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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom   Roles - Tank, DPS   Any Lawful  

Class Basics:

A general note: Either use an archetype and the base version of monk, and if you are not choose unchained monk (though perfect scholars make fine unchained monks). In the Dycides ALL monks lose proficiency in kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, siangham, and temple swords because they don’t exist in the land. Instead they gain proficiency in sickle, dart, spiked chain, whip, punching dagger and khopesh (a weapon from the desert regions of the South).   Unchained monks are a streamlined version of the original monk, giving their abilities strength in an easier to use system. Using a mixture of kicks elbows and fists, they swing a flurry of blows while still being able to carry weapons. Their hands alone can be lethal weapons, or stunning attacks. They are talented in being evasive and fast rather than absorbing blows they dodge them. Using Ki and Ki powers, and style strikes they create a storm of special abilities that alter their strikes further.  

History in Dycides:

While the first Monks were the aesthetic Oread Genieborn, many of the nameless soldiers ravaged by the wars of the age of invasion, sought solace amongst them. Taught the ways of inner peace this new order of monks spread amongst the people to help aid in reconstruction of lost lands and lives. Since the various monasteries that exist are places of a reserved people whose potential could sway the Dycides.  

Religious Influence:

Irori is the primary deity to most monks. His followers seek mental and physical perfection, which is what most monks seek. That said there are a large contingent of monks of Abadar especially at high table. The monks of Abadar are peacekeepers, acting as police and judges in many communities. As all monks hold themselves to law and discipline, they are seen as impersonal. Many forget they are just as susceptible to the lure of good or evil as anyone else. Just as a monk or Iomedae can exist, so can a monk of Asomdeus.  


+ to ++ (Slightly Positive to Positive)   The monasteries of the world will take in the sick, injured or homeless of the world, heal their wounds, and teach them ways to improve themselves. That assumed a Monk with proofs of their monastery will be treated as well, especially if the monks have helped their town in the past. Monks of Abadar often play the roles of Judges, and guardians in cities and are given even higher honors.  


Perfect Scholar

Often the caretakers and librarians of Salvan, the perfect scholars trade some of their support skills for a truly enchanced mind. Still with the physical prowess of an unchained monk, they forgo some ki powers in exchange for a bard like mastery of lore. Their knowledge of a foe can lead to breakthrough attacks, and eventually a form of true spiritual perfection.  

Zen Archer

On some of the steepest mountains on Tenacity Hold is a temple that has trained archers in true accuracy and speed. Instead of a normal flurry of blows they launch a flurry of arrows and have an adjusted feats list to further augment their accuracy. Making the perfect arrow strike is nothing to a zen archer who later uses their wisdom rather than dexterity to fire a shot. Over time the Zen archer becomes a master of the bow and able to enhance ki power onto bow shots and even shoot around corners.  


The Oread are the original Monks taking spiritual mindedness and peace to the next level. That said no one wrestles a Tetori (Terran for “unassailable wall”) and wins. Going without a flurry of blows, the Tetori instead grapples foes, and can even grapple creatures larger then themselves using their ki pool. As the Tetori grows, the enemies that can escape their grapple shrinks, even eventually able to grasp those with freedom of movement, the incorporeal, and even revert druids or shapeshifts back into their former form. At higher proficiency snapping an opponent’s neck comes with ease, but no Oread would do such a thing, or at least there are no records of it.  

Monk of the Four Winds

Those that study in a High Table are enhanced by the blessings of Geniekind. This is now primarily a privilege for the Abadar monks who view it as a blessing of the old benefactors whose thrones they serve by keeping the Dycides a peaceful place. Rather than stunning firsts they infuse their fist with elemental damage. They can through exhausting Ki slow the travel of time, allowing them to take many actions at once. Some of the greatest monks have taken on strange features creating permanent augments to their nature.  


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