
Koblins are a species of Goblin-like sentient beings reknowned for their strength. They are blue, tall, and lanky, but don't let it decieve you, Koblins are quite strong, being capable of lifting over twice their body weight without much food nor much training. In fact, Koblins are the single best warriors of the Goblins, even though they aren't actually Goblins.    
Koblins and Goblins have a long history of cooperation, or more accurately, slavery. Koblins are extremely stupid, to put it plainly. They have the intellect of a Human five year old, without the curiousity nor the empathy and with absurd strength. This, paired with the Goblins, the manipulative yet weak humanoids that they are, was the beginning of quite an alliance.    The first cooperation between both groups that is known are large archaelogical evidence that points to a large Koblin slave farm. It seemed that they were treated rather well, as they had little injuries, and when they did, it was things like dents in the skulls or broken arms, likely accidents from farmwork or breeding.   Very quickly, they were being trained to fight. From clubs to maces, they excelled at any melee combat they encountered. Very soon, once the Koblins became standardized in most Goblin nations, they began to use different ones for different purposes. The female Koblins were domestic servants, and often playtoys for their Goblin masters, as well as breeders used by the males. The males had it rougher, however. They were used to pull plows, haul bricks, cut wood, and other manual labor, as well as the main force of soldiers.    Due to the low intellect of the Koblins, they never rose up or started their own faction, instead, they obeyed and did as they were told.    Many Koblins survived the Diamonds, but they were so few in numbers that they could barely reproduce. Most of the Goblin tribes who lost their Koblins died to Neiandithals, but the few Goblin tribes that did have enough Koblins managed to stay afloat. Now, Koblins are essential to Goblin tribes, being the great, brutal, stupid warriors that every race wishes they could have.  

Basic Information


Lanky, blue, tall, and humanoid, these creatures are quite fierce and even somewhat spooky to encounter.

Genetics and Reproduction

Koblin mothers don't breastfeed. Instead, Koblins feed their young chewed up meat after their birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

It only takes 10 years for a Koblin to reach maturity, in which age he will begin getting in heat seasonally.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures are carnivores, which puts pressure on the Goblins to eat less meat.


These creatures behave like 6 year olds would if they had no empathy or curiousity, and just obedience.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

These creatures are perfect warriors, unquestioning and brutal. They can get carried away, however, which occasionally leads to blunders.

Facial characteristics

A pronounced nose and pointed ears mark most of them.

Average Intelligence

~50 IQ

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Goblins command them, clothe them, feed them, and work them, not to mention fight with them.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Polyamory is the norm, as the weaker males are killed off at birth, and the women breed with the strongest man.

Common Taboos

They hate Purrs, similar to Goblins. It is unknown if they developed the fear from the Goblins, or already had that fear, but it changes nothing nonetheless.
Scientific Name
Gobis Koblis
~40 years, due to a variety of factors
Average Height
Average Physique
Lanky, but stronger than one might expect.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
These creatures are completely blue.