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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Wisdom, Dexterity   Roles - Primary Spellcaster, Toolbox, DPS, Scout   Any Neutral  

Class Basics:

Scions of nature, Druids are primary casters augmented into potential spies or skilled warriors through their wild shape ability. Most choose either to become dedicated casters or masters of brawling, but with careful treatment they can be both. Their minor powers allow them to travel through nature with less fuss or risk. Finally they can gain an animal companion that becomes a powerful member of the party in their own right.  

History in Dycides:

In the Dycides before the Gods were learned, before the names Gozreh was spoken, Druids tapped into the forces of nature to protect the flow of the world. As the might of dragons was powerful, so was the druids protecting the two first lands of the Blood Conclave and the Kingdom of White Flowers. Now druids face a threat as great as the dragons, the slow stretch of cities placing nature in a second class position to ‘progress.’  

Religious Influence:

Most modern druids worship Gozreh as he/she is the most attuned to the life and death that Druids are bound to. Amongst Good Druids there are just as many worshippers of the sun of Sarenrae. Many Druids, most notably in the oldest Druid associations, they worship the idea of spirits. They see aaspects of nature and that that a life essence is in all things, as any object is destroyed they release a death essence. They see the world being filled with a death essence as nature is destroyed to serve the growth of cities, and are often the most militant against city ideals of progress.  


0 to -- (Neutral to Negative)   Druids in some communities are well guarded treasures, helping with blights on crops, calming woodland beasts and enjoy a certain amount of respect when they come to town. This relationship sadly is not the norm as most see the Druid as a backwards people trying to cling to nature when city life is the superior way of life. May city dwellers will often treat druids, especially ones of different races, as primitive people who might not know where to shit or stand in the hustle and bustle of the city. Unless they show themselves contributing to a city, most distrust a druids intention for leaving whatever mud hut they came from.  


Ancient Guardian

The Lost Way are a group of Druids and others caught in an endless cycle of murder and healing on an island far from any aid. Above them all, in some ways arbiters to this endless struggle of blood are the Ancient Guardians. Those that leave the island despise the ‘civilized world’ and want to allow nature to unfold as it should. They find no bond to animals in nature but influence others with skill checks, and the ability to calm emotions. They are stalwart against enchantments, and seek to unmake any construct of man or magic that crosses their path.  

Storm Druid

Driven by the swell of the storm, the Undine of the Blue Havens take well to the water that surrounds all of us in the air and the sea. Their voice carries through any storm, and flow through the wind with ease, gaining more control over weather and seeing through it with age. Their abilities keep Blue Haven calm and beautiful, and any ships sent in hostility scorched and lightning and sunk into the depths.  

Saurian Shaman

Channeling the strength of the Dragon Jaw Wilds against itself, The Saurian Shaman of the Blood conclave demand respect of the Dinosaurs that walk their valleys. With their ability to demand submission of reptiles, commanding some as allies they can take on the forms of dinosaurs, and only feel natural in their form. The Saurian Shaman command their land with great strength, few are capable of such force of power and ferocity.  

Goliath Druid

The Oread of Gith-ro-tul use a variety of classes to keep the sacred mountains clear of enemies. None are more directly imposing than the Goliath Druids. Able to enlarge themselves and their animal companions, as they grow in power they can even take on the forms of Giants themselves, eventually up to huge size. If any but the Oread took to this archetype the Oread would see it as sacrilege as they see themselves the only one who keep watch for the return of giant kind.  


Tenders of the forest, and tenders of their segment of the Westwood, the Restorers of Old Dycides keep those around them safe. Able to give up spells to heal, akin to a cleric, they also have skills in healing. Unimpeded my magical effects they, often have to reorganize parts of the forest their First World fey folk disrupt. They bear no ill will knowing the Fey are simply undertaking their role in the world, as a Restorer does their own. Reserved and calm these Druids seek to find peace and balance in all things, but do not look to mete out direct confrontation with cities and those that support them.  


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