Ella Thorne Character in The Echoes of the Ancients | World Anvil
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Ella Thorne

Ella is an inmate of the Xenibus Station Prison. She moves quickly through the halls, often looking over her shoulder. As most inmates, she trusts the inmates far more than the guards. She has a wariness about her, that infuses all of her interactions with other people. There is a very good reason why…   Ellar arrived on the Station about 15 years ago as a guard. She had an exemplary record and she firmly believed in paying for your crimes, but also redemption. She was raised to be self-reliant, but to help wherever she could. Early in her life, she found that she was good in a fight. As she grew older, she had a chance to stop a robbery at a local data kiosk. She got such a thrill from helping stop the robbery, she started pursuing law enforcement.   A few years later she found herself a security officer working for the Corp. Unfortunately for her, she unknowingly caused the ire of an influential middle-manager at the Corp and was sent to a decade long stint at Xenibus. It was a punitive measure disguised as a promotion.   Her first shock was discovering that some guards and even some inmates have been on Xenibus so long that they raised families whose children also now work on “either side of the fence”. While lines were constantly blurred, when it came down to it, staff was staff and inmates were inmates. While she figured out how to compartmentalize the situation, it never really sat well with her. She constantly made an effort to be fair and polite to the inmates, treating them with respect.   All of this came to an abrupt end when she woke to her door being forced open and lights and muzzles being shoved into her face. She was arrested and charged running a smuggling ring for Radiolite. Proclaiming her innocence was futile. She was sentenced to life in the mine as an inmate. She started directly in the mines, but quickly was able to show prowess with fixing mechanical devices, which is a vital skill on the station. She was shifted over to the maintenance crew, where she hustles around the slowly collapsing station, trying to keep it from falling apart.

Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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