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Fey-Touched Gnomes

For the Fey-Touched, their ancestry of influence from the First World is still securely connected. Both Gnome and Fey their minds are a wonder of strange ideas and concepts. Fey-Touched love nature and regard those who threaten it as a threat to their own lives. City dwelling is a strange experience to the Fey-Touched, seeing no joy in cold stone assembled by old, often dead peoples, and appreciate new life and growth. They have a true name which they share with no one, and view the act of giving their chosen name out with great care.  

Physical Description:

Often slightly taller and leaner than their fellow gnomes, they tend to appear closer to earthen tones of hair and skin, rather than the rainbow tones of the Wild Eyes. Their natural dexterity gives them a dancers flair in all their movements. Though more frail than the average gnome when attacked by weapons not made from cold iron weapons without enough force seem to slide right through them. Some commoners think this means the Fey-Touched are actually illusions but the more informed know better.  


What sets the fey-touched apart is a quality that can’t be simply be put into words but is a strange chaotic spark that surrounds them wherever they go. Where a Wild Eye puts effort in a bit of fun chaos, chaos follows a Fey-Touched as a welcome friend infusing those around them. Their clothes usually are toned toward nature. They accept social norms exist for others, but they can’t believe that such a thing would apply to them. Their structureless life can bring awe to a Wild Eye and horror to a Forgeborn.  


Any city dwelling race or a race with structure tends to look on any Fey Touched with a bit of anxiety. When a Fey-Touched enters a room they are likely to shake your hand as slap you, and as likely to call you a monster or strip down naked. Some feel guilty in their lumber buildings and think the Fey-Touched likely to become an avenger of nature for a tree dead a hundred years ago. No race truly understands the mind of the Fey-Touched, but some see some kinship, especially the Elven Freebooters. Though they treat with them with a wary eye, Imperial Elves and Undines respect the Fey-Touched commitment to nature.  

Alignment and Religion:

Some Gozreh worshippers are among the Fey-Touched, but most are reverent toward nature itself or the Eldest of the First world. Those that do anything to offend their very variable perspectives they begin planning a retribution. A retribution can range from a mild prank to doing their best to destroy their entire family in front of them. Similar to most Fey the Fey-Touched are nearly all chaotic in one form or another.  


Fey-Touched adventurers who leave the Westwood always go with some intention, often never revealing it to anyone. If they complete their objective they are as likely to leave a party mid-battle or start a new objective that keeps them in the fight. Their flighty nature leaves them slightly unreliable but when they decide on something nothing short of their death and return to the First World will keep them from it. Their connection to nature makes them natural druids, but a Fey-Touched is just as likely to be a rogue, ranger or bard.  

Stats Block

Ability Score: (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str) Fey-Touched are physically weak but nimble, and their attitude makes them naturally agreeable.   Type: Fey-Touched count as both Humanoid creatures with the gnome subtype and fey.   Size: Fey-Touched are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.   Base Speed: Fey-Touched have a base speed of 20 feet.   Languages: Fey-Touched begin play speaking Common, Gnome, and Sylvan. Fey-Touched with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Grippli, Halfling, and Treant.   Fey Damage Resistance: Fey-Touched gain DR 5/cold iron.   Illusion Resistance: Fey-Touched gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects.   Keen Senses: Fey-Touched receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.   Fey-Touched Magic: Fey-Touched add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Fey-Touched with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—ghost sound, know direction, root, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Fey-Touched’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the Fey-Touched’s Charisma modifier.   Fertile Soil: Sorcerer Fey-Touched with the verdant bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Clerics who are Fey-Touched with the Plant domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level. This trait does not give Fey-Touched early access to level-based powers; it affects powers that they could already use without this trait.   Low-Light Vision: Fey-Touched can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.  
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