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Champion Reference

This is a guide to building your own champion, if you need anything clarified just ask.  

Base Skills(BS-G,L,C,E):

Base Skills for a Champion vary based on the God. As all abilities in this Guide you will be able to determine which ability you start with based on the coded entry in parenthesis.   Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G): Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (local, history, religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft   Law Aligned Base Skills (BS-L): Diplomacy, Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (history, nobility, religion) Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft   Chaos Aligned Base Skills (BS-C): Bluff, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Knowledge (religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth   Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E): Bluff, Craft, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth  

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

This stays the same regardless of Champion.  

Skill Enhancement (SE-0, SE-1, SE-2):

Those Champions with less flexibility due to the nature of their God, instead gain flexibility in their skill set. This ability is only gained by some Champions and is gained at 1st level.   Those with No Skill Enhancement (SE-0), get nothing!   Those with Basic Skill Enhancement (SE-1) may select three skills that are not class skills, and make them class skills.   Those with Advanced Skill Enhancement (SE-2) gain the ability of Basic Skill Enhancement and instead of gaining 2 + Int modifier, they gain 4 + Int modifier of skills for each level including the first.  

Aura and Detection (AD-G,L,C,E, ?):

Some champions create a Good Aura & Detect Evil (AD-G), others create a Lawful Aura & Detect Chaos (AD-L), while still others create a Chaotic Aura & Detect Law (AD-C), and finally some create an Evil Aura & Detect Good (AD-E). A few can select their combination between those that could be offered by their God (AD-?), for example Asmodeus is aligned both Evil and Lawful allows his Champions to select between producing an Evil aura and Detecting Good, or A Lawful Aura and Detecting Chaos.   A Champion’s Smite target is the same as their Detect alignment, aka if someone Detects Law, they smite Lawful aligned creatures.  

Divine Grace and Unholy Resilience:

These are the same ability and are received at level 2. Call it whatever you want, go nuts.  

Lay on Hands and Mercy vs. Touch of Corruption and Cruelty (LvT-L, C, T):

A champion can gain the Lay on Hands and Mercy feature (LvT-L), the Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T), or be able to choose one on first obtaining the ability which they prefer, and it is locked in after that point (LvT-C).  

Aura of Courage vs. Aura of Cowardice (AoC-P, C, N):

A champion can gain an Aura of Courage (AoC-P), an Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N), or be able to choose one on first obtaining the ability which they prefer, and it is locked in after that point (AoC-C).  

Divine Health or Plague Bringer Choice (DvP-C)

Divine Health vs. Plague Bringer (DvP-DH, C, PB)- A Champion can either gain Divine Health (DvP-DH), Plague Bringer (DvP-PB), or be able to choose one on first obtaining the ability which they prefer, and it is locked in after that point (DvP-C). At 8th level those who choose Divine Health have the ability to complete a full day ritual and roll a Heal check to attempt to remove a Disease from an ally. Also at 8th level once per day those that chose Plague Bringer may attempt to cause an spread their disease without becoming fatigued as per the spell Outbreak.  

Channel Energy (CE-P, C, N):

A champion can either gain the ability to Channel Positive Energy (CE-P), Channel Negative Energy (CE-N), or be able to choose one on first obtaining the ability which they prefer, and it is locked in after that point (CE-C).  

Spell List (SL-P, C, N):

A champion gains can either gain the Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P), the Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N), or be able to choose one on first obtaining the ability which they prefer, and it is locked in after that point (SL-C). Any spell with obviously incorrect alignments can be swapped with the correct alignments with approval. If a spell seems out of place and another would make more sense, they can be swapped with approval.  

Divine Bond vs Fiendish Boon (Bond-P, C, N)-

A champion can ONLY form a bond with their weapon. A champion can either gain the bonuses Listed under Divine Bond (Bond-P), Fiendish Boon (Bond-N), or be able to choose one on first obtaining the ability which they prefer, and it is locked in after that point (Bond-C). If a bonus seems out of place, it can be changed with approval.  

Aura of Resolve, Aura of Clarity, Aura of Befuddlement, Aura of Despair (Au-G, L, C, E, ?):

At 8th level the Champion gains one of these Aura. If they are given a choice, they choose between the two that best match their God’s alignment):  

Aura of Resolve (Su) (Au-G)

The Champion is immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities. The Champion and each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects. This ability functions only while the Champion is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Clarity (Su) (Au-L)

The Champion rolls twice and takes the better roll when identifying an Illusion. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against Glamer and Pattern Illusion effects. This ability functions only while the Champion is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Befuddlement (Su) (Au-C)

Enemies within 10 feet of an Champion take a –4 penalty on all CMB, CMD, concentration and skill checks. This ability functions only while the Champion is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Despair (Su) (Au-E)

Enemies within 10 feet of an Champion take a –2 penalty on all saving throws. This penalty does not stack with the penalty from aura of cowardice. This ability functions only while the Champion is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Smiting:

This replaces Aura of Justice and Aura of Vengeance. This follows the exact rules of these two auras but matches the Aura and Detection decided earlier.  

Aura of Divine Wrath:

This replaces Aura of Faith and Aura of Sin. This follows the exact rules of these two auras but matches the Aura and Detection decided earlier.  

Aura of Righteousness, Aura of Calling, Aura of Freedom, Aura of Depravity (Au2-G, L, C, E)

At 17th level the Champion gains one of these Aura. If they are given a choice, they choose between the two that best match their God’s alignment):  

Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)

At 17th level, a Champion gains DR 5/evil and immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability functions only while the Champion is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Calling (Su) (Au2-L)

At 17th level, a Champion gains DR 5/chaos and immunity to Figment and Phantasm spells and spell-like abilities. Three times per day as a swift action, the Champion may move their allies within 60 feet of the champion, into a 10 foot range around the Champion. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability functions only while the Champion is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Freedom (Su) (Au2-C)

At 17th level, a champion gains DR 5/law. Each ally within 10 feet is treated as if under the effect of Freedom of Movement, with the Champions level as the caster level. This ability functions only while the champion is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.  

Aura of Depravity (Su) (Au2-E)

At 17th level, a champion gains DR 5/good. Each enemy within 10 feet takes a –4 penalty on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability functions only while the champion is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.  

Holy Champion, Justice Champion, Chaos Champion, Unholy Champion (Ch-G, L, C, E)

At 20th level the Champion gains one of these four abilities: Holy Champion (Ch-G), Justice Champion (Ch-L), Chaos Champion (Ch-C), or Unholy Champion (Ch-E). Justice Champion and Chaos Champion work the same as the other two just focused on the respective alignments. A player can select an alternative capstone ability on approval.  

Code of Conduct:

Breaking with your alignment or God/Goddess is a big No no and has the same repercussions as a paladin. All champions create a code or creed based on their God/Goddess that matches their ideals. This is crafted as part of their character’s story.  
  Specific Champions:  

Champion of Erastil

  Champions of Erastil are master hunters, specializing in bow and blade and look to protect the values of smaller communities, or serve the needs of the common folk in general. They gain:
  • Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Advanced Skill Enhancement (SE-2)
  • Good Aura & Detect Evil (AD-G)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Clarity (Su) (Au-L)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)
  • Holy Champion (Ch-G)
  • Finally Longstrider and Gravity Bow are added to their spell list as a level 1 spell. Once available they can cast them once a day without using a spell slot.  

    Champion of Iomedae

      Champions of Iomedae fight for Law and Good in equal measure. They believe in their cause completely and are akin to the standard paladin ideals with a slightly more aggressive nature. They gain:
  • Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Aura and Detection Choice (AD-?)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Level 8 Aura Choice (Au-?)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)
  • Justice Champion (Ch-L)
  • Finally when they first gain the ability to Smite, they gain one extra smite per day.  

    Champion of Torag

      Dutiful and noble the Champions of Torag are unimpeachable lords of their concept of fair justice. In the past Dwarves could be their only champions but that day has long past in the Free Cities. They gain:
  • Law Aligned Base Skills (BS-L)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Basic Skill Enhancement (SE-1)
  • Lawful Aura & Detect Chaos (AD-L)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Level 8 Aura Choice (Au-?)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)
  • Holy Champion (Ch-G)
  • Finally they gain toughness as a bonus feat at level one and add make whole to their spell list as a level 1 spell.  

    Champion of Sarenrae

      Champions of Sarenrae are known for giving enemies multiple chances to yield and surrender. They are not without a limit to their grace, and when an enemy surpasses it they strike with the sun’s wrath. They gain:
  • Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Basic Skill Enhancement (SE-1)
  • Good Aura & Detect Evil (AD-G)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage or Cowardice Choice (AoC-C)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Resolve (Su) (Au-G)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)
  • Holy Champion (Ch-G)
  • Finally Champions of Sarenrae gain the Spirit Boost supernatural ability from the Life Oracle mystery at level 1.  

    Champion of Shelyn

      The champion of Beauty itself, Shelyn’s champions are often female and usually surround themselves with artists and musicians, doing their best to spread art and understanding across the Dycides. They gain:
  • Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Advanced Skill Enhancement (SE-2)
  • Good Aura & Detect Evil (AD-G)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Resolve (Su) (Au-G)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)
  • Holy Champion (Ch-G)
  • Finally Champions of Shelyn gain the spell Bestow Insight as a spell like ability once per day at level 1, this increases to two times at level 5 and once more per day every five levels after.  

    Champion of Desna

      Desna’s Champions are very quick to bless someone or curse their enemies. They are wild and free thinkers and wanders across the world, looking to take in what nature offers. They gain:
  • Chaos Aligned Base Skills (BS-C)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Good Aura & Detect Evil (AD-G)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands or Touch of Corruption Choice (LvT-C)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Divine Health or Plague Bringer Choice (DvP-C)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Resolve (Su) (Au-G)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Freedom (Su) (Au2-C)
  • Chaos Champion (Ch-C)
  • Finally they add Bit of Luck and Bestow Curse as second level spells to their spell list. Once available they can cast them once a day without using a spell slot.  

    Champion of Cayden Cailean

      Friend to those enslaved in The Dycides, Champions of Cayden Cailean have made it their goal to change the Dycides to free all that are bound in chains, if they can just square their bill with the tavern first. They gain:
  • Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Aura and Detection Choice (AD-?)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage or Cowardice Choice (AoC-C)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Positive Energy (CE-P)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Befuddlement (Su) (Au-C)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Righteousness (Su) (Au2-G)
  • Holy Champion (Ch-G)
  • Champions of Cayden Cailean gain knock as a level one spell, and can cast Heroism on themselves as a standard action once per day.  

    Champion of Abadar

      As the Chief of the Dycides Pantheon Abadar Champions see bloodless and fair deals, to protect those who follow the law and mete out remorseless justice on those that break it. They gain:
  • Law Aligned Base Skills (BS-L)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Lawful Aura & Detect Chaos (AD-L)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Energy Choice (CE-C)
  • Spell List Choice (LS-C)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Clarity (Su) (Au-L)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Calling (Su) (Au2-L)
  • Justice Champion (Ch-L)
  • Finally once per day in the presence of someone who has committed a crime, they can cast Shackle as a spell like ability.  

    Champion of Irori

      Champions of Irori typically are looking for people who are flawed and try to teach them that through self-discipline they can find peace. They often try to solve confrontations with words before violence. They gain:
  • Good Aligned Base Skills (BS-G)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Basic Skill Enhancement (SE-1)
  • Lawful Aura & Detect Chaos (AD-L)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Energy Choice (CE-C)
  • Spell List of a Paladin (SL-P)
  • Divine Bond (Bond-P)
  • Aura of Resolve (Su) (Au-G)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Calling (Su) (Au2-L)
  • Justice Champion (Ch-L)
  • At will Champions of Irori can change their detect ability to any alignment, this does not effect their ability to smite.  

    Champion of Gorum

      Champions of Gorum enjoy every battle and view bloodshed as a blessing for their blade. Typically heavily armored in spiked armor, they do not believe in mercy for those who cross blades against them. They gain:
  • Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Chaotic Aura & Detect Law (AD-C)
  • Divine Grace
  • Lay on Hands and Mercies feature (LvT-L)
  • Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N)
  • Divine Health or Plague Bringer Choice (DvP-C)
  • Channel Negative Energy (CE-N)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Divine Bond or Fiendish Boon Choice (Bond-C)
  • Aura of Despair (Su) (Au-E)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Freedom (Su) (Au2-C)
  • Chaos Champion (Ch-C)
  • Champions of Gorum reduce all armor check penalties of their armor by ½ their level rounded down. They can also sleep in their armor with no negative side effects.  

    Champion of Calistria

      Calistria’s Champions enjoy discovering the gossip of who screwed who over, and who is screwing who. They pursue their passions and use trickery or force to get them, and those that stand in the way get what they deserve. They gain:
  • Chaos Aligned Base Skills (BS-C)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Chaotic Aura & Detect Law (AD-C)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N)
  • Plague Bringer (DvP-PB)
  • Channel Energy Choice (CE-C)
  • Spell List Choice (LS-C)
  • Fiendish Boon (Bond-N)
  • Aura of Befuddlement (Su) (Au-C)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Freedom (Su) (Au2-C)
  • Chaos Champion (Ch-C)
  • Finally they gain the pheromones alchemist discovery at level 4.  

    Champion of Asmodeus

      Where clerics and inquisitors are manipulators, Champions are the muscle. Laying waste to any that oppose the rule of law, or cruelly capturing them as slaves, the Champions of Asmodeus never relent. They gain:
  • Law Aligned Base Skills (BS-L)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Aura and Detection Choice (AD-?)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Courage or Cowardice Choice (AoC-C)
  • Divine Health (DvP-DH)
  • Channel Negative Energy (CE-N)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Fiendish Boon (Bond-N)
  • Aura of Clarity (Su) (Au-L)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Depravity (Su) (Au2-E)
  • Justice Champion (Ch-L)
  • When a Champion of Asmodeus uses Divine bond to add flaming or flaming burst to a weapon, double the dice, the extra dice are unholy damage rather than fire.  

    Champion of Zon-Kuthon

      Children of Darkness and pain Champions of Zon-Kuthon enjoy hunting those who break the law of the land, and slowly torturing them to death. They believe the screams of their victims bring good luck to all present. They gain:
  • Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Evil Aura & Detect Good (AD-E)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Courage (AoC-P)
  • Plague Bringer (DvP-PB)
  • Channel Energy Choice (CE-C)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Divine Bond or Fiendish Boon Choice (Bond-C)
  • Aura of Despair (Su) (Au-E)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Calling (Su) (Au2-L)
  • Unholy Champion (Ch-E)
  • Finally all natural twenty attacks by a Champion of Zon-Kuthon sicken their opponent for two rounds.  

    Champion of Urgothoa

      Unseemly to most, when Champions of Urgothoa visit towns they pay for luxurious feasts that they indulge in with a voracious appetite. They have a particular interest in turning Dhampir’s to their base nature. They gain:
  • Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Basic Skill Enhancement (SE-1)
  • Evil Aura & Detect Good (AD-E)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Courage or Cowardice Choice (AoC-C)
  • Plague Bringer (DvP-PB)
  • Channel Negative Energy (CE-N)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Fiendish Boon (Bond-N)
  • Aura of Despair (Su) (Au-E)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Depravity (Su) (Au2-E)
  • Unholy Champion (Ch-E)
  • Finally Champions of Urgothoa gain False Life as a level one spell, and Greater False Life as a level two spell. Once available they can cast them once a day without using a spell slot.  

    Champion of Norgorber

      Champions of Norgorber believe innocence is ignorance, and ignorance is weakness. They are underhanded and cold hearted and will kill anyone for gold, Red Market or outside of the standard rules. They gain:
  • Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • Advanced Skill Enhancement (SE-2)
  • Evil Aura & Detect Good (AD-E)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N)
  • Plague Bringer (DvP-PB)
  • Channel Negative Energy (CE-N)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Fiendish Boon (Bond-N)
  • Aura of Despair (Su) (Au-E)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Depravity (Su) (Au2-E)
  • Unholy Champion (Ch-E)
  • Anytime a Champion of Norgorber attacks a flat-footed or unaware enemy they treat their weapon as one size category larger.  

    Champion of Lamashtu

      Champions of Lamashtu typically are found working with monstrous humanoids, seeking the destruction of life or spreading terror among the citizens of the Dycides. These scarified people selcom come to a town unless to sack it. They gain:
  • Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Evil Aura & Detect Good (AD-E)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N)
  • Divine Health or Plague Bringer Choice (DvP-C)
  • Channel Energy Choice (CE-C)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Fiendish Boon (Bond-N)
  • Aura of Befuddlement (Su) (Au-C)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Aura of Freedom (Su) (Au2-C)
  • Unholy Champion (Ch-E)
  • Champions of Lamashtu can use wild empathy to gain the compliance of monstrous humanoids and interact with them as allies.  

    Champion of Rovagug

      Destruction and the release of their sealed master are the only things a Champion of Rovagug seeks. Seeking the heaviest weapon they can they lack true subtlety, believing it a weakness, killing the most beautiful first. They gain:
  • Evil Aligned Base Skills (BS-E)
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency
  • No Skill Enhancement (SE-0)
  • Aura and Detection Choice (AD-?)
  • Divine Grace
  • Touch of Corruption and Cruelty feature (LvT-T)
  • Aura of Cowardice (AoC-N)
  • Plague Bringer (DvP-PB)
  • Channel Negative Energy (CE-N)
  • Spell List of an Antipaladin (SL-N)
  • Fiendish Boon (Bond-N)
  • Aura of Despair (Su) (Au-E)
  • Aura of Smiting
  • Aura of Divine Wrath
  • Level 17 Aura Choice (Au2-?)
  • Chaos Champion (Ch-C)
  • When trying to sunder or break an object they double their strength bonus. At 10th level, they triple it instead.


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