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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Strength or Dexterity, Constitution   Roles - Diverse, generally either DPS or Tank, possibly Scout  

Class Basics:

The most mailable class, Fighters take on roles that select a weapon group and becomes masters of it. They also become more and more skilled at wearing armor able to remove their armor check penalties over time. Finally their bravery allows them to support their weaker will saves versus fear based attacks. Finally their true power is in feats, gaining more feats than any other class allowing them to be sculpted into either specific or generalized talents.  

History in Dycides:

During the age of Dragons Fighters existed, but only afterwards in times of peace, were fighters first trained by more than fear of death. In the Age of Giants, the giants taught the people the nature and organization of war, so they could defend themselves and aid in taking their land back from the dragons. As military strength grew, so did the multitudinous ways a fighter could be trained. Regions trained their soldiers differently and so the many schools of fighting were born. Only on the backs of the fighter did the Dycides survive the Age of Invasion, and retain the martial skills it does to this day.  

Religious Influence:

The average fighter selects their religion based on the land they were born into. Most see the strength of each god, but see them as distant things, otherwise they might become champions, inquisitors or clerics themselves. A fighter may fight for faith as part of their intention, but few have the dedication to a God. The only exception to this rule is that a fighter of many battles may see old Gorum as a truthful god that in the end iron and blood is what holds a land together in eternal violence.  


0 to + (Neutral to Slightly Positive)   Fighters often come on two varieties, those with a background in military service, or those with a mercenary leaning. Depending on how they carry themselves and interact with others everyday people will assume one or the other. Fighters who served in their military at some point are treated with some respect, though why they are not still a member of the guard or in a fortress will likely draw questions. Mercenaries are treated with a certain amount of caution but not outright disdain. Once their intentions are clear though most fighters are accepted into a community as another layer of defense if the city is assaulted.  


Shielded Fighter

In Prater Point nature threatens all that is built. Aggressive prehistoric beasts and other jungle monsters threaten life at all hours. Replacing other perfections of skills they focus on a sword and shield blitz and defenses almost impenetrable when wearing heavy armor. They gain further capabilities to deny flanking against themselves and allies nearby. These armored men and women united slowly break their enemies or protect those who deal death to their enemies.  

Mobile Fighter

In the Treley Expanse there are many names for the mobile fighter: battle dancers, sword acrobats, or duel masters. Able to still wear heavy armor and use a weapon of choice, mobile fighters focus on agility and acrobatics to speed in and out of enemies. Their rapid attacks makes them able to move and attack in a combined assault on their enemies. While not particularly defensive, their ability to lay out damage and prevent enemies from attacking back gives them one final title: speed tanks.  

Two-Weapon Warrior

Ethium sword masters escaping the region are often tempted by the land of Atholia, where their martial might is rewarded with citizenship as equals. These Two-Weapon Warriors use double weapons such as Two Bladed Swords, Dwarven Urgrosh, Orcish Double Axes or simple paired daggers into whirling pinwheels of death. They ignore specializing their armor to make their twin weapons more and more accurate and deadly, as well as deflecting blows with their weapons.  

Two-Handed Fighter

The Seasword Alliance train some of the deadliet firsters in the realm. Dealing with both elvish threats and aquatic forces assailing their newly created land requires a strong hand and a heavier weapon. The philosophy of the two handed fighter is if can survive your attacks it is a worthy enemy. Usually using Butchering Axes, Greatswords, or Earthbreakers they lay waste with deadly cleaving attacks and express a true giants strength with every blow. Only the brawniest of men dare apply, and these skills can be taught to outsiders who help the Seasword Alliance against their declared enemies.  

Polearm Master

In Zal Cavesh a long tradition since when the land was united follows this old Dycides staying, “Beware the Long Pole of the Law.” Fighters who hold true to Abadar and enforcing the law of the land become Polearm Masters. Able to use polearms at both long and short range gain much improved tactical advantages, able to flank at a greater distance, is effective at tripping their enemies and gain bonuses to provoked attacks of opportunity. In addition to greater dodging skills they can eventually repel even more incoming damage with their polearm.  


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