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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Intelligence, Dexterity   Roles - DPS, Primary Spellcaster, Party Support  

Class Basics:

Magi are masters of the blade and spell. They are able to enchantments through their weapons strikes, uniting the two through their arcane pool. Additionally they can apply touch spells with weapons, or cast along side a weapon as if they are two weapon fighting. Through Arcana they can create new ways to use their arcane pool. With many abilities that expand their spellbooks they also improve their armor options as they grow in power and many feats.  

History in Dycides:

The Imperial Elves claim their magi tradition existed all the way back into the Age of Dragons, but most agree the first true magus was Elinora Tavrosh during the age of Vacancy. An explorer at heart she lead her warriors to Breath Island, and after slaying a great dragon, she discovered the great stone Blackshard. There she thrust her hand in the stone and retrieved the first Blackblade, Parthal the Grevious. She and her family spread the Blackblades and began the college of Magi. Various Magi organizations exist now, but the most powerful of which is still the mercenary nation of Vetmir.  

Religious Influence:

Most Magi look as the world through a dyad, as both a wizard and fighter, a mixture of two things create a desired result philosophically. The nature of Nethys alone fuffills that idea for many, but others may see two separate dieties in the same light. Taking Irori and Gorum as your guiding light shows a commitment toward self-perfection through spilling blood on endless battlefields. If one takes to Sarenrae and Urgothoa, they see life and undeath as bound in a dance of selflessness and selfishness. Magus often are taught that being a part of two worlds of thought keeps them from slipping from their chosen path.  


+ to ++ (Slightly Positive to Positive)   Magi often come from a well ordered and regulated life, and none more so than the Blackblades of Vetmir. While often mercenary in nature, Magi are treated fairly well and accorded more respect than simple fighters. Seen as slayers of beasts and preservers of the peace they are often given their spell casting materials at a discount or given access to better stock than some. While some stray Magi may be nothing more than cruel tricksters, the Blackblades or Red Market have a tendency to sort them out.  



The most well known Magus group, even precluding the normal magus, the Bladebound or Blackblades, who travel out of Vetmir to solve problems at a local level. At third level gain a sentient weapon called a Black Blade retrieved from the obelisk of souls. The blade itself acts like both a familiar and ally. Though the Bladebound have a diminished arcane pool, their blade has a pool of their own and unique capabilities to go along with it allowing it to be unbreakable, teleport and change its damage type. The blade takes on an identity of it’s own and though it can be only a one handed slashing weapon, it helps it’s master achieve goals that it shares. The Black Blade itself has an alignment that the master holds when it is pulled from the Obelisk, and helps keep it’s master from swaying from that alignment.  

Eldritch Archer

Also taught in the Magi school of Vetmir are Eldritch Archers. Not to be outdone by the blackblades, the Eldritch Archers bond with a non-firearm ranged weapon. This allows them to channel their touch attack magic at as part of a bow attack, allowing their small hit point pool to not be as worrisome, raining damage from a distance. Sadly no ranged weapon has been pulled from the obelisk of souls, but maybe one day that gap will be bridged.  


Imperium Pavos boasts magnificent shipyards, an amazing navy, and a new brand of disturbing magus that developed only in recent years. Combining the spell list of both bard and magus, these Puppetmasters use enchantment and illusions to befuddle their foes, able to channel enchantment spells through their weapons. They can link their enchantments and illusions to each other creating sudden changes in perspective and awareness. Officially any magi that uses enchantments on an unsuspecting citizen, like any caster, is likely to be prosecuted but there have been no recorded cases of it so far. This may be a cover up, or they are so good that no one sees them coming or remembers the interaction.  


Among the magical nation of the Shivan Mageocratic Union an organization is being well funded to match the Magi school in Vetmir. The Magi Consortium trains a new variety of caster, they have christened: Hexcrafters. They combine the hexes of witches as an option to gaining new arcana, and early in their career gain a single potent hex. This gives the Hexcrafter more vital ranged curses to balance their martial nature. Hexcrafter training is a closely guarded secret, and teaching another unregistered person the skill will result in potential execution.  

Staff Magus

“The Original Magi” according to the Imperial elves, the Staff Magus is a foe of great potential. Taking no armor other than light armor, they are masters of using a staff for both attack and defense. Using a magical staff they can recharge spells within it and are efficient at enhancing their damage with it. When presented with the idea that some might use this school of magi against them most Imperials scoff suggesting that animals might learn how to fetch on day, but not become true Staff Magi.  


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