Ice Bear Species in The Eight-sided Library | World Anvil
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Ice Bear

Bears hibernate. Any bear who deals with snow or ice does so. Right?    Well, mostly correct. There is the Ice Bear.   The Ice Bear lives on Mamia Island and because no one goes there little is known about it.  If you are a native of the place you know more, but perhaps only a handful of individuals are aware that people can live there. Our knowledge comes from one of those people.   The Ice Bear is said to live on the frozen slopes of the island throughout most of the year. When the brief summer thaws the ice along the coast they will sometimes come down to the ocean to hunt sea birds and salt water fish, but their success rate is quite small.

Basic Information


Deep, dark eyes, short, forward facing ears, four legs with broad paws and thick claws. Their fur is a twin coat, the inner is thick and traps air for additional insulation. The outer coat is white and long and water resistant. The tail is short, broad, and thick.

Ecology and Habitats

Lives on the icy slopes of Mamia near the rivers and will venture inland from time to time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ice Bears can eat anything. Their most common food is fish which they can find year-round assuming they can punch through the winter ice on top of the rivers. During the brief summer when sun and subterranean warmth allow plants to flourish inland, they will also eat berries, mushrooms, ferns, new leaves and cultivars if they can manage it.

Biological Cycle

Two known phases, lean and fast, or fat and drowsy. They have not been studied in depth but native lore indicates they seem to be able to morph between the two based on some biological trigger. It takes a few weeks for the transition to be completed in either direction.    Bears in the lean phase will be active throughout the winter, eating fish and any small creature that they can find. They spend time in the warm zone and although no plants are active in the winter, they can more easily get to the fish in the streams from there.   Those bears in the fat condition will rely on their stored energy and hibernate during the deep dark months. These are also the ones who will give birth during this time.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The only known habitation is Mamia Island
Geographic Distribution


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