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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Dexterity, Constitution   Roles - Scout, Skill Monkey, Party Face, DPS  

Class Basics:

Note: You should be an unchained rogue, it’s just better, and it works with all archetypes. Don’t look back. It’s the flat better choice.   Masters of a dexterous strike, rogues are one of the strongest single target damage classes in the game. Unchained, that potential has gone up, no longer reliant on strength and dexterity to define their hit chance and damage. They find traps, evade them and other threats and can debilitate enemies creating stacking debuffs. Able to further personalize with rogue talents, they also have gained the ability to unlock skills with and further augment them, making them true skill masters.  

History in Dycides:

The Rogue as a lifestyle is fairly new occurrence in the Dycides. The established Red Market was dominated by the established grim Slayers tradition were unlikely to let any other underworld folk establish themselves. Talented rogues of Ethium joined the Dycides only looking out for themselves in a new landscape. With no infrastructure around them, rogues are usually trained by one master or are self-made folk looking the right moment to make their mark.  

Religious Influence:

Most rogues have very little deep abiding belief in anyone or anything beyond themselves. They will say what is needed in the moment and may know enough about a religion enough to gain the favor of it’s worshippers in that moment. Most see all faith as ideals that people wish they could achieve but are constantly failing to live up to. With a cynical eye, rogues see chances to gain success through exploiting faith. That said, a few true believers exist among rogues and they commit their vast skill and cunning blades to the needs of their faith to grow, with a moral flexibility that no cleric, champion or even inquisitor has.  


0 to -- (Neutral to Negative)   Rogues are an excellent case of self-Pharasman prophesy. Rogues are often talented at picking locks, evading traps and sneaking. Due to this they are assumed to be disreputable and are given subpar treatment. This makes them only find disreputable jobs, and fulfill the exact role they are assumed to play into. Those Rogues that go out of their way to show themselves as law abiding, helping design better locks, ensure their town’s safety and work with local guards to apprehend criminals are the ones who eventually find acceptance, even though the path was difficult from the start.  



Legends tell that The Lost Way is home to some of the most terrifying poisonous plants in all of the Dycides. Engineered by the Druids of their Death Games, only wary rogues would ever want to risk their lives for such poisons. All are the Poisoners. Forgoing a skill with traps and devices Poisoners are constantly on the look out for new potent poisons to use of their enemies debilitating them before going in for the kill. Subtle and scheming, they are some of the most notorious rogues as they can cause chaos with a breath or a bite.  


The Sylphs of Goliath’s Altar know that to stay still is to stagnate. Always moving from one end of the Dycides to the other, their martial abilities reflect in their busy speed. The Scouts, though masters of stealth can charge mid combat to catch their enemies flat-footed. Always on the move or bursting from unexpected places Scouts exemplify “stab and run.”  

Knife Master

Davos presents itself as a good island filled with hardworking folk to the people of Ethium. Some Dycides folk know better, aware that the knife masters flourish in this waystation. Able to maximize a successful sneak attack, the knife masters victims are usually dead before they are aware they have been stabbed. Specializing in knives only, their knowledge with them allows them to hide knives with ease and even predict their movement when used by an enemy.  

Counterfeit Mage

There are few magic folk in the Seasword Alliance. Possibly the brutish nature of it’s citizens, or their thuggish occupation of cities that they did not build themselves wards casters away. Much to their relief, those without the capacity of great strength or constitution become Counterfeit Mages. Excellent at using magic devices they become masters of both blade and wand, creating desired magical effects, healing their parties, or simply causing chaos with a flick of a wrist and a plethora of pilfered wands.  


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