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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats – Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution Roles - Healer, Primary Spellcaster, DPS A cleric’s alignment must be within one step of her deity’s, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil axis  

Class Basics:

While they excel at healing, a cleric can take on many roles depending of their domain, stats, and spell choices. Their channel energy ability is a standard in group healing, while with the right feats or archetypes there are ways to specialize it further. Domains show a specialty of their god and focus for their other casting. They also have the ability to convert spells to heal or harming enemies, and relatively strong armor capabilities.  

History in Dycides:

Clerics were bound with the discovery of the Gods as the Age of Dragons came to an end. The peoples of the Dycides were taught the ways to worship each and give them praise, whether good or evil, chaotic or lawful, the gods became the foundation of the growth of the Dycides. While there is no singular god worshipped in the Dycides, one has risen to symbolize much of Dycides culture, and that is Abadar. The need to spread civilizations of the giants, the greed of the genies, and the desire to balance good and evil of the people, bore Abadar into prominence, and most accept his leadership as a correct perspective. While not everyone accepts the fussy nature, his goals of peace, prosperity, caution, and discipline are often seen as acceptable. His holy text’s ‘The Order of Numbers’ and ‘The Manuel of City-Building’ are found in most places of governance.  

Religious Influence:

The keepers of religions, clerics are defined by the idea that a specific faith is their righteous cause to the masses. Where priests of faith can come in a variety of roles, those most often doing work related to the people their God serves is the cleric. The Dycides as a whole doesn’t discriminate against any faith but the bizarre Rakshasa beliefs and Atar monotheism, though most do not worship an evil deity in the open. Those cloisters of evil deities though are allowed to exist assuming they do not threaten the law and order of the Dycides.  


(-- to +++ : Negative to Very Positive) Clerics that are part of a community, that serve that community in their free time, and worship a god aligned with their cities goals will be treated in general as an honored guest in most situations. They are given places of regard at festivals, greeted kindly on the street and often thanked for previous services rendered. The most notable example is how clerics of Abadar are treated in most of the Dycides. A cleric of an opposed moral view point is treated with much more suspicion than a champion, as they are more likely to be selling their faith to a community.  



Maven’s Sanctuary is a Sarenrae holy place, dedicated toward healing and recovery. As a home of the sick it is seen as off limits for the pirates that occasionally send their injured to the Ecclesitheurge to protect them. Deciding to only allow their faith to protect them, they reject armor and shields and use few weapons. In exchange they are granted the ability to bless their and vary their casting to include many domains, an not just a single one. This gives them a much greater potential spell list that can change with each morning. Finally they trade some healing potential for a bonded holy symbol augmenting their capabilities. Any can visit Maven’s sanctuary and learn this archetype early in their training, though Sarenrae forbids Evil clerics from doing so. That doesn’t stop them from trying.  

Angelfire Apostle

A curious branch of clerics, calling themselves the faithful of Atar took over the Island of Crows, an island notorious for being difficult to dock at. They have created a new “Way of the Holy Phoenix” and consider themselves Apostates from the pantheon of the Dycides, but happy to teach the “faithless” their “True Enlightenment.” Gaining less total spells slots, their channel energy is particularly dazzling to evil foes. Their channel energy can be spent to also remove a variety of status effects at the cost of extra channels. Finally their healing spells can be used to cause a burst of cleansing flame, ensuring tat enemies are cooked by phoenix fire and the holy might of Atar’s breath.  


The clerics of Abadar that protect High Table from threats are typically theologians. They focus in a single domain, empowering it to cast it’s spells at a higher level. Those spells are further augmented with a permanent metamagic bonus. This training is rigorous, and many fail to become true Theologians. But with enough time and effort, anyone can become a Theologian of their God’s decrees.  

Stoic Caregiver

As New Ferdalag sued for their freedom from the rest of the Cavesh nation, those virtuous enough to break free were needed. In vindictive response to the fracturing of the nation, Zal Cavesh cut off their supply of healing herbs meticulously farmed in the North, leaving clerics scrambling, and in that sudden shift of power the Stoic Caregivers took control. Though limited to channeling positive energy, and a single domain, Stoic Caregivers are midwives and their healing stops bleed effects and limits them in the future, this also effects negative energy as well. Finally a Stoic Caregiver can choose who in their channel to heal or harm (at half the amount), allowing her even the capability to keep Dhampyrs alive as they are blameless in their place in life.  


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