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Free Spirit Elves

Calling a Free Spirit Elf a Free Spirit Half-Elf is one of the few ways to make one frown. Generally happy and optimistic, loving cultures and exploring them, they do not like to be saddled as ‘Half-Elves.’ They describe their existence as both full elven and human, and hate to sound as if they are diminishing either truth. Driven to explore the world on sea and river, they are rarely found in cities without moving water adjacent. With a lust for life and love they look forward to every dawn. “Ratra-tosh Barag” is the Dwarvish slang for Free Spirits, literally translating to, “Birds who sing early and constantly.”  

Physical Description:

Shorter and slimmer than their Half-Ajaran cousins, they embrace wild clothing, face painting, tattoos and jewelry. Their hair is usually well kept and long, and they are more likely to dye or paint it for no occasion other than to try something new. As all half-elven people they have diminished ears, but they also have the most variety of eye colors, with nearly any color in the rainbow. Some say it’s because they may be more in touch with the Fey and the first world, others simply suggest it’s because even their eyes are there to match their outfits more than to see clearly.  


The ideal of designating themselves as Elves rather than Half-Elves has been around just long enough for most people to come to grips with it, and by that of course we mean not Imperial Elves. The nickname “Smiling Elves” fits just as well. With a wide smile they greet most situations and try to chip away and find ways to make even the most dour to join their positive attitude. They uniformly detest slavery and try to convince people to go without servants or slaves and work for themselves to find success. Often they find places to express themselves artistically or careers as diplomats. There can be occasions where nearly every party of a diplomatic event are Free Spirits, called by the Dwarves a murmuration of Ratra-tosh Barag.  


As many do find things to nit pick about the Free Spirits, they are often nothing but minor issues. Where Lizardfolk, Imperials Elves, and Pain Weavers see them as to be weak, disgusting and spineless respectively most others disagree. Even the Silverblood and Free Peaks dwarves have trouble actively disliking them. In return the Free Spirits do their best to show kindness even in the face of an Imperial Elf, finding ways to even put the loquacious assholes off balance with unexpected kindness.  

Alignment and Religion:

Sarenrae and Shelyn are their two primary patrons, as they match their general world views. There is a hard emphasis culturally of finding the silver lining in everything that goes wrong in life, so they have a strong focus toward Good alignments. A dour or distraught Free Spirit can happen, and eruptions of crying can be dramatic, but they likely are asked “what’s wrong,” so often they put on the image of positivity. They also take Cayden Cailean as a personal hero, always ready to raise a glass to the “Accidental God” to bless them with a wonderful night.  


Always trying to find a way to make the world a better place from their perspectives, those with the right skill set often join adventuring companies. Free Spirits also look for ways to improve the company, negotiating as a common practice. They are most prone to roles where a creative mind thrives, as Alchemists, Bards, and Sorcerers they attempt to sway battles not by strength of arms but creative use of magic. “There is always a better solution than stabbing everything to death,” is a sentiment they have that is not always shared by their fellow adventurers. Those that work with Free Spirits are more likely to appreciate their surroundings, as a Free Spirit is likely to find something beautiful anywhere.  

Stats Block

Ability Score: Free Spirits characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.   Type: Free Spirits are humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf subtypes.   Size: Free Spirits are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Base Speed: Free Spirits have a base speed of 30 feet.   Languages: Free Spirits begin play speaking Common and Elven. Free Spirits with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).   Child of the Sea: Free Spirits gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks as well as on Profession (sailor) and Wisdom checks to pilot a sea vessel. Free Spirits also have an innate sense of direction and can never get lost at sea.   Focused Study: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, Free Spirits gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.   Sociable: Free Spirits are skilled at charming others and recovering from faux pas. If Free Spirits attempt to change a creature’s attitude with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to influence the creature a second time even if 24 hours have not passed.   Low-Light Vision: Free Spirits can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Elf Blood: Free Spirits count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.  
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