Twin Talon Mercenary Company Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Twin Talon Mercenary Company

Twin Talon Mercenary Company

  Finn Yuntol  
  Troy Storm  
  Itha Yuntol  
  Leytan Sixspirit  
  Kelly Tallgrass

Twin Talon Mercs

  Andromeda Scalding  
  Beatrix Khedves  
  Brun Widebeard  
  Eladin Hydra  
  Hugo Mishra  
  Kivensa Talizar  
  Len Kuznetzo  
  Litho Westflow  
  Vorcha Slightpaw

Twin Talon Employees

  Borris Hargrave  
  Sandy Proudfoot

Twin Talon Rejected Mercs

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
To Talon Span   To Twin Talons   NPCs of Talon Span   General NPC Index


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