Talon Span Settlement in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Talon Span

-   Building on South Shore: Dockmasters Office, Ship Building, Local Militia                       Trade Exchange Hall (For Trading Foreign Coins/Goods)   Westwind Inn, Sunset Over Westflood, Longsong Hotel, The Martell (Various Civilian Hotels)   Laughing Stag Bar, Georgio's Garden, Trembling Tiger Steakhouse, Nilaro's Sushi and Smoked Meats, Tipsy Shoe Tavern, Three Sails Pub (Restaurants and Bars for Civilians)   Esthers Companions (Prostitution)   Scio's Meat, Dairy, Cheese, Grocers, Fishmongers (Various base foods)   Fairy Arch Gallery (Art Gallery)   Dragonbone Manor (Mayors Residence)         Abadar Banking (Town Bank and Storage)   Cartographer's Guild Hall (Map Exchange)   Ten Stone Circle (Cultural Landmark)   Desna's Fortune (External Temple and Meditation Location)   Halls of Judgement (Court & Town Hall)   Five River Company Suites (Hotel for high members of the Five River Company)   Festival Grounds (Town Meeting Space)   Under Construction (Abandoned Construction)   Clev's Low Library (Library +2 Arcane, History, Religion, Local)   Housing and Apartments (Locals population housing)         Ilya's Tattoos, Oleo's Tool Shed, The Sackhole (Shops for Mercs, Sailors, and Traders)   Red Market (Hunting People for Pay)   Scylav's Greenhouse (Potion Supplies/Magic Herbs)   Povernak Designs (Architect/Engineering)   Home and Hearth Armor (Abandoned Building)   Woodhand Carpentry (Carpentry and Boat Designs)   Bars Capering Panda (Mercs), The Blue Snake (Lizardfolk & Traders), Otters Watering Hole (Sailors)   Local food by increasing qualities: Williams Widebowl, Flyte's Sandwiches, and Mama's Meals   Warden's Office (Rules about local woods)                     Warehouses for all Civilian Goods   Emergency Food Storage under lock and key   Empty Space (Supposed to be used for excess food storage, often used for clandestine purposes)                                         Personal Storage linked through Abadar Banking House   Barracks also Training Halls for Guards   Houses of Healing for Longterm Care   Waste Management for Raw Sewage                                   Under City Slums (people who cannot pay taxes but need shelter)   Construction Facility (Abandoned at the moment)   Mausoleum (For those that can afford it, old families, signifigant people)   Warehouse for Traders


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