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  The long-lived Elves are mortals who have recently split into two sub-categories; The Wood Elves and the High Elves.   The Wood Elves are in tune with the natural world around them. They seek to live in balance with the wilds of The Great Saveri Forest and understand it better than most other mortals. Some of this understanding is mystical, but an equal part comes from the elves’ long lifespans, which in turn gives them long-ranging outlooks. Elves can expect to remain active in the same locale for centuries. By necessity, they must learn to maintain sustainable lifestyles, and they find that this is most easily done when they work with nature, rather than attempting to bend it to their will.   When the Great Saveri Forest was born after The Invasion of Heaven and Hell, some Elves had already migrated out of the area and began settling in the plains to the south. The High Elves live in kingdom-states in located south of Crimson Mountain. It is there where they seek to farther their understanding of the arcane, and arts of the world such as commerce and craftsmanship. Rather than living among the trees, these Elves prefer to create grand temples and castle out of refined materials.   Regardless of homeland, Elves boast mystical grace, sharp intellect, and mysterious charm in a way that is practically magnetic to some members of other races. Once an outsider is accepted as a comrade, the resulting alliances can last for generations. Elves take great joy in forging alliances with races that share or exceed their long lifetimes, and often work to befriend outsiders and fey, such as the Gnomes. Those Elves who spend their lives among the short-lived races, on the other hand, often develop a skewed perception of mortality and become morose, the result of watching wave after wave of companions age and die before their eyes.   beautiful      

Physical Description

While generally taller than their Human cousins, Elves possess a fragile grace, accentuated by long features and sharply pointed ears. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, featuring large and vibrant-colored pupils. Elves gradually adapt to their environment and their companions, and they can even take on physical traits reflecting their surroundings. An elf who has dwelled in primeval forests for centuries, for example, might exhibit verdant hair or light green skin. Elven fashion, like the elves themselves, tends to reflect their surroundings. Elves living in the forests and other wilderness locales wear clothing that plays off the terrain and flora of their homes, while those who live in cities tend to wear the latest fashions, typically brightly colored robes.   Elves reach physical adulthood around the age of 35, though they aren’t considered to be fully emotionally mature by other elves until closer to the passing of their first half-century, once they’ve experienced more, held several occupations, and contributed to their local communities. A typical elf can live to around 300 years old.    

Playing an Elf

If you want a character who is magical, mystical, or connected to nature, you should play an Elf.   You Might...
  • Carefully curate your relationships with people with shorter lifespans, either keeping a careful emotional distance or resigning yourself to outliving them.
  • Adopt specialized or obscure interests simply for the sake of mastering them.
  • Find a particular interest in the magical arts or herbalism.
  Others Probably...
  • Focus on your appearance, either admiring your grace or treating you as if you're physically fragile.
  • Assume you practice archery, cast spells, and have perfected one or more fine arts.
  • Worry that you privately look down on them, or feel like you're condescending and haughty.
  Elf Mechanics
  • Hit Points - 6
  • Size - Medium
  • Speed - 30 Feet
  • Ability Boost - Dexterity, Intelligence, Free
  • Ability Flaw - Constitution
  • Starting Languages - Common, Elven
  • Low-Light Vision - You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.
Height and Weight Averages
Gender Height Weight
Male 5'8 - 6'8 ft. 115 - 160 lbs.
Female 5'6 - 6'4 ft. 90 - 130 lbs.
Maturity 50
Adulthood 50-200
Elderly 200+
Average Lifespan 300
Pictured: A sketch of an Elven Noblewoman


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