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Shadowstitched Halflings

The Shadowstitched halflings were designed by the Coalhearts to be both the perfect guard dogs among their enslaved brethren, and infiltrators to collect more slaves to serve in the mines. Their need to cause pain may have something to due with their almost universal worship of Zon-Kuthon. Bred for intelligence and depravity, eventually the Coalhearts pushed their favored pincushions possibly too far and a violent uprising where King Trumoth Blackfist was ripped apart by his own trusted Shadowstitched servants. Since then the Plutocracy has risen under Surga Stoneaxe, and the Shadowstitched have been treated with more care, as they have the potential to bite back.  

Physical Description:

They are the average proportions of the three halfling people when it comes to height and weight but that’s where similarities end. Their skin is often closer to alabaster than their sun dapples cousins, they have large glassy eyes, and the average strength of a man built into a tiny package. Their ability to freeze in place and doll-like appearance is only part of their shadowy skillset, but the one that the unacquainted initially feel sorry for. Until they attack with goblin like cruel glee.  


Some say the uprising of the Shadowstitched was a plan by Surga Stoneaxe to seize power, others believe that King Blackfist angered Zon-Kuthon. Regardless of what happened in the past, a portion of the population of Shadowstitched feared reprisal and vanished into the greater lands of Ethium. Cruel and twisted from birth, some have sought to reject that path, and find a different motivation for life. Those bound tightest to Zon-Kuthon seek to spread his cruelty to others to have them reach his salvation. Other halflings are terrified of, and for, the Shadowstitched. Seeing one of their own so twisted toward violence and pain is disconcerting, and the Shadowstitched that have broken away from Dwarven rule do not find homes among their distant relatives.  


Most see the Shadowstitched as abducting monsters or torturers, and that is true about many of them. Imperial Elves more than any point out this is why lesser being were not meant to meddle in creating new lineages. Wild Eye gnomes are the most likely people to extend an olive branch to a Shadowstitched, seeing them as lost in their own cruel madness and in need of support. Others who understand their lineage are less likely to give them a second chance, one which those trying to reform themselves desperately need. Those that worship Shelyn believe it may be possible to cleanse the Shadowstitched of the evil influence of her brother. Only time will tell.  

Alignment and Religion:

Something about the Shadowstitched draws them to the shadows of Zon-Kuthon. While some worship him as clerics or oracles, most find joy in wizardry or witchcraft, specializing in pain. Those who do could be an inspiration to the cult of Greyson, by bringing pain not only physical or emotional but spiritual. Some more chaotic and martial individuals choose Gorum as a way to bring forth great pain. Shadowstitched who have disconnected from the web of the midnight lord, seek desperately to purge that evil taint from their beings, but without help in a world that doesn’t believe them they are inescapably pulled back into his vice of exquisite torture. This pleases Zon-Kuthon most as it confirms no one truly leaves his faith.  


If a Shadowstitched wants to avoid being killed and hunted themselves they need to find a place in the world. The rare few that can suppress their traitorous tendencies are allowed a trial membership to an adventurers guild, but few expect them to last long without a relapse and needing to be hunted themselves. Adventuring gives them the chance to hurt other sentient being much more often than a city guard might. Those trying to reform find such guilds a place to prove to others they can stop their cruel ways, leaving their allies to be their judges that they have found their way from Zon-Kuthon’s clutches. Wizardry comes second nature to the Shadowstitched, as can the role of a rogue, magus, or slayer.  

Stats Block

Ability Score: (+2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha) Shadowstitched are unsettling beings, but have analytical minds and resilient bodies.   Size: Shadowstitched are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.   Type: Shadowstitched are humanoids with the Halfling subtype.   Base Speed: Shadowstitched have a base speed of 20 feet.   Languages: Shadowstitched begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Shadowstitched with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Gnoll, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.   Fearless: Shadowstitched receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.   Darkvision: Shadowstitched can see in the dark up to 60 feet.   Halfling Luck: Shadowstitched receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.   Creepy Doll: Glassy eyes and porcelain skin make Shadowstitched look more like dolls than living creatures. If they cease moving and pretend to be a doll while they aren’t being observed, they can use the Stealth skill without cover or concealment. A successful Stealth check still allows other creatures to notice the Shadowstitched; they just believe the halfling is a doll, similar to the freeze universal monster ability (without being able to take 20). In addition, they take no size penalty on Intimidate checks against larger humanoids.   Shadowplay: Shadowstitched cast spells with the darkness, light, or shadow descriptor at +1 caster level.   Skulker: Shadowstitched train from a young age to take advantage of times when their oppressors ignore them. Shadowstitched gain a +1 racial bonus on attacks against foes who are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC.  
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