Armor Species Variants

It has been observed by many scholars that Humans aren't the only ones to create Armors. So do Elves, most obviously. The pointy and sharp armors of Don Voxtor Eltusi have been fought a great many times by a great many people. They are extremely common, especially in places like Erestria and Fogibom. What many don't know is that all Humanoid creatures (Including Goblins and Baleigns) also produce Armors. This has been discovered by watching old battle sites of other species and confirming this.   These Armoric Creatures are classified as Creatures of the Armor Principle. A Humanoid being that dies in combat will always come back and act in a similar way to the Armor.  

Rotten Bark

Rotten Bark are some of the more scary creatures in Leviathus. These creatures are RARE and are quite a hard find. As described previously, these have been confirmed to be the Armor Variant of the Dryads. These creatures walk and skulk slowly about the forests, and dissappear as day emerges. These are found anywhere that Dryads have been, but that regulates them typically to forests. These Rotten Barks are dangerous but slow, and easily killable with any sort of fire, as they wood they use as skin is quite dry.   These creatures typically stalk an enemy, and when the enemy let's it's guard down, it approaches slowly, making little noise in the dead of night, especially with the crickets of the forest drowning out any noise that it could have made. These creatures are a good threat, but can be dealt with easily, too.  


Cloakskulls have been proven to be the Armoric Variant of Aurises. These creatures are RARE but are only located in specific places, mainly those that Aurises have lived in. This typically involves most forests in temperate climates, as well as some rainforests and swamps. These creatures stalk for a long while, then charge full speed at you, attempting to bum-rush you. Typically this is easily stopped, and the creature killed, but can be startling.   These creatures take on the appearance of a black coat with buttons with an animal skull on top. This corresponds to the animal that the Auris was, so typically the ones one will see are wolves, bears, and deer skulls. With their appearance comes their overall vitality. These creatures collapse at the faintest feeling of a hit. An exaageration, of course, but no Cloakskull has taken more than three direct hits from a sword, and no more than 8 punches from a fist.   These creatures use daggers, that they attempt to stab randomly at your chest. This is problematic, as it can hit vital organs, but it also doesn't typically target arteries, so there is a strong chance you can survive.  

Shunned Robe

Shunned Robes are the Armoric variants of Fennecs. These creatures are fairly easy to deal with, despite their owning of military forks or spears. they are EXTREMELY RARE even on Cabrax, the home of the Fennecs. Due to the love of peace and to the hate of fighting, these are rarely ever found. However, when found, they are easily killed. It's not much, knowing they exist, but they do.  


Karraben are the Armoric variant of merpeople. Despite them being fairly different, they are still caused by the same thing and thus classified as such. These creatures actually keep a physical body, retaining the body of the one who died. They are pale white, with a spear and net, and they have no eyes, instead a black hole where their eyes should be with a single dot of white. These creatures typically roam around old battlegrounds, so those areas typically become uninhabitable for the merpeople living there, or they have to be cleared out by another army.   Karraben are COMMON with the amount of wars that merpeople wage as well as the smaller skirmishes. You can find them in old caverns that haven't been settled, or small crevices or tunnels. These creatures are dangerous, but they can be killed.  

White Thieves

White Colored Bandits, or dead Goblins, are pale little gremlins that run quickly. Seeking anything you hold dear, they will sneak in and steal. Whilst they can be killed with one punch, they are quick and small, and they have a mouth full of sharp teeth. They are RARE.  

Don Voxtor Eltus

  Von Doxtor Eltusi are one of the more common Armor variants. Due to the similarities between Humans and Elves, these creatures manifest in much the same way. Due to this, there is not much to comment on. Just the fact that they are pretty much completely similar, lacking the differences to their armor. These are quite COMMON.  


As the name suggests, this creature is an undead cloak with a bow. These are considered some of the more dangerous forms of Armor, as they can kill easily, and from a range. It doesn't take much for a bow to pierce plate armor, and less to pierce chainmail. However, they are killed with a slash with a sword. Despite their bow, they can be as easy of a foe to kill as an Armor. These creatures typically stalk their victims long before they strike. You will typically hear it, but it is ill-advised to attack then. Wait until it stops making noise, then jump out of the way, then attack. This is a surefire way to survive an attack. Others don't have bows, but instead, daggers, which are simply Armors that move fast and are weaker. These creatures are typically EXTREMELY RARE 
      There are other Armor variants, such as the Nymph variant (essentially same as an Armor) and the Baleign variant (similar to the Agran), but they aren't good enough to be mentioned here.