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The Goliath

The Goliath is the flagship of The Celestistial Hammer. It is the only known Ancient Tech functional ship in the universe. Being Ancient Tech, it is a massive ship, easily dwarfing the largest Capital ship in any navy.   It is unknown where the Hammer found it, how they activated it, and even how they fly it, but without a question, it has made the Hammer one of the most powerful forces in the universe. When the Goliath enters a battlefield, it casts a shadow over entire fleets.   The ship itself is silver with unimposing lights along the sides. It has a sleek profile with a split bow, leading to the assumption that amongst the Ancient Tech ships, it was a Corvette or Escort ship. Despite this astetic, the ship is slow to manouver. To outsiders, it is assumed that this is because the Hammer does not have full control of the ship or struggles with some internal interfaces.    Additionally the weapon systems are mostly unknown to outsiders. There are two large cannons that fire out of resessed gunports. Being hit with one of these cannons easily will destroy any ship currently flying in the universe.

Social Impact

The Goliath has truly put The Celestial Hammer firmly in position to be the most powerful force in the universe. The ship has been able to threaten cities into submission. To date, The Hammer has not used this as a means of taking over worlds, but it has definately been flown into a system during certain negotiations, that may or may not have resulted in things going in The Hammer's favor.
Access & Availability
The Goliath's workings are a heavily guarded secret. Even the number of staff required to pilot the ship is unknown to the general public, including lower and mid-ranking members of The Hammer's hierarchy.
The when's and where's of the discovery of The Goliath are unknown to all but the highest members of The Hammer's heirarchy. Even a greater mystery is how they fly the ship. Ancient Tech is always a mystery. The few who have glipsed it have been unable to find any discernable control mechanisms.


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