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Goblins are a race of childlike creatures with a destructive and voracious nature that makes them almost universally despised. Weak and cowardly, goblins are frequently manipulated or enslaved by stronger creatures that need destructive, disposable foot soldiers. Those goblins that rely on their own wits to survive live on the fringes of society and feed on refuse and the weaker members of more civilized races. Most other races view them as virulent parasites that have proved impossible to exterminate.   Goblins have a reputation as simple creatures who love chanting, fire, and eating disgusting things. They typically hate reading, dogs, and horses. Some goblins remain deeply fascinated with fire or fearlessly devour a meal that might turn others’ stomachs. Others are endless tinkerers and view their companions’ trash as the components of gadgets yet to be made. The convoluted histories other people cling to don’t interest goblins. These small folk live in the moment, and they prefer tall tales over factual records. The wars of a few decades ago might as well be from the ancient past.   Goblins can eat nearly anything, but prefer a diet of meat and consider the flesh of humans and gnomes a rare and difficult-to-obtain delicacy. While they fear the bigger races, goblins’ short memories and bottomless appetites mean they frequently go to war or execute raids against other races to sate their pernicious urges and fill their vast larders.   All that being said, there does exist a subtype of goblin which denounces these barbaric ways in favor of a more civilized life. These are often referred to as "City Goblins", even if they don't reside within actual cities. This type of goblin will attempt to live as the inhabitants of their environment do, and will often try to prove themselves as worthy to the citizens of the area who likely look at them with contempt. Even among goblins that are more worldly, many still exemplify their stereotypical ways in some small manner, just to a more sensible degree.    

Physical Description

Goblins are stumpy humanoids with large bodies, scrawny limbs, and massively oversized heads with large ears and beady red eyes. Their skin ranges from green to gray to blue, and they often bear scars, boils, and rashes. Goblins average 3 feet tall. Most males bald, with little or no body hair, while the females may have messy and unkept hair. Their jagged teeth fall out and regrow constantly, and their fast metabolism means they eat constantly and nap frequently. Mutations are also more common among goblins than other peoples, and goblins usually view particularly salient mutations as a sign of power or fortune.      

Playing a Goblin

If you want a character who is eccentric, enthusiastic, and has a desire to prove themselves, you should play a goblin.   You Might...
  • Strive to prove that you have a place among other civilized peoples, perhaps even to yourself.
  • Fight tooth and nail—sometimes literally—to protect yourself and perhaps even others from danger.
  • Amuse yourself and others with antics and pranks, likely involving fire.
  Others Probably...
  • Work to ensure you don’t accidentally (or intentionally) set too many things on fire.
  • Assume you can’t—or won’t—read, and never eat anything you cook.
  • Wonder how you survive given your race’s typical gastronomic choices, and reckless behavior.
  Goblin Mechanics
  • Hit Points - 6
  • Size - Small
  • Speed - 25 Feet
  • Ability Boost - Dexterity, Charisma, Free
  • Ability Flaw - Wisdom
  • Languages - Common, Goblin
  • Darkvision - You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Height and Weight Averages
Gender Height Weight
Male 2'10 - 3'4 ft. 30 - 45 lbs.
Female 2'8 - 3'2 ft. 25 - 35 lbs.
Maturity 12
Adulthood 12-34
Elderly 34+
Average Lifespan 40*
  *Note: Average Lifespan recorded from City Goblins only. Feral Goblins average lifespan unknown.
Pictured: Oil painting of Ozot Macearm, the only known Goblin to ever lead Orcs.


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