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Dead Born Dhampirs

Little is known about the origin if the Stillplague, whether mothers pass it to their children or some interaction with the environment spreads it. What is known is it only effects Humans, Elves, and Orcs, and their half forms respectively, or if the other races have been afflicted they have kept it secret. It was also first identified fifty five years ago starting in the Southern Deserts and Ethium, but eventually has become prominent across the Dycides and apparently in Gevat a well. Accepted by their families at times, rejected in others, those afflicted are not usually bothered by their lack of growth but simply wish to live a normal life without great spectacle or curiosity.  

Physical Description:

The Dead Born never grow much further than adolescence. When they are growing a pronounced X forms on their foreheads, though why is only conjectured. Prayers to the gods give no answers on what this malady is but only that it cannot be cleansed by any known magic or cure for disease. Dead Born often have a sickly pallor and it is debated if they are truly undead, though healing spells do harm, and visa versa. What is also consistent among the Dead Born is an inborn talent for magic. Finally their age is truly difficult to determine, the oldest known Dead Born is sixty seven years old, though Dead Born from earlier times might exist but have never come to identify themselves. It is unknown if they die due to old age, or if they are functionally immortal.  


As the newest “race” Dead Born can confuse and distress people, afraid their child might turn out like “one of them.” Some simply do their best to cover up their appearance and play at being orphans in a community until someone gets suspicious. Other Dead Born embrace their oddness and serve in a variety of jobs in communities that a physically less developed person could do. Due to their outer appearance, Dead Born tend to stay around communities of their own kind, trying to downplay the difference, and avoid those who want to study them under in depth scrutiny.  


The True Dhampir believe that the Dead Born deserve respect and privacy in their affliction and should be given kindness and guidance as the Dead Born become more accepted. While they may not evoke the outright assaults on their existence from anti undead religions have toward other Dhampir, they tend to arouse different communities attention. Forgeborn Gnomes are fascinated by the Dead Born’s physical bodies for study, the Imperial Elves see them as monsters, and many Humans see them as potential magical fonts. Regardless of the group their interest tends to put pressure on them to hide what they are and be careful about who they tell their secrets to. Non-Forgeborn Gnomes, and Halflings in general tend to be very accepting of this strange new people, who can finally see life from their perspective.  

Alignment and Religion:

Dead Born are generally curious and cautioned individuals about the ordered world. Most lean more toward a chaotic attitude, but not in any significant way. Dead Born often pray to a plentitude of gods, but don’t often take one for their own. As many have searched to the Gods for answers about their situation, the Gods are silent. In that way some Dead Born have become bitter that their lives of constantly being analyzed, poked, and prodded is because of a failing that the Gods have. As the occasional religious person points as their existence as a mark of the end times they tend to be frustrated with such obsessions.  


A life of adventure, keeping moving to avoid unnecessary questions, and having protectors at their backs are all reasons that the life of adventure call to a Dead Born. Their sense of child-like curiosity never leaves them, and finding new things about a wider world sticks with them even as they age. While not inborn with vast intelligences, they in general succeed at magical talents, and as sorcerers are not necessarily able to only tap into the undead bloodline like most True Dhampirs. A Dead Born’s diligent attitude, and inborn resilience makes them also fairy capable at any role that doesn’t rely on brute strength.  

Stats Block

Dhampir-Dead Born(11) Ability Score: (+2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Str) Dead Born have an unholy resistance and endearing childlike appearance, but struggle to build strength.   Type: Dead Born are humanoids with the dhampir subtype.   Size: Dead Born are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.   Base Speed: Dead Born scurry with eerie speed and have a base speed of 30 feet.   Languages: Dead Born begin play speaking Common and Necril. Dead Born with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Grippli Halfling and Orc.   Undead Resistance: Dead Born gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.   Manipulative: Dead Born gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Perception checks.   Magic Born: Dead Born gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and a +2 racial bonus on dispel checks.   Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a Dead Born reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.   Curiosity: Dead Born are naturally inquisitive about the world around them. They gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) become class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of these Knowledge skills as class skills, they gain an additional +2 racial bonus on those skills instead.  
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