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Eopian Guardian Gloria is one of the playable characters of The Earth Chronicles II. She's a Mana Sprite that hails from the floating island of Eopi with the solemn duty to watch over Webb Island for any imbalances of Mana. With a very calm and respectable demeanor, Gloria excels in dealing Magic damage to her opponents with the option to grant caster-specific buffs.


Gloria is the resident Mage of the group, able to cast powerful Fire, Ice, and Arcane spells. Each Mana school has its own playstyle, like Fire applying Damage-Over-Time debuffs and increasing Gloria's Critical Chance stat, or Ice spells that slow down her enemies's Haste, completely Freezing them, and granting her great defenses. Her Arcane spells can develop into high-damage, high-cost abilities and self-buffs to greatly increase her damage output at the cost defenses.



This is Gloria's Fire-centric specialization. As a Pyromancer, Gloria can dish out powerful Fire abilities that are not only strong, but can apply "Burn" debuffs to deal Damage-Over-Time. Higher masteries will allow Gloria to channel a powerful spell that not only deals damage, but also buffs her party. After Gloria advances her class, she'll unlock incredibly powerful spells by harnessing the energies of the sun.


This is Gloria's Ice-centric specialization. As a Cryomance, Gloria's Ice spells are the great means to control the pace of battle by Freezing her enemies, stunning them and reducing their HASTE. In addition, Gloria's Ice spells can also grant her powerful defenses, which can then enhance her main Intellect stat. After she advances her class, Gloria can manipulate a colder variant of Ice magic called Trueice, which can penetrate Ice-resistance defenses and have higher chances of Freezing her targets.


This is Gloria's Arcane-centric specialization. Arcane Mana is Mana in its rawest form, and Gloria can manipulate the energies around her to completely devastate her foes with powerful spells. As an Arcanist, Gloria's playstyle can be very different based on the chosen masteries; she can become a caster of far higher Intellect and damage-dealing abilities, or get in close quarters by learning the ways of the Arcana Blade, eventually learning how to wield Spellblades. After advancing her class, Gloria will have access to some of the most powerful attacks in the game, doesn't matter if she's a Spellblade user or a mighty caster.
Royal Blue
Royal Blue


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