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Simple & Martial Weapons

Simple Weapons

These are the simple weapons of Skyrim. They can be leather, wood, iron and/or steel in material. Starting equipment will always be wood/iron unless specified in the class or background description. Weapons of these types that are crafted with materials granting a higher bonus than +1 will always be martial.
Those weapons marked with a metal ingot as materials will require Smith's tools to create. Those marked with firewood as materials will require Woodcarver's tools. Simple wood/iron weapons do not require proficency with ethier tool to create, the bonuses from proficency in ethier/both tool can still be added to the roll when crafting however.
Those weapons marked with a metal ingot other than iron as materials will always require proficency with Smith's tools to create.

Club1 sp1 firewood1d4 bludgeoning2 lbLight
Iron Dagger2 gp1 leather strip, 1 iron ingot1d4 piercing1 lbFinesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Greatclub2 sp2 firewood1d8 bludgeoning10 lbTwo-handed
Handaxe5 gp1 firewood, 1 iron ingot1d6 slashing2 lbLight, thrown (range 20/60)
Woodaxe5 gp1 firewood, 1 iron ingot1d6 slashing8 lbVersatile (1d8)
Javelin5 sp1 firewood1d6 piercing2 lbRanged, Thrown (range 30/120)
Light hammer2 gp1 firewood, 1 iron ingot1d4 bludgeoning2 lbLight, thrown (range 20/60)
Iron mace5 gp2 leather strip, 2 iron ingot1d6 bludgeoning4 lb-
Quarterstaff2 sp2 firewood1d6 bludgeoning4 lbVersatile (1d8)
Sickle1 gp1 leather strip, 1 iron ingot1d4 slashing2 lbLight
Iron spear1 gp2 firewood, 1 iron ingot1d6 piercing3 lbThrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Light crossbow25 gp2 firewood, 1 steel ingot1d8 piercing5 lbRanged, ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed
Iron throwing knife5 cp1 iron ingot1d4 piercing1/4 lbRanged, Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
Hunting bow25 gp2 leather strip, 1 firewood1d6 piercing2 lbRanged, ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Sling1 sp2 leather strip1d4 bludgeoning-Ammunition (range 30/120)

Martial Weapons

These are the martial weapons of Skyrim. They can be any material but start at a baseline of leather, wood, iron and steel in material. Starting equipment will always be wood/iron unless specified in the class or background description. Weapons of these types that are crafted with materials granting a higher bonus than +1 will always be martial.
Those weapons marked with a metal ingot as materials will require Smith's tools to create. Those marked with firewood as materials will require Woodcarver's tools. Martial baseline weapons will require proficency with one or the other tool to create, depending on the weapon. If the weapons requires both tools, the bonuses from proficency in ethier tool can still be added to the roll when crafting, however not both.
Those weapons marked with a metal ingot other than iron as materials will always require proficency with Smith's tools to create. Simple or martial weapons that use materials other than leather, firewood, iron and steel in thier creation will also require special features to create in addition to proficency with Smith's tools.

Waraxe10 gp2 leather strip, 3 iron ingot1d8 slashing4 lbVersatile (1d10)
Flail10 gp1 iron chain, 3 iron ingot1d8 bludgeoning2 lb-
Glaive20 gp2 firewood, 2 steel ingot1d10 slashing6 lbHeavy, reach, two-handed
Battleaxe30 gp2 leather strip, 4 iron ingot1d12 slashing7 lbHeavy, two-handed
Greatsword50 gp2 leather strip, 4 iron ingot2d6 slashing6 lbHeavy, two-handed
Halberd20 gp2 firewood, 3 steel ingot1d10 slashing6 lbHeavy, reach, two-handed
Lance10 gp2 firewood, 1 iron ingot1d12 piercing6 lbReach, special
Longsword15 gp2 leather strip, 3 iron ingot1d8 slashing3 lbVersatile (1d10)
Warhammer10 gp2 leather strip, 3 iron ingot2d6 bludgeoning10 lbHeavy, two-handed
Morningstar15 gp2 leather strip, 3 steel ingot1d8 piercing4 lb-
Pike5 gp2 firewood, 5 iron ingot1d10 piercing18 lbHeavy, reach, two-handed
Rapier25 gp2 leather strip, 2 steel ingot1d8 piercing2 lbFinesse
Scimitar25 gp2 leather strip, 2 steel ingot1d6 slashing3 lbFinesse, light
Shortsword10 gp2 leather strip, 2 iron ingot1d6 piercing3 lbFinesse, light
Trident5 gp2 leather strip, 3 iron ingot1d6 piercing4 lbThrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
War Pick5 gp2 leather strip, 2 iron ingot1d8 piercing2 lb-
Steel Mace15 gp2 leather strip, 2 steel ingot1d8 bludgeoning4 lbVersatile (1d10)
Whip2 gp4 leather strip1d4 slashing3 lbFinesse, reach
Blowgun10 gp1 firewood1 piercing1 lbRanged, Ammunition (range 25/100), loading
Hand Crossbow75 gp2 firewood, 1 steel ingot1d6 piercing3 lbRanged, Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
Heavy Crossbow50 gp3 firewood, 3 steel ingot1d10 piercing18 lbRanged, Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Longbow50 gp2 firewood, 3 leather strip1d8 piercing2 lbRanged, Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
Warbow75 gp2 firewood, 4 leather strip1d10 piercing3 lbRanged, Ammunition (range 120/500), two-handed
Net1 gp4 leather strip-3 lbSpecial, thrown (range 5/15)

Superior Melee Weapons

With certain features, versions of the simple & martial weapons of skyrim can be created using superior materials. Using the following table you can find the effects of these superior materials on any simple & martial melee weapon (or ranged weapon without the ammunition property). The type is simply added to the weapons name, the cost will be in addition to the usual cost of the weapon, the materials will replace any metal ingot component of the weapon, however the number and any other material components stay the same when crafting. The damage will be in addition to the damage of the weapon. The weight will be in addition to or subtraction from the usual weight of the weapon. The properties will also be in addition, however if the property is light or heavy, then this replaces the usual property of the weapon instead. Weapons that gain the heavy property will also lose the finesse property.

Steel+5 gpsteel ingot+1+2 lb-
Dwemer+10 gpdwemer ingot+2+3 lb-
Elven+10 gprefined moonstone+1-5 lbLight, Finesse
Orcish+20 gporichalcum ingot+3+5 lbHeavy
Elven Guilded+20 gprefined moonstone, +1 quicksilver ingot+2-3 lbLight, Finesse
Ebony+50 gpebony ingot+5+7 lbHeavy
Glass+50 gprefined malachite+3+0 lb-
Daedric+100 gpebony ingot, +1 daedra heart+7+7 lbHeavy, Magical
Stalhrim+100 gpquicksilver ingot, +1 stalhrim+5+3 lb-
Dragonbone+200 gpebony ingot, +1 dragonbone+10+10 lbHeavy
Dragonscale+200 gpquicksilver ingot, +1 dragonscale+7+3 lb-

Superior Ranged Weapons

With certain features, versions of the simple & martial weapons of skyrim can be created using superior materials. Using the following table you can find the effects of these superior materials on any simple & martial ranged weapon (with the ammunition property). The type is simply added to the weapons name, the cost will be in addition to the usual cost of the weapon, the materials will be in additon to any other material components when crafting. The attack will be in addition to the attack roll when using the weapon. The weight will be in addition to the usual weight of the weapon. The range will also be in addition to the usual range of the weapon, with increases to its normal and long range seperated by -/-

Dwemer+10 gp+1 dwemer ingot+1+3 lb-
Orcish+20 gp+1 orichalcum ingot+1+3 lb+10/+20
Elven+50 gp+1 refined moonstone+2+0 lb+10/+40
Glass+80 gp+1 refined malachite+2+1 lb+20/+60
Ebony+100 gp+1 ebony ingot+3+5 lb+20/+60
Stalhrim+120 gp+1 stalhrim, +1 quicksilver ingot+3+3 lb+30/+80
Daedric+150 gp+1 daedra heart, +1 ebony ingot+4+5 lb+30/+80
Dragonscale+200 gp+1 dragonscale, +1 quicksilver ingot+4+5 lb+40/+100
Dragonbone+300 gp+1 dragonbone, +1 ebony ingot+5+10 lb+40/+100

Superior Ammunition

With certain features, versions of the simple & martial weapons of skyrim can be created using superior materials. Using the following table you can find the effects of these superior materials on any kind of ammunition. The type is simply added to the ammunitions name, the damage will be in addition to the damge roll of the weapon you are using the ammunition for. The table will also show the cost and materials to create ammuntion of each type. With a quiver or equivilent of 24 being created on a successful crafting of the ammunition.

Steel10 gp1 steel ingot, 1 firewood+1
Dwemer20 gp1 dwemer ingot, 1 firewood+2
Elven30 gp1 refined moonstone, 1 firewood+3
Orcish40 gp1 orichalcum ingot, 1 firewood+4
Elven Guilded60 gp1 quicksilver ingot, 1 firewood+5
Glass80 gp1 refined malachite, 1 firewood+6
Ebony100 gp1 ebony ingot, 1 firewood+7
Stalhrim120 gp1 stalhrim, 1 quicksilver ingot, 1 firewood+8
Daedric160 gp1 daedra heart, 1 ebony ingot, 1 firewood+9
Dragonbone200 gp1 dragonbone, 1 ebony ingot, 1 firewood+10


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