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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Charisma, Dexterity   Roles - Blaster Caster, DPS, Party Face  

Class Basics:

The classic spontaneous arcane caster, a sorcerer's bloodline is what defines them. Giving them access to specific feats, spells, and abilities, their bloodline gives them a unique take on the casting environment.  

History in Dycides:

In the ancient age of Dragons, the sorcerers were the only arcane magic in the Dycides. Powered by blood and rage at their state of life, when discovered by dragons they were often slain. Among the Imperial Elves powerful sorcerers were part of what kept their land free of Dragons for so long. Over the ages sorcerers have been seen as both bad and good luck. In the case of Ethium, a strange path toward a single god king, who was obviously struck by the struggles of the ancient sorcerers who fought in the ancient ages to survive.  

Religious Influence:

After the events in Ethium in recent years, no one has a stranger perspective on religion than the sorcerer. Atar was worshipped as a God whose humble origin as a sorcerer made their faithful believe that sorcerers were akin to a better people. In response, the Dycides has indirectly made Sorcerers face a more challenging life to compensate an irrational fear that something as terrifying as that could happen in the Dycides. Sorcerers in the Dycides may find themselves worshipping the Gods as a societal obligation so that they are not becoming presumptuous as Atar became. While the obvious appeal of worshipping Nethys makes sense, many sorcerers view the entire pantheon with reverence, if nothing else to keep uncomfortable rumors at bay.  


+ to - (Slightly Positive to Slightly Negative)   In Magocracies sorcerers are well paid and proud members of their community, they have the respect of their peers and are accepted. Outside of these lands they are treated with mild distrust unless going out of their way to show a pious nature. “Atar changed the world” is something all Dycides citizens say to the Ethium faithfuls. They omit the “for the worse” until after they leave the premises. Sorcerers who show too much power lust for themselves are treated with concern, often stopped by people and reminded not to “Go Atar” on the people, otherwise consequences will fall.  



Across the Dycides from the Covenant of the Half Moon the Seekers have spread. They look for holy sites where Atar once stood to see if their magical bloodline is associated with his. Most Seekers are eager to teach their ways in hopes of finding hidden children of Atar in the Dycides. Seekers tinker with ancient devices in hidden caverns and have a knack for disabling traps. As the seeker gains more power their obsession with their own blood further enhances their bloodline spells. Seekers bloodline spells become so ingrained they are able to enhance them with metamagic with little alteration to their difficulty of the spell.  

False Priest

Some believe the bridge between Divine and Arcane are two roads that cannot cross. False Priest would beg to differ, what with enough tenacity a crossroads can form. Deep in Duskmouth Halls they learn the ins and outs of divine magic and religious structures, False Priests learn how to activate divine scrolls and wands with ease. Though some leave their training early, and become the charlatans many think they are, with time and effort they cane use scrolls and wands with their own arcane magic slots never consuming the item in the process. The best false priests take to hoarding scrolls to open their casting capacity almost as wide as the fabled mystic theurge.  

Eldritch Scrapper

In the mountains of Mezal there are dead zones where elemental magic cannot function. The Free Cities of Mezal have adapted two breeds of sorcerer to help keep these lands clear. First is the Eldritch Scrapper whose origins are from the Gevati side of the mountains. Somewhat similar to a magi in that using magic and physical might are second nature, most instead become masters of transformation magic, turning themselves into great bestial creatures then enhancing themselves with appropriate feats through martial flexibility. Able to lay waste to the dangers of the mountains they work with the Silverblood Stone Warders to keep trade coming through.  

Stone Warder

In the Free Cities of Mezal the Stone Warder holds the law in their rough hands. Unable to cast any standard energy types they instead tap into their mighty earth home to augment their casting. With spells of acid and stone they are able to lay hidden magical traps in the form of runes. When the Stone Warders stay out it usually means there is a trap there and don’t be nosey. In recent years Stone Warders have branched out to teaching others of the correct bloodline their talents to help boost trade to their land.  

Tattooed Sorcerer

The apex of study and practice the Tattooed Sorcerers of the Shivan Magocratic Union have become a set of specialists all their own. The Ethium Tattoos that determined rank were a childish recreation of the true power that resides in the S.M.U. Often skilled in Varisian tattoo artistry themselves, their tattoos spread over their body throughout their life as they gain power. Unlike Varisian tattoos which emulate a magical item, the Tattooed sorcerers can cast spells through their tattoos. In general always busy, the Tattooed sorcerer can aid others to emulate their abilities, with enough time and skin surface area.  


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