Humans Ethnicity in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Humans fill a curious role in the Dycides. Where the lands of Ethium were human dominated, the Dycides sets them as a more balanced population with other races. Awash in a sea of diverse races, the strength of the human’s race is their pure versatility. Humans find themselves in the biggest variety of roles in a community, their ambition to be treated fairly with those longer lived is also constant, and to some impetuous.   The influx of Ethium Refugees has begun to upset the balance of the human world. Filled with a sense of self-importance, those looking for a new home are often ill treated for having a sense of presumption. They view a diverse world as without balance or structure, and often find the cosmopolitan panoply difficult to understand without a caste system.   The Dycides born Humans however have a sense of flow in the world. Exploiting the options for education that most of the Dycides offers, they are voracious builders of skills, potentially putting the more veteran races of the Dycides to shame. Taking much of their inspirations from the Genie’s of old they are careful with their words and promises and tend to work the system that surrounds them with ease.   The men and women of the Gevati swampland have a different take on the world, it is for those who live on this plane alone. Often bias based on their Rakshasa leaders, they believe that a world of Gods and worship is flawed. Better to rely on the breath in ones chest that the words of the Gods (which they simply call demons). They often go out of their way to prove the futility of deities, and support the formations of new Rakshasa through violence and pointing out the hallow world of integrating with demons.  

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