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The Celestial Hammer

In the cold expanse of space, the Celestial Hammer stands as a testament to theocratic and militaristic ingenuity and resilience. They control the Hallvei, Aglanei, Zercoulos, and Jartika Rita systems.   Among their crowning achievements is the reactivation of the Goliath—a starship whose size and power eclipse anything the current factions possess. Though it pales in comparison to the leviathans of old, the Goliath is a behemoth three times the size of any contemporary vessel, a symbol of strength and stability.   With the Goliath as their mobile fortress, the Celestial Hammer are warriors forging a new path for civilization. Their presence inspires awe and envy, as they represent keys to a power that could either lead to a new golden age, or a yoke by which to control the masses.  


The Celestial Hammer is split into 2 main arms, the theological and the martial.   At the head of the entire order is the Supreme Luminary, who is supported by her Celestial Council.

Supreme Luminary

  • The ultimate leader, believed to be the chosen one by the cosmic deities.
  • Holds absolute power and is the spiritual and military head of the order.
  • Celestial Council

  • Composed of 3 High Oracles (spiritual advisors) and 3 Grand Marshals (top military commanders).
  • Responsible for strategic decisions, interpreting divine will, and military deployments.
  •   The Supreme Luminary and Celestial Council are guarded by The Ascendants, an elite group who have shown extraordinary devotion and prowess. They serve as personal guards as well as special operatives.  

    The Hammer and the Anvil

    The Hammer of Truth The martial arm is called the Hammer of Truth. It is led by the Grand Marshals. These 3 individuals are half of the Celestial Council.   The Marshals support the Grand Marshals. They manage and patrol various sectors of controlled space.   The Star Commanders are leaders of fleets, who serve the Marshals, supporting their campaigns.   The Captains of Faith are mid-ranking officers who command either ships or garrisons.   Anvil of Divinity The theological arm is called the Anvil of Divinity. It is led by the High Oracles. These 3 individuals are half of the Celestial Council.    The Enlightened support the High Oracles. They are the spiritual leaders of various sectors of controlled space.   The Order of the Acolytes feed into the Enlightened and minister to entire solar systems, planets, or even major continents, depending on the density of the population.   The Keepers of Docterine are enforcers of religious law. They minister to the churches and sancuaries across the Hammer's reach.   Both arms are fed by the Initiats of the Hammer, who are new recruits undergoing rigorous training in both combat and theology. They are the future of the order, constantly tested for loyalty and skill.

    Mythology & Lore

    Strict adherents to the Celestial Order. One of their main goals is to gather the Ancient tech to try to rebuild what this past race left behind in an effort to get closer to the Supreme Archetect.
    Military, Space navy
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level


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