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Rina Ignis

Rina Ignis is a Scout that served in the Army of Arlington. She's one of the main protagonists of The Earth Chronicles I alongside Trinidad. She was born in Bygeniou to a family of skilled blacksmiths, who earned a privileged status due to their high quality works. As she grew up, Rina followed the tradition of her family to become a blacksmith and learned the basic skills, but she had other ambitions.
Once the war between the kingdoms of Bygeniou and Arlington broke out, Rina and all her family desserted Bygeniou in favor of Arlington, much due to their own anti-magic sentiments, even though Rina did not quite understood this perspective. As a young adult, Rina enlisted to join the Army of Arlington and was assigned the role of Scout with the tasks of traveling alongside the borders of both kingdoms to report any actions from Bygeniou. Several months into the role, Rina would stumble upon a fleeing villager that wore no banner or insignia to either kingdom, prompting Rina to ready up her rifle and shoot the villager. However, Rina sees that the villager is not a spy, as he says his neutral was razed to the ground by a small brigade of Arlingtonian soldiers. The villager introduces himself as Trinidad, and notices that Rina is wearing the same colors as the soldiers that razed his home, and enters a state of panic and anger. Rina says that she's not a soldier and has no intention to do him any harm, putting her rifle down on the floor and attempts to appease Trinidad. After hearing that her allegiances are roaming and razing neutral villages, Rina begins to lose trust and sight of her allegiances.


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