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Theron of Ares

Theron of Ares is the self-proclaimed King of the Iron Fortress and Commander of his Iron Dragon Legion. A veteran of the Freedom War, Theron and surviving soldiers were left devastated upon witnessing their home, the Dominion of Arlington, be completely destroyed by the First Paladin. A deep burning hatred burned inside Theron for many years, but he was determined to keep on living and thriving to honor his fallen comrades. They traveled to the Ares Volcano, where they built their new home. Soon, Ares was visited by Kashiel Bloodworth, who offered him a chance to enact his vengeance thru the execution of Benji. While hesitant at first, Ares agreed and joined the Crimson Zodiac. He was then gifted a "Fire Keeper" orb that granted him mastery over the fire and flames of the volcano. Embracing his new abilities, Theron adopted the volcano's name as his own, becoming Theron of Ares, and with his enhanced soldiers they built the Iron Fortress. Soon after, guided by his new powers, Theron soon found the reason he was attracted to the Ares Volcano in the first place; the Garnet Light Crystal, which he took back to his fortress and further empowered him and his army. Now as master of the volcano, King Theron of Ares would become a dangerously powerful foe alongside his Iron Dragon Legion.


Theron of Ares is a mandatory boss in the Earth Chronicles II located in the Chamber of the Fire King inside the Iron Fortress. Theron is a formidable warrior-type boss with high defenses, powerful physical attacks, and an array of Fire-type abilities. The fight is bound to be a lengthy encounter due to Ares's high HP and DEF/MDEF stats. In addition, Theron can summon up to two of his soldiers to aid him in battle.

List of Abilities

Phase One

Theron of Ares will start the encounter with two Iron Dragon Legion soldiers alongside him.
  • Devastate: Deals direct physical damage. Will apply one stack of "Broken Armor" that reduces Armor by 4%, up to 5 stacks.
  • Sweeping Blade: Deals physical damage to all enemies.
  • Emblazoned Slash: Deals direct physical and Fire damage. Has a low chance of applying "Burn".
  • Will of the Iron Dragon: Grants "Will of the Iron Dragon" for 7 turns; increases Theron's DEF by 50%.
  • Blessing of the Fire Keeper: Grants "Blessing of the Fire Keeper" for 5 turns; Theron heals for 1% of his MAX HP every turn, and increases his MDEF by 35%.
  • Heart of the Volcano: Grants "Heart of the Volcano" for 5 turns; increases Theron's STR and HASTE by 30%.
  • Volcanic Shockwave: Deals physical and Fire damage to all enemies. Has a low chance of applying "Burn".
  • Horn of War: Summons two Iron Dragon Legion soldiers to aid Theron.

Phase Two

Theron of Ares enrages, filled to the brim with fury and hatred. His hateful spirit explodes, becoming a blazing threat to the world. Theron will have the following additional abilities upon entering Phase Two:
  • (PASSIVE) Dragon Fury: Theron's soul drenches in hatred, increasing his STR by 60%.
  • Volcanic Nova: Deals Fire damage to all enemies; has a high chance of applying "Dragonburn" for 8 turns. Dragonburn deals 6% of the target's MAX HP.
  • Bladestorm: Deals physical damage to all enemies. Has a high chance of applying "Bleed".
  • Iron Scales: Theron gains the buff "Iron Scales"; increases DEF and MDEF by 45% for 3 turns, but his HASTE is reduced by 50%.
  • Supernova: Theron's ultimate technique. Deals massive Fire/Cosmos damage. Enemies with 20% HP or less remaining after receiving damage from Supernova are immediately executed.


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