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Minxi's Masterful Mixtures

Minxi can craft Potions, Wands, Scrolls, Wondrous Items, Constructs and Magic Arms & Armor Tips Appreciated!  

Potions, Wands & Scrolls

1st Level

  Adhesive Spittle Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Ant Haul Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Body Capacitance Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Bouncy Body Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Comprehend language Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Cure Light Wounds Potion= 125 gp Wand= 1875 gp Scroll= 63gp   Disguise Self Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Endure Elements Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Enlarge Person Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Extreme Flexibility Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Expeditious Retreat Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Firebelly Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Heightened Awareness Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Phantom Blood Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Reduce Person Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Shield Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Shock Shield Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Tears to Wine Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   Touch of the Sea Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp   True Strike Potion= 25 gp Wand= 375 gp Scroll= 13gp    

2nd Level

  Acute Senses Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Aid Potion= 350 gp Wand= 5250 gp Scroll= 175 gp   Bull’s Strength Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Cat’s Grace Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Cure Moderate Wounds Potion= 350 gp Wand= 5250 gp Scroll= 175 gp   Delay Poison Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Fire Breath Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Fox’s Cunning Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Invisibility Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   See Invisibility Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp   Spider Climb Potion= 150 gp Wand= 2250 gp Scroll= 75 gp    

3rd Level

  Absorbing Touch Potion= 525 gp Wand= 7875 gp Scroll= 263 gp   Disable Construct Potion= 375 gp Wand= 5625 gp Scroll= 188 gp   Displacement Potion= 375 gp Wand= 5625 gp Scroll= 188 gp      

Balms, Medicines and Tonics

Ambrosia (vial)

Price 50 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1 lb. ARG Upon consumption, this heavenly elixir, brewed from holy water and blessed herbs, grants a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against negative energy, energy drain, and death effects for 1 hour, including saves to remove negative levels. Ambrosia affects undead and evil outsiders as holy water.    

Antiemetic snuff

Price 25 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. ACG This snuff can be used to shake off the effects of nausea. If you take it before being exposed to an effect that would give you the nauseated condition and allows a saving throw, you attempt two saving throws against the effect and take the higher result. A single dose provides this benefit for 1 hour.    


Price 25 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. APG If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease for the next hour. If already infected, you may also make two saving throws (without the +5 bonus) that day and use the better result.    


Price 25 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. CR If you drink a vial of antitoxin, you get a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour.    

Fortifying brew

Price 10 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1 lbACG This liquid causes a pleasant warming sensation when consumed. For the next hour, you gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. Using more than 1 dose within 24 hours causes you to become nauseated for 1 hour.    

Gravelly tonic

Price 25 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. ACG This tonic is sludgy, and its scent resembles the tang of iron shavings. Drinking gravelly tonic causes your voice to deepen and become more grating for 1 hour, granting you a +5 alchemical bonus on Intimidate checks.    

Hound’s Blood

Price 110 gp Craft (alchemy) DC 20 Weight — lb. ARG If you apply the thick, red paste known as hound’s blood to your nostrils or upper lip, it greatly enhances your sense of smell. For most creatures, this grants a +2 alchemical bonus on Perception checks for 1 hour. For gnomes, it briefly grants a super-heightened sense of smell, granting the scent ability for 5 minutes, before the potency is reduced to a +2 alchemical bonus on Perception checks for an additional 1 hour.    

Meditation Tea

Price 15 gp; Craft (alchemy) DC 20 Weight — lb. UM Drinking this cloudy tea has a soothing effect that clarifies your thoughts. For 10 minutes after drinking the tea, you gain a +2 alchemical bonus against mind-affecting effects. If you drink meditation tea while suffering from a mind-affecting affect, you may immediately roll another saving throw (with the +2 bonus) against the effect; you may gain this particular benefit only once per day.    

Peptus Salix

Price 15 gp; Craft (alchemy) DC 20 Weight — lb. UE This pink liquid has a horrible chalky taste, but is quite effective at counteracting nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea. A vial taken in small doses during the day, alleviates these symptoms. If you drink an entire vial, for 1 hour you get a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against effects that inflict the nauseated or sickened condition. If you drink a vial of it while suffering from the nauseated or sickened condition, you may immediately roll another saving throw (with the +2 bonus) against the effect; you may gain this particular benefit only once per day. Drinking a vial (whether over the course of a day or all at once) usually turns your tongue black for about a day, though this is a harmless side effect.    


Price 40 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. UE Drinking this crystal-clear liquid accelerates the natural process of healing Constitution damage. Resting for 1 hour after drinking a vial heals you of 1 point of Constitution damage as if you had benefited from a full night’s rest. Taking multiple doses in an hour does not increase the rate of healing; you must take each individually, followed by an hour of rest, for it to have any effect. Using more than 4 doses of padzahr in 1 day has no effect.    

Smelling Salts

Price 13 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight — lb. APG These sharply scented gray crystals cause people inhaling them to regain consciousness. Smelling salts grant you a new saving throw to resist any spell or effect that has already rendered you unconscious or staggered. If exposed to smelling salts while dying, you immediately become conscious and staggered, but must still make stabilization checks each round; if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act and fall unconscious again. A container of smelling salts has dozens of uses if stoppered after each use, but depletes in a matter of hours if left opened.    

Soothe Syrup

Price 8 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight — lb. APG This sweet and wholesome-tasting blue liquid creates a sense of warmth and comfort. Soothe syrup coats your stomach and makes it much more difficult for you to succumb to queasiness. For 1 hour after drinking soothe syrup you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on saving throws made to resist effects that would make you nauseated or sickened.    

Stillgut (vial)

Price 25 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. ARG Drinking a vial of this bland, bluish liquid grants you a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid nausea or sickness for 1 hour. If you are already nauseated, you can drink stillgut as a move action. Drinking it in this fashion grants you a second saving throw (without the +5 bonus). Goblins often use stillgut so they can choke down meat or other foods in stages of rot or decay.    

Soul Stimulant

Price 150 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 30 Weight — lb. UE This soothing elixir was created to counter the energy-draining effects of vampires, wights, and similar horrible creatures. If you have a negative level (whether temporary or permanent), you can drink a dose of soul stimulant, negating the negative level’s penalty for 12 hours. You can only benefit from 1 dose of soul stimulant at a time, though you can continue to take a dose every 12 hours to stave off the negative level’s effects.    

Twitch tonic

Price 45 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — UE This thick syrup is extracted from bitter herbs and enhanced by alchemy to ward against sleep, paralysis, and the staggered condition. If you drink twitch tonic, you gain a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws made against these effects for the next hour. If you drink twitch tonic while suffering from any of these effects, you may immediately roll another saving throw against the effect (with the +2 bonus you may gain this particular benefit only once per day. You can administer twitch tonic to an unconscious or paralyzed creature as a full-round action, similar to administering a potion.    

Vitus Flask

Price 40 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC25 Weight — lb. UE Drinking this crystal-clear liquid accelerates the natural process of healing Constitution damage. Resting for 1 hour after drinking a vial heals the drinker of 1 point of Constitution damage as if the drinker had benefited from a full night’s rest. Taking multiple doses in an hour does not increase the rate of healing; as each dose must be taken individually, followed by an hour of rest, for it to have any effect. Using more than 4 doses in 1 day has no effect.    

Tools, Devices, Special Equipment and Kits

Alchemical Preserves

Price 25 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight — lb. ARG Each small tin of this specially treated jam contains just enough of the gooey stuff to provide a halfling with a single serving of revitalizing nourishment. While any creature can eat these preserves as a standard action, it only affects halflings in a beneficial way. Halflings who eat the preserves recover from fatigue. Non-halflings who eat alchemical preserves become sickened for 1 round.    

Alchemical Glue

Price 10 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 UE Weight 1/2 lb. ARG This glue is stored as two flasks of syrupy liquid. When mixed together and allowed to cure, they form a strong bond. The glue is sufficient to coat 1 square foot of surface, or (because of waste, spills, and inaccurate mixing) up to 20 smaller applications of approximately 2 square inches each. The glue is tacky after 1 minute and fully cured after 1 hour. Pulling apart a large glued surface (at least 1 square foot) requires a DC 20 Strength check for tacky glue or DC 25 for cured glue. Pulling apart a small glued surface (anything less than 1 square foot) is a DC 15 Strength check for tacky glue or DC 20 for cured glue.    

Alchemical Solvent

Price 10 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1/2 lb. ARG This bubbling purple gel eats through adhesives. Each vial can cover a single 5-foot square. It destroys most normal adhesives (such as tar, tree sap, or glue) in a single round but takes 1d4+1 rounds to deal with more powerful adhesives (alchemical glue, tanglefoot bags, spider webbing, and so on). It has no affect on fully magical adhesives, such as sovereign glue.    

Chameleon pill

Price 50 gp;Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight — lb. ISI This pill causes the imbiber’s skin to shift colors and patterns to match whatever is behind her. As long as a significant portion of her skin is exposed (her head and forearms, for example), the imbiber gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks for 4 hours. This bonus doesn’t stack with that granted by invisibility, vanishAPG, or similar magical effects.    

Fire ink

Price 1 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight — lb. ARG This rich yellow ink reacts with a creature's body heat to create a flickering, flamelike glow. It takes 10 minutes to apply fire ink, and 1 dose covers an approximately hand-sized area. Once applied, the ink glows as a candle for 24 hours. Four or more doses applied to the same part of the body glow as a torch for 24 hours. The alchemical reaction of the ink to the target's skin and body heat is painful and irritating, giving the target the sickened condition while the glow lasts. A DC 15 Heal check can temporarily soothe these sensations, negating the sickened condition for 1 hour. Creatures immune or resistant to fire are immune to this sickening effect. Ifrits are especially known for their fondness for fire ink, and ifrit fire-dancers often decorate their skin with flaming designs before performing. A concentrated version of the ink costs 10 times as much and can be used to make permanently glowing tattoos.    

Flash Powder

Price 25 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1 lb. APG This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor (a standard action). Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Fortitude DC 13 negates).    

Glowing Ink

Price 3 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight — lb. UE Often extracted from phosphorescent insects, tiny marine plants, or subterranean fungi, glowing ink emits a faint but steady light (typically red or green) that allows you to read it in normal darkness—this includes darkness created by spells like darkness, but not the supernatural darkness created by deeper darkness. If there is glowing ink on an object, you have a +2 bonus on Perception checks to locate it. Mixing glowing ink with marker dye makes the dye glow in the dark until it fades.    

Ink, Invisible

Type Price DC Weight Source Simple 1 gp 15 — UE Average 5 gp 20 — UE Good 13 gp 20 — UE Superior 38 gp 25 — UE Invisible ink is a staple of spies, rebels, and secret societies everywhere. Messages written with invisible ink only become visible under specific circumstances. Revealing the secret message with the proper triggering agent is a full-round action per page of text. A successful Craft (alchemy) check reveals the message without the proper trigger and takes 1 hour (the DC varies by ink quality). Simple: This ink is keyed to a single, fairly common trigger, such as heat or vinegar (DC 20 to reveal without the trigger). Average: This ink is keyed to either two common triggers or one uncommon trigger, such as blood or acid (DC 25 to reveal without the trigger). Good: This ink is keyed to either two uncommon triggers or one rare trigger, such as a specific vintage of wine or a specific kind of monster’s blood (DC 30 to reveal without the trigger). Superior: This ink is keyed to either two rare triggers or one unique trigger, such as the blood of a specific person (DC 35 to reveal without the trigger).      

Impact Foam

Price 13 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1 lb. UE This milky white liquid bubbles into a 1-foot-thick semisolid sheet of foam when splashed across the ground. You can spend a minute to apply a flask of impact foam to a 10-foot-radius area, or you can throw the flask as a splash weapon. The foam does not interfere with movement, but reacts strongly to sudden force. A creature that falls onto a sheet of impact foam ignores the first 1d6 points of falling damage and converts the second 1d6 points of falling damage into nonlethal damage. A sheet of impact foam dissolves after 10 minutes or when exposed to at least a gallon of water    

Light Fire ink

Price 20 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. ACG This alchemically infused ink ensures secret messages destroy themselves after being read. If light strikes the ink after it has dried, chemicals cause it to spontaneously combust within about a minute. The combustion is small—not significant enough to ignite anything but paper. Ink used on other materials such as stone or wood simply vanishes, leaving no trace of the writing. A vial of this ink holds enough to write 10 brief messages of no more than 50 words each.    


Price 5 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1 lb. ARG This 1-foot-long, silver-tipped tin rod glows dimly when struck as a standard action. It sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius. However, the light given off by a moonrod is particularly easily to perceive for creatures with low-light vision. For such creatures, a moonrod increases the light level by one step (to a maximum of normal) for a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the silver tip is burned out and worthless.    

Normal Powder

Price 1 cp; Create: Craft (alchemy) DC – Weight 1/2 lb. APG Powdered chalk, flour, and similar materials are popular with adventurers for their utility in pinpointing invisible creatures. Throwing a bag of powder into a square is an attack against AC 5, and momentarily reveals if there is an invisible creature there. A much more effective method is to spread powder on a surface (which takes 1 full round) and look for footprints.    

Reagent paper

Price 1 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight — lb. ACG This slip of paper can aid in the identifying of liquids. Its color changes in accordance to basic traits such as acidity, salinity, or magic. This confers a +2 alchemical bonus on any Craft (alchemy) or Spellcraft check made to identify potions or other liquids.    

Rhinarium paste

Price 38 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1/2 lb. MC When applied to the nose as a standard action, this alchemical paste traps airborne particles and sharpens your olfactory receptors, heightening your sense of smell. You gain the scent ability, except you can detect creatures and odors at only half the distance. If you already have the scent ability, rhinarium paste increases the range at which you can detect creatures by 50%. Rhinarium paste’s effects lasts for 1 hour. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.    

Smoke pellet

Price 25 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight — UE This small clay sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier. When you break the sphere, the substances mingle and fill a 5-foot square with a cloud of foul but harmless yellow smoke. The smoke pellet acts as a smokestick, except the smoke only lasts for 1 round before dispersing. You may throw a smoke pellet as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.    

Sneezing Powder

Price 13 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 2lb. APG This coarse yellowish-red powder is a splash weapon that causes uncontrollable sneezing for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone standing in the square of impact must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make DC 8 Fortitude saves. Creatures affected by sneezing powder must make a DC 10 Fortitude save every round for the duration or be staggered until their next turn.    

Spider Sac

Price 15 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1lb. ARG Despite their name, spider sacs have nothing to do with spiders but rather are alchemical devices with a unique delivery system. Used for climbing as well as combat, these grayish, gourd-like pouches are made of a specially grown fungus with a tough but rubbery exterior. The fungoid is carefully harvested, pierced at one end, hollowed out, and then injected with a strong alchemical adhesive that hardens to a fibrous material almost instantly when exposed to air. When squeezed, a spider sac’s adhesive shoots out to a maximum range of 10 feet and sticks to whatever it strikes, whereupon the strand dries instantly into a durable fibrous rope. For the purposes of climbing, treat a spider sac as a grappling hook except that all surfaces are AC 5. A spider sac can also be used as a lasso except with AC 10, 4 hit points, and a DC 24 Strength check to burst. A spider sac is a single-use item.    

Stink ink (common)

Price 3 gp;Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight 1 lb. ARG Stink ink is a special, pungent, musk-based ink that allows its user to encode information with smell rather than visually. Stink ink dries clear but its sharp, extremely localized smell can be picked out by those with sensitive enough noses to make it possible to read by sense of smell. Only creatures with the keen senses trait or scent ability can read stink ink without aid of some form of magic. Reading or writing something with stink ink takes twice as long as going through the same amount of information written in normal ink.    


Price 1 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1 lb. CR This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped iron rod glows brightly when struck (a standard action). It sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A sunrod does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.     Tangleburn bag Price 150 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 30 Weight 5 lbs. UE This sack contains tanglefoot bag materials and alchemical powders that burn at a high temperature. It functions like a tanglefoot bag, plus a direct hit on a creature deals 1d6 points of fire damage, and the creature must make a DC 20 Reflex save or catch on fire. If it catches on fire, for the next 2 rounds extinguishing the flames is a DC 25 Reflex save instead of a DC 15 save, and using water to extinguish the flames creates a burst of burning material equivalent to alchemist’s fire making a direct hit on the target (including splash damage). After the initial 2 rounds, the flames may be extinguished as normal. Crafting this item is a DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.    

Tanglefoot Bag

Price 25 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 4lb. CR A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell’s level or be unable to cast the spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.    


Price 15 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1lb. CR You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a –4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don’t need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.    


Price 1 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight — lb. CR The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.    

Misc. Substances


Price 15 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC: 15 Weight 1lb. CR You can throw a flask of acid as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of acid damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash.    

Alchemical Grease

Price 8 gp Craft (Alchemy) DC 5 Weight — lb. ARG Each pot of this slick black goo has sufficient contents to cover one Medium or two Small creatures. If you coat yourself in alchemical grease, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to your CMD to avoid being grappled; this lasts 4 hours or until you wash it off.    

Alchemist’s Kindness

Price 1 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) Weight — lb. APG Favored by young rakes and others of means, this is a crystalline powder resembling salt. Mixed with water, it makes a fizzing cocktail that eliminates the effects of a hangover within 10 minutes of drinking it    

Alkali Flask

Price 8 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1 lb. APG This flask of caustic liquid reacts with an ooze’s natural acids. You can throw an alkali flask as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Against non-ooze creatures, an alkali flask functions as a normal flask of acid. Against oozes and other acid-based creatures, the alkali flask inflicts double damage.    

Armor Ointment

Price 15 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight 1 lb. This thick lubricant makes the joints of armor move more freely. Applying the ointment takes 1 minute and reduces your armor’s armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of –1) for 8 hours.    


Price 20 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 15 Weight 1 lb. APG This clear resin protects a weapon from harmful attacks from oozes, rust monsters, and similar effects that corrode or melt weapons, rendering the weapon immune for 24 hours. One pot can coat one two-handed weapon, two one-handed or light weapons, or 50 ammunition items. Applying it takes 1 full round. Immersing the weapon in water or similar liquid washes it off.    

Brewed Reek

Price 20 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 ARG Animal musk, spoiled meat, pungent plants, and any other foul-smelling substances on hand go into a batch of brewed reek. When boiled, this mixture becomes a thick alchemical slime that adheres to anything it touches. You can hurl brewed reek as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A creature struck with a direct hit must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or be sickened for 2d6 rounds. If the target fails its save, it must make a second Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. Creatures in the splash area must make a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round. A creature that drinks brewed reek does not get a saving throw and is sickened for 2d6 rounds and nauseated for 1 round.    


Price 15 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. UE This milky fluid can be mixed with water to quickly kill light and medium vegetation. One flask of defoliant kills light brush and small trees in 50 5-foot squares. Light vegetation (anything but trees) dies within 1 hour and can be cleared at a rate of 10 minutes per 5-foot square (representing uprooting dead plants and breaking stumps into gravel-sized pieces), leaving barren ground. Medium vegetation (anything but massive trees) dies in 2 hours and can be cleared at a rate of 1 hour per 5-foot square. Massive trees can usually survive a single dose of defoliant, and using defoliant doesn’t make clearing them any easier. Defoliant can be used as a splash weapon against plant creatures. A direct hit with the undiluted fluid deals 1d6 hit points of damage, 1 point of Strength damage, and 1 point of Constitution damage (Fortitude DC 20 negates the Strength and Constitution damage plant creatures within 5 feet of the target take 1 hit point of damage    

Elemental Breath

Price 80 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC -– Weight 1-2 lb. ARG This vial at first seems to be empty, but when it’s opened, a rush of wind issues forth from within. When elemental breath is inhaled (as drinking a potion) by an air-breathing creature, that creature does not need to breath air for 10 rounds. A vial of elemental breath must be inhaled on the round it was opened to gain this effect. If it is not, the item is wasted.    

Fire Ward Gel

Price 75 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1 lb. UM When you apply this thin gel to your skin, armor, or clothing, it creates a resistant barrier that protects you from fire or heat damage. You gain fire resistance 5. The gel burns away as it absorbs fire damage; when it absorbs a total of 20 points of fire damage, it is discharged. Fire ward gel counts as protection from energy for the purpose of stacking multiple fire protection effects. Applying fire ward gel takes 1 minute, and it lasts for 1 hour before losing its potency. Multiple applications of fire ward gel do not stack; applying more while a dose is active merely resets the potential amount of fire damage absorbed to 20 points.    

Frost Ward Gel

Price 75 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1 lb. UE When you apply this thin gel to your skin, armor, or clothing, it creates a resistant barrier that protects you from cold damage. You gain cold resistance 5. The gel flakes away as it absorbs cold damage; when it absorbs a total of 20 points of cold damage, it is discharged. Frost ward gel counts as protection from energy for the purpose of stacking multiple cold protection effects. Applying frost ward gel takes 1 minute, and it lasts for 1 hour before losing its potency. Multiple applications of frost ward gel do not stack; applying more while a dose is active merely resets the potential amount of cold damage absorbed to 20 points.    

Liquid Ice

Price 20 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight — lb. APG Also known as “alchemist’s ice,” this sealed jar of crystalline blue fluid immediately starts to evaporate once opened. During the next 1d6 rounds, you can use it to freeze a liquid or to coat an object in a thin layer of ice. You can also throw liquid ice as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of cold damage; creatures within 5 feet of where it hits take 1 point of cold damage from the splash.    

Liquid traction

Price 13 gp; Craft (Alchemy) DC 20 Weight 1 lb. ACG This glass bottle is filled with sticky goo prized by sailors for the additional traction it grants on ship decks. When applied to the soles of footwear and allowed to dry for 1 hour, liquid traction grants a +2 alchemical bonus on Acrobatics checks to keep your balance and a +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush. Liquid traction has no effect when it comes into contact with very slick or unnaturally slick surfaces such as ice or grease.    

Unstable Accelerant

Price 25 gp; Create: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25 Weight 1/2 lb. ARG A volatile mix of incendiary reagents, unstable accelerant can be thrown just like alchemist’s fire. In the hands of an alchemist, a flask of unstable accelerant can be used as part of creating a bomb, increasing its fire damage by +1d6 points. It has no effect on bombs that do not deal fire damage. If the bomb lasts for more than an instant, the extra damage only applies to the first round’s damage.


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