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Darkness Mana

Darkness Mana, also known as Dark Mana, is the "Evil Virtue" type of Celestial Mana, and falls under the subcategory of "Virtue Mana". Darkness Mana is a black energy that empowers those that consume it, can inflict disease and rot, and has the power to "corrupt" its users. Equally destructive as the Light, Darkness came about as a byproduct created by the shadows casted by the Light when the universe was being formed, as a means to balance and equalize the Mana that flowed across the universe, for where there's light, there's always darkness. Shu'galo, Darkness Incarnate, was born from the coalescence and convergence of the shadows casted by Ada'n's light, and sought to extinguish it. Unbeknownst to Shu'galo, however, the vast excess of darkness would rot the countless worlds in the universe, leaving it engulfed in perpetual, cold darkness.
  Unlike Light Mana, there are no primary users of Darkness Mana. In the world of The Earth Chronicles, Darkness Mana is scarcely found in the shape of darkened purple crystal formations. After Azriel began his assault on the Elder Gods, Shu'galo's presence and influence on the world became more present, and thus the Darkness Mana crystals began to form. The most notable Darkness Mana users are Genova and Thenchi.


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