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Shugalo, Darkness Incarnate

Shugalo, Darkness Incarnate, is the celestial cosmic force that represents the darkness and shadows casted by light. Upon the creation of the universe, the Cosmic Forger A'dan began creating countless of stars to spread his Light across the empty cosmos. However, as more stars burned bright with the Light of the Cosmic Forger, the casted shadows manifested a sentient being that sought to snuff out the light. Shugalo was born, and began to extinguish the newborn stars with its eternal darkness. A'dan confronted Shugalo for its relentless acts, stating that the universe is meant to be filled with light, to which Shugalo countered that the bright stars perpetually burn and consume one another to shine, becoming parasites in the cosmos. The two cosmic forces battled one another, and their feud gave the universe its current state and essence.
As their battle raged on, A'dan would be bested by Shugalo's encroaching darkness


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