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Half-Ajaran Elves

Half Ajarans live life with both a place in nature and a place in the city. With this dual mindset they are appreciated in many communities for their eye for keeping balance. Respected among most, the age when the Dycides helped in war against Ajara is so long ago that Half-Ajarans see it as an old story. With their integration into Dycid culture, these young Half-Elves doubt such patent bigotry will happen ever again. With renewed bonds to the forests of their homeland many skills once lost to the Half-Ajarans has been renewed, seeing a chance to join the mother wood as a new adventure.  

Physical Description:

Tending toward slightly taller and broader physiques than their half-elven counterparts, Half-Ajarans also are the least fair of skin, tending to tan easier than most elves. Along with their elven ancestors rather than sleep they meditate focusing on the pulse of the world rather than traditional sleep. Their eyes are often closer to brown tones, but range to yellows and oranges as well, and their hair varies more than in the past age, but more often than not it is darker in color.  


Since the great awakening of the elves during the last Ethium War against them, a connection severed has been mended. While accepted as a normal part of the Dycides, many returned to the Jungle when it called, and did not return. They finally had a place in this natural world where they reconnected with families they had never been given the chance to know. Those that stayed or returned to the city were still changed by the experience and often moved to more rural lands. Taking on parts of the Dycides world that are often smaller and less overwhelming, they find roles as councilors, sheriffs or judges agreeable. Most people trust their even temper and reasoning to fulfill these roles well.  


While some Ethium Refugees leer at them, the Half-Ajarans boast decent treatment in most lands they live in. Seeing their Free Spirit and Freebooters relatives as more garish and desperate for attention, the Imperials too firmly bigoted to be acceptable, they forge their own path. They are much more likely to get along with half-orcs, gnomes, grippli, halflings and lizardfolk than other races. They also have an abiding respect toward their families, going out of their way to bridge any gaps and bring both traditional Ajarans and Humans together.  

Alignment and Religion:

Gozreh and Erastil tend to gather slightly more followers of Half-Ajarans, they also have a more diverse perspective on religions than the Ajarans, taking other religions is relatively common. The one non evil god they have the most difficult time with is Abadar, which sets them at odds with his many worshippers that make up the Dycides. Most Half-Ajarans oppose the further expansion of cities and worry that it will one day consume all the Dycides. Most Half-Ajarans tend to be Good or Neutral in alignment, and other than opposing Abadar’s need to grow his cities, are as likely to be Lawful as Chaotic.  


Half-Ajarans enjoy careers that have them interacting with the natural world in some way. Whether farmers, traders, or explorers finding oneself with their feet touching the soil feels comfortable. Creating a way for others to enjoy the wilds of the world safely, or simply to pit themselves against great beasts are two reasons half Ajarans pursue an adventurous life. Most commonly eschewing heavily armored roles, they use their stealth in the wilds and perceptive nature to go far. Unlike their Ajaran relatives, they are much more likely to pursue arcane magic, usually using it to preserve nature rather than dominate it.  

Stats Block

Ability Score: Half-Ajaran characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.   Type: Half-Ajaran are humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf subtypes.   Size: Half-Ajaran are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Base Speed: Half-Ajaran have a base speed of 30 feet.   Languages: Half-Ajaran begin play speaking Common and Elven. Half-Ajaran with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).   Elven Immunities: Half-Ajaran are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.   Keen Senses: Half-Ajaran receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.   Low-Light Vision: Half-Ajaran can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Jungle Affinity: Half-Ajaran from a jungle with this racial trait gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while within jungle terrain, and can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while within jungle.   Integrated: Many half-Ajaran are skilled in the art of ingratiating themselves into a community as if they were natives. Half-Ajaran with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.   Dual-Minded: Half-Ajaran gain a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.   Elf Blood: Half-Ajaran count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.  
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