energy as well as lay on hands. Their mere presence can bring a battle back from the edge of defeat.   ((Note: the only restriction is your champion must be capable of channeling positive energy))  


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