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Elder Kael Thalor

At first glance, Kael Thalor simply seems to be a hardened spacer. He is older, with a lean bluish purple face marked with clan markings, but they are difficult to discern among all of the heavy BT augmentation. He is often wearing a clean, but standard jumpsuit, as if ready to head out into the void. Seeing him in public makes it obvious that he is someone special. Other spacers give him great deference. They listen closely to his words, the few he speaks.    As a leader of the Nomadic Clans of the Void (NCV), Kael prides himself on living with his people. He made his way up the social ranks of Clan Thalor, learning both the tradtions of his clan, but also delving deep into biotechological experimentation. He firmly believes that augmentation is the way that his people will firmly establish themselves as a galaxtic power.   Kael is deeply committed to not only preserving the NCV's cultural heritage, but also to finding planets for the clans to settle on. He is a master strategist, often leading his people through complex negotiations with other factions. Under his leadership, the NCV has gained recognized control over 2 systems allowing his people their first foray into being terrain-based colonists. His ability to balance tradition with innovation has earned him immense respect among all the clans.   While his is soft-spoken most of the time, he can easily raise his voice, almost in explosive anger. Those close to him know, however, this is a method of gaining control of the situation and keeping the focus on Kael and his current retoric. His quiet charisma tied with his unwavering determination to elevate the NCV inspires loyalty and dedication among his followers.    Kael is constatly on the move, traveling across the galaxy, defending clans where needed, providing heft in negotiations, advice on newly discovered technology, and interestingly, often offering his body as a test subject for new BT innovations.
Civic, Political


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Aug 21, 2024 01:24 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article. I see you used it to focus on an individual character.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3