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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Intelligence, Dexterity, Constitution Roles - Primary Spellcaster, Toolbox, DPS  

Class Basics:

The classic preparation arcane caster, Wizards typically specialize in a specific field of magic, ignoring others to grant them arcane school potency. While blasting wizards are common enough, any variety of magic used with guile and timing can create devastation for enemies. They also gain a familiar or bonded object to further enhance their abilities. They also gain metamagic feats to help further enhance their spell casting.  

History in Dycides:

At the end of the Age of Dragons and the beginning of the next age, dragon hoards were breached and other sources of knowledge were gathered. From with influx of arcane knowledge came the first Wizards. The idea that arcane knowledge could be taught rather than inherited changed the perspective on magic across Ethium. The Magocracies that exist today are still benefitting from that age of plenty where spellcasting suddenly became more wide spread.  

Religious Influence:

All Wizards worship Nethys.   Not really, but that is the vast majority. Some worship nothing at all but simply think of magic as the control of the multiverse itself. Wizards who worship another deity are rare, and more often than not see their worship as a fanatical devotion to their ideals. It would be wonderful if that was most often to Good deities, but sadly those that stray from Nethys’ ideals often do so to find a darker design for the world.  


+ to +++ (Slightly Positive to Very Positive) Wizards are seen as positively in a community they serve as Clerics. A wizard visiting a town is often given access to libraries of arcane knowledge with ease. The worry most people have is if an enchanter or necromancer has come to town, and when that is shown to be false they are inundated with requests from the community who crave magic from those whose understanding is greatest. Wizards may not be the most socially capable people but are not disliked for their brisk nature, but most understand them to be busy folk not assuming but hoping a wizard can fix most things.  


Scroll Scholar

In Goliath’s Altar knowledge is king, and applying that knowledge for an argument determines worth. It should be no surprise then a kind of wizard like the scroll scholar would arise there. Diviners and Universalists all, they further tap into knowledge and are the foremost decipherers of secret knowledge. With flashes of insight granting them potential in combat, the scroll scholar is likely to not only know the care your looking for but also its history, morphology, geology, and how many Bulettes likely live there right now.  


The Iron Grasp is populated by many who live every moment of their lives in darkness. Light when conjured usually is for some greater intent, one of which is to create shadows. A shadowcaster further enhances their darkvision as well as their number of spell slots. When summoning forms or illusions from the plane of shadow they are further enhanced, making them more and more real. Great woe befalls those who bring light before a shadowcaster for they only strengthen their power.  


Amid the Duskmouth Halls magic is tested and prodded to create new potency. This magic is not limited or regulated as in the Shivan Magocratic Union, or bordering into the scientific study in the Pillar corridor, or ever carefully controlled as in the Vetmir colleges. Magic is free and no one represents that more than the primalist. Pushing the very nature of magic in the universe Primalists create Primal Magic events to further expand their casting. This many be damaging the universe in some fundamental ways, but without risk Duskmouth Hall would still be a backwater. Primalists eventually begin to control the uncontrollable helping influence the events they drag into exitance.   ((Note: The example Primal Magic Event online is only an example, if you choose this class I’ll have a fascinating chaotic potential hidden list just for you!))  

Bonded Wizard

One acknowledged weakness that people see in the Shivan Magocratic Union in not training any warriors able to armor themselves on a great level. Outside of the magi people think this is true but most do not see the defensive capabilities of the Bonded wizard. Able to hide their energy in a durable bonded item on their person, they can conjure mage armor and shield without spending spell slots, and has the wizard becomes more experienced these armors become stronger. In a pink a weapon of great power can be conjured or just the right tool for the moment at hand.  


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