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History of The Elder Expanse

The Dawning

... 1199

The beginning of recorded time.
Maintained until 1205 by the High Elves due to the beginning of The Taking of Elderhaven .

  • 1052


    The Migration of the Elves
    Life, Relocation

    Due to constant attacks from both the Dwarves of Gurnruhm and by strangers by sea; the Elves of North Sword Coast move further inland, settling Elderhaven.
    The North Sword Coast and Neverwinter is left to fend for itself, where groups of outlanders control with violence and strict discipline.

  • 1078

    Arrival of Humans to The Elder Expanse

    Arrival of the first Humans to The Elder Expanse via the coastline of the North Sword Coast.
    Moving inland, they venture into the mountains of Gurnruhm.

  • 1082


    Failed Attack on Gurnruhm
    Military: War

    Struggling to survive on the frozen upper wastelands of Gurnruhm, the nomadic Humans decide to ransack Gurnruhm's rich ore supply.
    The failure cost them dearly, throwing them into a 10 year war with the Dwarves.

  • 1098


    The First Settlement
    Life, Relocation

    Starving and depleted in number after the failed attempt to attack Gurnruhm and the following retaliation by the Dwarves; the remaining humans attempt to settle on the remains of the North Sword Coast.

  • 1117

    Establishing Neverwinter

    After years of homeless, nomadic life within small populations around the North Sword Coast, the Humans retake Neverwinter, locking control over the region for humankind.

  • 1123

    Conquering Phandalin
    Military action

    Realizing the resources within, the Humans of Neverwinter take the small mining town of Phandalin from the Goblins and Orcs occupying it; strengthening their hold on the North Sword Coast.


The Age of Kings

1200 1246

After the removal of the High Elves from Elderhaven, the Emperor organizes control of the lands, fortifying their position.
Maintained by Kings of the different regions under his rule.
Not all regions want or welcome inclusion into the Expanse.

  • 1200

    The Northern Pact
    Diplomatic action

    After the original failed attack by the Humans on Gurnruhm, the Dwarves retaliated against them with nearly 10 years of constant confrontation and attack.
    However, due to the saving of a Dwarven child from an Owlbear by a group of Humans, a temporary pact of peace is agreed between the North Sword Coast and Gurnruhm.

  • 1204


    The Taking of Elderhaven
    Military: War

    Realizing the wealth of resources and tactical advantage, the Humans and Dwarves working together as the Northern Pact to take Elderhaven from the native High Elves.
    The High Elves are forced from their land into the nearby wasteland region of Evereska.
    Elderhaven is claimed in the name of the Emperor.

  • 1208

    Crowning of King Holomere
    Life, Milestone

    Prince Holomere, previously of the North Sword Coast is crowned King Holomere of Elderhaven.
    Taking residence at Crachton Keep, serving the Emperor.

  • 1219

    The Marriage of King Holomere and Queen Swinzer

    The long awaited marriage of King Holomere to Queen Swinzer-Holomere.
    Meant to reinforce ties between Elderhaven and other regions, the relationship was one of convenience and to some suspicion.

  • 1224

    The Loss of the King
    Life, Death

    King Holomore is buried within Crachton Keep, in his burial room after suddenly taking ill.
    Queen Swinzer takes over the Kingdom.

    Crachton Keep
  • 1225

    The decimation of Crachton Keep
    Military action

    Less than 12 months after the death of King Holomere, Queen Swinzer-Holomere shows her true colors.
    An escort from her land, meant to be carrying aid, is found to be a military force.
    They plunder the Keep, slaughtering all those in their path. When departing the forces lock the remaining people of Crachton Keep inside to face their fate.
    The Queen is not seen again.

    Crachton Keep
  • 1227

    The Collapse of the Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The death of King Holomere and the loss of Crachton Keep throws Elderhaven into panic and control of The Elder Expanse by the Emperor is slowly lost.


Current Era

1246 and beyond

The Era begins as the death of King Holomere and the loss of Crachton Keep throws Elderhaven into panic as control by the Emperor is lost.
After the collapse of the Emperor's control, many regions choose to work alone or with alternative allies.