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  Born with the power of benevolent celestial entities, Aasimar are thought to be supremely blessed with strength of will, extraordinary beauty, and innate magical gifts. But many Aasimar find that these perceived talents—whether they actually have them or not—set them apart from their friends and family, fostering loneliness in themselves and jealousy in others.   Aasimar with a positive outlook face these challenges by serving their communities, populating the environment with kindness or artwork, or simply supporting those who are less fortunate. Some Aasimar hold a more hostile worldview, however, and risk falling into resentment, despair, or even the temptations of evil. Even then, the stereotypes surrounding an Aasimar cling close, causing others to view them as tragic figures in need of redemption.   Most societies interpret Aasimar births as good omens, though it must be acknowledged that some Aasimar take advantage of the reputation of their kind, brutally subverting the expectations of others with acts of terrifying cruelty or abject venality. “It’s always the one you least suspect” is the axiom these evil Aasimar live by. Thankfully, these few are the exception and not the rule.   Aasimar can be born to any    

Physical Description

An Aasimar’s physical appearance depends as much upon the features of their parents as it does upon the nature of their celestial heritage. While an Aasimar is recognizably a member of their ancestry, they always bear a few physical traits that set them apart, such as glowing eyes, a faint halo of light above their head, feathers for hair, antennae on the brow, a metallic sheen to the skin, lack of a belly button, a strangely musical voice, or a naturally pleasing floral scent. It’s a common stereotype that all Aasimar are handsome or beautiful—another assumption Aasimar face throughout their lives.  

Playing an Aasimar

If you want a character brimming with celestial power, unique physical characteristics and the potential for strong faith, you should play an Aasimar.   You Might...
  • Possess a strong sense justice, have an innate desire to do good, or carry yourself with instinctual grace.
  • Feel a strong kinship with outcasts, orphans, or others who have been misunderstood or marginalized.
  • Have a beloved pet or a close relationship with a sibling or childhood friend.
  Others Probably...
  • Assume you are a supernatural messenger from beyond or whole-heartedly enjoy your supernatural legacy.
  • Treat you with worship or reverence, but distance you by putting you on a pedestal.
  • Think you can provide simple and free supernatural solutions for all their problems.
  Aasimar Mechanics
  • You descend from celestials or were touched by the celestial realms, gaining an air of awe and grace, as well as features distinctive to your celestial forebears.
  • You gain the Aasimar trait. "Aasimar are planar scions descended from celestial beings. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by Aasimar."
  • You gain all the traits from your parental ancestry.
  • You also gain low-light vision, or you gain Darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision.
  • You can choose from Aasimar feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
Height, Weight, and Ages dependent on parent race.
Pictured: An oil painting depicting the departure of Telantiel back to his realm above.


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