Genieborn Ethnicity in The Dycides | World Anvil
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In the Age of Giants, the Grand Titans created their children the Giants who sailed the seas and inherited the earth. When the Grand Titans finally moved from this world to the next the Giants looked for advice from all the planes for guidance, settling eventually on the Genie race to help them, as advisors to balance a world of magics and material. After the Giants sailed to address a threat in their homeland they left Geniekind as their stewards. Over the hears Genie and the mortal races were entangled. As Genie’s became rarer and rarer, they left their children to order the world. “This tale is older than the trees,” is a common phrase in the Dycides, suggesting that this story is old, inaccurate, and likely bias.   In the reality of the modern age, most do not give credence to the old wives tales of the Genieborn’s origin. Genieborn are simply treated as their own odd wrinkle of the Dycides region. Each of the four elements is represented by a Genieborn. Together they are the Ifrit of Fire found across the Prekrine Desert, the Oread of Earth along the high mountains of Gith-ro-tul, the Undine of Water on their half sunken island Blue Haven, and finally the Sylph of Air who live of the raised island of Goliath’s Altar. Though they each have taken their own home in these less hospitable environments, most of their races do not hide in their home but explore the greater world of the Dycides. They never seem to leave the nation, which might have to do with the old legends or simply because the diverse world of the Dycides is enough for them.   While all members of the greater Genieborn are bound together, their views are often at odds. When different Genieborn races pass each other on the streets they greet each other with a casual nod at best, with a look of disgust the more likely reaction. Most Genieborn go about their own path often finding obscure roles to play in any society they live in, enjoying life for its own pleasures and not taking much of a part on the world stage. Only recently has an Ifrit, Enkindle the Reclaimer, helped overthrow a government and taken on the role as its supreme leader. Word of this upheaval is sending ripples through the world of Genieborn, who may be awakening from their placidity and finding themselves strong.  
Ifrit   Oread   Undine   Sylph

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