
Fennecs are fox-people, mainly seafarers from south of the Peninsula Empire and the east of the Fire Kingdom, in what is known as the Great South Sea. They were discovered by the great many fleets of explorer ships set out by the Peninsula Empire.
    A long time ago, when the Peninsula Empire was at the peak of it's power, it began to see a rise of a great many trade fleets. Some other ones, however, instead of trading, they explored. Through the west they began trade with the Fire Kingdomites and the Liaskians as well as the many other Southern Kingdoms. They also supplied their more northern colonies with amenities from the heartland.   The explorer ships, however, decided to go on suicidal quests of glory down south and to the east. Many of which never returned, others returning in the form of ghost ships. However, a select few traveled south far enough to a place where they called "Beyond Sun", or in their language, Cabrax. Cabrax was a small little land, but it was significant enough for the Peninsulans to pay attention to enough, because it gave them hope that there was more out there.   However, as they started to examine Cabrax closer, they realized that there were already inhabitants.   These inhabitants were the Fennecs.   Fennecs live in Cabrax and around many of the ports in the Peninsula Empire. Most are slaves, others are just regular inhabitants. This is important to understand Fennec society.   the Cabrax Fennecs are primarily fishing people, living in small coastal settlements off the southern coast of Cabrax. They fight occasionally for land and occasionally wars of conquest and/or genocide, typical tribal things. They were not too savage, however, unlike other savages, and were more merciful with the conquered and more empathetic. When the Peninsulans arrived, they all saw it as a way to get more power by leveraging the foreign power. Eventually, one Fennec tribe by the name of the Freudites did entice the Peninsulans, and they allied. The others knew that it was over, however still chose to fight on.   The Cabraxian Coalition, as they called themselves, aimed to rid Cabrax of both the Peninsulans and the Freudites, however, with outside funding, the Freudites and Peninsulans won the long fought war. Taking some civilians and some rulers as slaves, leaving others to fish, the Freudites and the Peninsulans reveled in their victories. the Freudites were placed in charge of the Unified Cabraxian Tribes (Or the Cabraxian Protectorate), and answered to the Peninsulans. As well as this, the Freudites were forced to give up the inland, which was land they didn't use, to the Peninsulan people for farming. The Cabraxian Protectorate was largely fine with this, and the citizens were happy to have a new colony to settle.
    As for some of the slaves, a great many Fennec slaves were shipped back, a few even to the emperor himself. Others were sold about the rest of the Peninsulans' trade empire. Most of them were sold to traders or farmers near the ports of the mainland Peninsula Empire.   However, when the loss of the Barbarian Lands and with the beginning of the Great Rout, trade started to shrivel, lacking access to many of the rich wood and some of the other commodities they used to trade. The Fennecs picked up on this fact and declared independence, however the colony of Cabrax quickly subjugated Freudland, as they called themselves. However, instead of enslaving or genociding, they were awfully merciful, as the war wasn't hard fought, and minimal casualties on both sides meant there was little bad blood generated.   However, trade ships soon stopped flowing to Cabrax and back, as there were no real exports, and the fish they did use to trade with just simply weren't too valuable. Following this, the Fennecs became more and more expert shipbuilders, supplementing the knowledge of the Peninsulans on the island with shipwrecked ships and their own seafaring experiences. They began producing their own trading ships.   Later, after the fall of the Peninsula Empire in everywhere but the homeland, Cabrax declared independence fully, and the small nation began it's way in the world. However, Cabrax trade is limited, and although it is there, the possibility of seeing a Fennec that wasn't from the Peninsula Empire is rare, at least for a Human on the mainland.   The estimated population of Fennecs in the Peninsula Empire is around 100,000, with an additional 250,000 on Cabrax. It is unknown, however, if there are any more anywhere else.   Fennecs themselves are quite merciful creatures. They hate violence and anger, but will fight if it comes down to it. They would rather submit than be hurt or die, which explains why the Fennec slaves of the Peninsula Empire haven't ever rebelled. They are rather happy, with that exception, and enjoy life more thoroughly than other creatures.  
  They typically wear robes and other things, and they use exclusively polearms, excluding ones with axe blades like the Halberd. Their houses are made of wattle and daub as well as a nice, deep brown wood and some palm wood that is found. The temperatures there are extremely nice year round, but there are also a lot of storms, which has become a common theme in many Fennec stories and legends.

Basic Information


These creatures are Humanoids, and look much the same way, the only major differences being the fur, the tail, the ears, and the mouth.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures are typically light brown, orange, or a mix. This is completely based on genetics.

Growth Rate & Stages

These creatures grow at about 1.2 times the speed of Humans, and die at that rate too. Mildly shorter lifespan.

Ecology and Habitats

These creatures live best in tropical climates, however, their fur, although breathable, may be able to withstand some cold, but this has never been tested thoroughly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures are omnivores but typically only eat meat. Living off of plants is unnatural to them.


These creatures are similar to Humans, however are a bit more submissive, more averse to pain, and more empathetic.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

These creatures are mainly only located in the Peninsula Empire and Cabrax, but can also be found in small numbers in the Fire Kingdom and Fogibom, and in other places where they've just happened to travel.

Average Intelligence

These creatures, although dumber than Humans, are unusually bright. around 95 IQ, typically.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

These creatures have most of the same ideals as Humans, likely due to their contact.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Fennecs, by now, speak both Peninsulan and one language of native Fennec. However, they also speak many other languages.

Common Etiquette Rules

Bowing is a common greeting and a sign of respect.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Despite their wars, the Fennecs are a peaceloving people and (for the most part) hate any war or conflict. They tend to pride singing, swimming, and fishing skill as their most prominent skills. They also have rudimentary sports, one that most are especially fond of being Cadorie, a form of water-born soccer.

Common Taboos

These creatures dislike hunting land animals for meat, and although they will do it, it is frowned upon, and only done in desperation.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

These creatures only really interact with Humans, and with Humans, it varies depending on the nation. A Peninsulan Fennec will think of Humans (at least Peninsulans) as their fellow people, and the ones on Cabrax typically see them as friendly foreigners that live alongside them.
Scientific Name
Vulpe Sapient
60 years
Average Height
Average Physique
With their diet of fish, they are muscular, but almost always lean and thin.