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  Orcs are forged in the fires of violence and conflict, often from the moment they are born. As they live lives that are frequently cut brutally short, orcs revel in testing their strength against worthy foes, whether by challenging a higher-ranking member of their tribe for dominance or raiding a neighboring settlement. Many orcs seek glory as soon as they can walk, whether it be by carrying a blade or club, taming wild beasts or hunting deadly monsters.   On an almost instinctive level, orcs believe they are entitled to anything they want unless someone stronger can stop them from seizing it. They rarely exert themselves off the battlefield except when forced to do so; this attitude stems not just from laziness but also from an ingrained belief that work should trickle down through the pecking order until it falls upon the shoulders of the weak. Surrounded at all times by bitter enemies, orcs cultivate an attitude of indifference to pain, vicious tempers, and a fierce willingness to commit unspeakable acts of vengeance against anyone who dares to defy them.   Orcs are aggressive, callous, and domineering. Bullies by nature, they respect strength and power as the highest virtues. As such, Orcs often struggle to gain acceptance among other communities, who frequently see them as brutes. Those who earn the loyalty of an orc companion, however, soon learn that an orc's fidelity and honesty are unparalleled. Orc barbarians, fighters, and rangers are prized as gladiators and mercenaries. A small handful of orc fighters can do the job of an entire squad of human conscripts, and will often accept positions as mercenaries so long as they are well fed and well paid. Though the belief that orcs are only suited for battle is pervasive among other humanoids, the harsh orc mentality comes from a long history of conflict rather than a lack of ability in other areas.   Orc culture teaches that they are shaped by the challenges they survive, and the most worthy survive the most hardships. Orcs who attain both a long life and great triumphs command immense respect.        

Physical Description

Orcs are tall and powerfully built, with long arms and stocky legs. Many orcs top 7 feet in height, though they tend to adopt broad, almost bow-legged stances and slouch forward at the shoulders. The combination makes for a seeming contradiction, sharing an eye level with most humanoids while simultaneously towering over them. Orcs have rough skin, thick bones, and rock-hard muscles, making them suited to war and other physically demanding tasks. Despite the roughness of their skin, orcs scar easily, and most orcs take great pride in the scars they have accumulated. Orc skin color is typically green and occasionally gray, though some orcs have other skin colors that reflect adaptations to their environments. Orcs consider powerful builds and heavily scarred skin attractive, regardless of gender. A powerful orc makes the hold stronger, and scars are signs of victories won or hardships survived. Similarly, many orcs consider large, jutting tusks to be more attractive than smaller tusks, since the former make more effective weapons. Many orcs also find tattoos to be attractive, particularly large or painful ones that cover a significant amount of skin.      

Playing an Orc

If you want a character who is hardy, fearsome, and excels at feats of physical prowess, you should play an orc.   You Might...
  • Eagerly meet any chance to prove your strength in a physical contest.
  • Believe that others will use lies and treachery against you for they lack the strength to seize what they want.
  • View dying in glorious combat as preferable to a mundane death from old age or illness.
  Others Probably...
  • See you as violent or lacking in discipline.
  • Underestimate your intellect, cunning, and knowledge.
  • Admire your forthrightness and blunt honesty.
  Orc Mechanics
  • Hit Points - 10
  • Size - Medium
  • Speed - 25 Feet
  • Ability Boost - Strength, Free
  • Ability Flaw - N/A
  • Languages - Common, Orchish
  • Darkvision - You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Height and Weight Averages
Gender Height Weight
Male 5'6 - 7'4 ft. 220-280 lbs.
Female 5'4 - 7'0 ft. 180-260 lbs.
Maturity 16
Adulthood 16-45
Elderly 45-?
Average Lifespan ?*
  *Note: The Average Lifespan of an Orc is highly skewed due to mortality rates.
Pictured: Scientific study of an Orc's tusk.


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