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Ivrium (Blood of the Earth, ready to sell)

According to Zirquat, the mineral is extremely volatile and sometimes explodes for no apparent reason. Physical contact with raw ivrium ore will cause serious injury and psychological damage for any race, and any contact with the unrefined substance will kill a magic user outright.
The dwarven miners were the only group capable of safely mining and processing ivrium into a less dangerous and more useful form. How they achieve this is a tightly guarded secret.
Nowadays there’s another group that can achieve a similar result: the Dragon’s Nest Guild. The organization, in fact, has developed a safe way to manipulate it and refine the ore into a finished liquid.
Still, every expert will agree that the dwarven’s ivrium quality is still the best one could possibly find. In its natural state, ivrium is described as a metal. When properly refined, it becomes a smooth, slightly iridescent, silvery liquid. Generations of proximity to ivrium ore veins have made dwarves naturally resistant, though not completely immune, to its effects. Even their resistance is only skin deep, as direct exposure of raw ivrium to open cuts, inhalation, or contact through the eyes or mouth leaves them vulnerable to side effects. The side effects are usually non-lethal so long as the amount of ivrium and frequency of invasive exposure is minimal.
Exiled dwarves lose this resistance over time.
Despite its dangers, the ivrium is the single most valuable mineral currently known.; it’s, in fact, the only trade dwarves have done since the beginning of their well known isolation.    
“Ivrium has its costs, however. Prolonged use becomes addictive, the cravings unbearable. Over time, those who ingest it to increase their ability grow disoriented, incapable of distinguishing memory from present, or dream from waking. They frequently become paranoid, as their worst memories and nightmares haunt their waking hours. Mages have additionally been known to suffer physical mutation. A rather nasty business, in my opinion.”
Taken from: “Wonders and Wanders of Two Friends: A journey around the world” by Loveday.
Refined ivrium.

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