
Sadmen are not what their name seems to ascribe, instead, it is quite different.   
  Sadmen are supposedly undead humanoids with a white cloak and a white mask obscuring their skin. They carry a wooden rod of varying sizes, and occasionally speak, although their speak is slurred and often unintelligible.    Sadmens' origin are quite unknown, but it is often said that people from around Nento encountered them first. They were assumed to be friendly, but as a man approached them, so it is said, they charged at him and touched him with their stick. Immediately the man fell unconscious and was quickly dragged away by the Sadmen. The others ran before they could get anyone else.    Such has been the case with a great many cases that are similar to that. Typically they charge at the first notice, tap the person with their stick, then drag off the body, and the others run. Once, a man drew a sword on it, but he was tapped with the wooden rod before he could land a blow.    As one can guess, there are very few cases of encountering a Sadmen, but enough that it can be solidly confirmed. The typical cases were in Nento, but there were quite a few in the east Gertrudes, bordering on Liaski. They are also almost always found whilst it rains, so sunny days or clear nights are quite safe from these beings. 
  One could say that they are cultists, and this has been considered, but their behavior is too unnatural, too strange to any race that has heard of them, that they would consider them living beings. Their sticks are also unnatural, but some people theorize that they could have a poison that forces one unconscious, or perhaps it is enchanted. However, it is not known at all.    Most people agree that these are undead creatures, supported by the unknown enchantment or poison on the stick, their unnatural behavior, and the fact that their skin is completely hidden. However, it's impossible to know for sure.   If one encounters one of these beings, the safest bet is to run, but that can make them know your location, and they may charge. If you are inconspicuous enough, you can hide from them efficiently, but it is ill advised to.

Basic Information


The Sadmen are nearly completely Humanoid, except for the fact that no one can confirm this. The mask could be their face, for all people know.


At the first notice of a sentient being, they charge. They typically ignore any animals.    They are found near ruins, and they walk and stumble about, slurring words. Some seem like they could be trying to say something, but this is unconfirmed, and anything definitively said is just rumors and hearsay. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding a theory that emerged, that they were speaking backwards, adn it certainly has proof, but nothing has been confirmed.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

These creatures masks can vary, but typically have eye slits with tears rolling down, or perhaps a mouth in a frown.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

These creatures are highly localized, but they're typically near Nento, Kent, or West Liaski.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They hear well. Very well. It's ill-advised to get close to them. Even a branch breaking or a twig snapping can alert them.
This creature is EXTREMELY RARE. If you find this creature, you get bragging rights.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Typically short, described at 4'6" by some witnesses.