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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Wisdom, Strength or Dexterity   Roles - Party Support, DPS, Secondary Healer, Secondary Spellcaster   An inquisitor’s alignment must be within one step of her deity’s, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil axis.  

Class Basics:

Bringing their power through blade or bow, Inquisitors are a more agile and tactical champions, adapting their Judgments and Banes to defend or destroy. They are able to grant teamwork feats that they can use regardless of their allies capabilities. With additional alignment detections and abilities to identify lies, excellent reactions, and tracking skills, they are truly a jack of many trades.  

History in Dycides:

As Ethium grew strong in the influence of their singular god, it became increasingly important to keep the faiths of the Dycides separate from those in the southern lands. Steeped in traditional Clerics and Champions, early Inquisitors were tasked with rooting out Atar purist and relocate them back to Ethium or under worst case conditions eliminate them. As time passed many Inquisitors took on a more shadowy role, serving the business of their individual deities as their purpose has shifted into darkness.  

Religious Influence:

Seen as the dirtier side of champions, an Inquisitor does what is needed for their faith, and often takes on more malleable and clandestine roles to serve their interpretation of their deity. This can include removing foreign threats as well as threats from within that lead their faith down a wrong path. Appointed typically by clergy initially, they see their faith in a more realistic way than many of their fellow faithful and their grand aspirations.  


+ to - (Slightly Positive to Slightly Negative)   Inquisitors when identified are treated with a mixture of fear or wonder. Acting as regulators for their faith some assume that when an inquisitor comes to town it is potentially because they have made a misstep in faith that has been seen by someone else. Suspicion about an inquisitor’s intentions is common. Those that are true and complete believers never see themselves as a problem and are very welcoming to all Inquisitors. On occasion, the person they were sent to seek opens their doors unaware that they have strayed from their God’s path.  


Witch Hunter

In the Ruins underground and the cities above the Prekrine Dominion is crackling with magic. Often believing that magic uncontrolled leads to chaos, many Inquistors of these wastes take on the mantle of witch hunters protecting their delicate communities from arcane threats. Able to identify a spell expertly they can help their allies evade the worst of the spells effect. Most terrifying to casters or user of magical relics are the witch hunters ability to smell out magic, tracking the user with pinpoint accuracy. Those that cast magic in the reach of the Witch Hunter should be ready for a violent counterattack.  

Sin Eater

Among those few Dhampir that become Inquisitors a strange tradition lurks in Duskmouth Halls. Sin Eating. While taking a piece of the essence of the dead, they view it as purging the fallen of sins to better allow those to transfer through the boneyard with speed to their soul’s next home. By eating the sins of an enemy the Sin Eater becomes invigorated with health, can question the soul that remains. Some Sin Eaters have even mastered the skill of taking diseases or magical effects from their allies, shouldering the brunt of the pain themselves.  


The Preacher Inquisition of High Table are proud Abadar inquisitors who seek out shifty salesmen, or members of their faith falling toward a dark path toward criminality. They work with teams, and rather than investing in teamwork feats they simply perceive the threats around them with loud commands. Able to aid their allies with a few well placed words preachers guide their allies to safety.  

Tactical Leader

The Gorumites of Atholia know that an inquisitor heads a squad, and a squad in Atholia can slaughter a legion of soldiers from any other corner of the world. Taking teamwork in the opposite direction, tactical leaders invest more in teamwork feats, and applies them to entire groups at a time, for multiple rounds. With these new tactical abilities unlocked, the soldiers that surround their leader fight as if one great warrior, as Gorum intends. When a Tactical Leader is in the fore, most hear their words and retreat.  


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