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TYRANT is a sentient artificial-intelligence entity created by the machinations of Bastien Rayleonardt. As the new age of Manatech approaches, TYRANT seeks to usher a new era of machinery, freed of human manipulation. As the first of its kind, TYRANT mostly thinks by the code of intelligence provided by his creator Bastien, but as he observes how humanity feasts on itself like a parasite on the world, TYRANT has concluded that humanity must be eradicated. Bastien then proceeds to construct a mighty mechanical golem to be TYRANT's physical manifestation. To make matters even more perilous, Bastien places the Chromatic Light Crystal within TYRANT's new body and granting him a near-infinite supply of Elemental Mana. Now, it would be a matter of time before TYRANT would unravel its plans onto the world.


TYRANT is a mandatory boss in The Earth Chronicles II, who's encountered outside the Obsidian Gates of Babylon, the Divine City. TYRANT pursues Benji and company after escaping Rayleonardt Machines Co., and they must face the machine monstrosity in order to continue their path to Babylon. With an arsenal of powerful Manatech weapons powered by the Chromatic Light Crystal, TYRANT has access to a great variation of attacks of different Elemental Mana.

Phase One

  • Fire Beam: Deals direct Fire-type damage. Low chance of applying "Burn".
  • Thunder X-Pulse: Deals direct Thunder-type damage. Low chance of applying "Shock".
  • Ice Ray: Deals direct Ice-type damage. Low chance of applying "Frost".
  • Earthquake: Deals Earth-type damage to all enemies.
  • Plasma Missiles: Deals Thunder and Arcane damage to all enemies.
  • Toxic Smog: Has a chance of applying "Poison" to all enemies.
  • Motion-Sensor Fire Mines: Explosives are planted at the enemies' position. If they change Row, they take massive Fire damage.
  • Plasma Slicer: Deals direct Thunder and Arcane damage. Has a high chance of applying "Bleed"

Phase Two

TYRANT's mechanical body begins to fail, but its sentient desire to exist and complete its mission causes the Chromatic Light Crystal to erupt in a great explosion. TYRANT's sentience fuses with the Chromatic Light Crystal, giving birth to a whole new being that is no machine nor human; a being made up of entirely Mana. TYRANT discards all of his Phase One abilities, and gains a whole new arsenal of abilities.
  • (PASSIVE) Aegis of the Cosmos: TYRANT's new ethereal body grants him resistances to Physical attacks, reducing all physical damage taken by 95%. Damage received by any magic-type attack is increased by 70%.
  • (PASSIVE) Starstruck Reality: TYRANT's existence bends the laws of time and space, transforming the battlefield to his own will. TYRANT's HASTE is increased by 55%.
  • Nova Flare: Deals Fire and Cosmos damage to all enemies.
  • Absolute Zero Lance: Deals direct Ice and Cosmos damage.
  • Proton Beam: Deals direct Thunder and Cosmos damage.
  • Arcane Implosion: Deals Arcane damage to all enemies.
  • Cosmic Meteorite: Deals Cosmos damage to random enemies.
  • Soul Scream: Deals direct Arcane damage; has a high chance of inflicting "Fear" and "Curse".
  • Black Hole: TYRANT's ultimate technique. TYRAN attempts to kill an enemy. If the target has 40% MAX HP or less, the target is immediately executed.
  • Metamorphosis: TYRANT's Aegis of the Cosmos swaps its defenses; reduces all magic-type damage by 95%, but physical damage received is increased by 70%.


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