The elder scrolls: nexus History of Nirn Timeline
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History of Nirn

Merethic Era


The wild age of magic. After the Gods fled their creation their kin, known as the Ehlnofey roamed Nirn and eventually evolved into the races and creatures that we know today.   The Elves known as the Aldmer arrive in Tamriel from the continent of Aldmeris and thrive in their new home. The era ends with the founding of the Camoran Dynasty of elves that begin to conquer much of Tamriel.

  • Circa ME2500
    Construction of The Adamantine Tower
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the Adamantine Tower (also known as the Direnni Tower) on Balfiera Island in High Rock, the oldest known structure of Tamriel. Earliest historical date in unpublished Elvish chronicles.

  • Early Merethic Era
    The Early Beast-Folk

    Aboriginal beastpeoples (ancestors of the Khajiit, Argonian, and other beastfolk) live in preliterate communities throughout Tamriel.

  • Middle Merethic Era
    The Aldmer Settle On Tamriel
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Aldmer leave the supposed doomed and now-lost continent of Aldmeris (also known as 'Old Ehlnofey') and settle in Tamriel. First colonies are distributed widely along the entire coast of Tamriel. Later, inland settlements were founded primarily in fertile lowlands in southwest and central Tamriel.

  • Middle Merethic Era
    The Elven Expansion
    Military action

    The sophisticated, literate, and technologically advanced Aldmeri culture drive the primitive beastfolk into the jungles, marshes, mountains, and wastelands.

  • Middle Merethic Era
    The Construction of the Towers
    Construction beginning/end

    The Adamantine Tower is rediscovered and captured by the Direnni, a prominent and powerful Aldmeri clan. Crystal Tower is built on Summerset Isle and, later, White-Gold Tower is built by the Ayleids (The Wild Elves) in Cyrodiil.

  • Middle Merethic Era
    Cyrodiil Annexed
    Political event

    The Ayleids see themselves as isolated from their even brethren and make Cyrodiil an independent country under there rule.

  • Late Middle Merethic Era
    The Dwarven Expansion

    The Dwemer, a free-thinking, reclusive Elven clan devoted to the secrets of science, engineering, and alchemy, established underground cities and communities in the mountain range (later the Velothi Mountains) separating modern Skyrim and Resdayn/Morrowind.

  • Late Middle Merethic Era
    The Chimer Settle in Resdayn
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Chimer (ancestors of the modern Dunmer, or Dark Elves), dynamic, ambitious, long-lived Elven clans devoted to fundamentalist ancestor worship, followed the Prophet Veloth out of ancestral Elven homelands to settle in the land of Resdayn now known as Morrowind.

  • Late Middle Merethic Era
    The Genesis of the Orcs
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Trinimac (strongest of the Aldmeri ancestor spirits) and his people try to halt Velothi dissident movement. However, the Daedric Prince Boethiah, as one of the masterminds of the movement, eats Trinimac. Trinimac's body and spirit are corrupted, and he emerges as the Daedric Prince Malacath. The rest of his people are changed as well, and became the Orsimer or the Pariah Folk.

  • Late Merethic Era
    The Velothi Dissolve

    Degenerate Velothi devolves into tribal cultures, which, in time, evolves into the modern Great Houses of Morrowind, or persists as the barbarian Ashlander tribes. The only surviving traces of this tribal culture are scattered Velothi towers and Ashlander nomads on Vvardenfell Island.

  • Late Merethic Era
    The Arrival of the Nords
    Population Migration / Travel

    The proto-Nords in the final migration from Atmora (also known as 'Altmora' or 'the Elder Wood' in Aldmeris) settle in northern Tamriel. The Nordic hero Ysgramor, leader of a great colonizing fleet to Tamriel, develops a runic transcription of Nordic speech based on Elvish principles, and is the first human historian.

  • Late Merethic Era
    The Night of Tears

    The Nords found the city of Saarthal in Northern Skyrim, however the indigenous Snow Elves are fearful of their new neighbours, and under cover of darkness, attempt to murder everyone in the city. Ysgramor and his sons are the sole survivors and flee to Atmora.

  • Late Merethic Era
    The Battle of the 500 Companions
    Military action

    Ysgramor returns with his 500 companions from Atmora and slaughter the Snow Elves in an act of revenge.

1st Era


The First Era begins with the founding of the Camoran Dynasty. Cultural, military, and political dominance in Tamriel begins to shift from Mer to Men following the rise of the Cyrodilic Empire from the Alessian Rebellion over the Camoran Dynasty in Valenwood. The Alessian Empire would then later be reorganized into the Reman Empire under the Reman Dynasty. After 2920 years from its start, the era ends with the assassination and end of the Reman Dynasty.

  • 1E 1
    The Beginning of the 1st Era
    Political event

    Eplear Camoran begins his dynasty in the Summerset Isles and would see it spread throughout Tamriel.

  • 1E 143
    KIng Harald of Atmora Conquers Skyrim
    Military action

    The Nords expand across all of Skyrim.

  • 1E 242-243
    The Alessian Uprising

    Saint Alessia, her demigod lover Morihaus and the immortal wander Pelinal Whitestrake begin the slave uprising of humans against their elven masters. This culminates in the end of the Ayleid Empire, the beginning of the Alessian Empire and the death of Pelinal Whitestrake

  • 1E 245
    Alessia Receives The Amulet of Kings
    Religious event

    Alessia is gifted the Amulet of Kings by Akatosh as a symbol of Divine rule for all who sit upon the ruby throne of The Empire.

  • 1E 355-358
    The Direnni Expansion
    Military action

    Ckan Direnni of High Rock rise to prominence and expand deep into Skyrim.

  • 1E 416
    Founding of the First Council
    Political event

    Indoril Nerevar and Dumac Dwarfking form an official alliance between the Chimer and Dwemer to together protect Resdayn against the Nordic Invasion, calling themselves the First Council.

  • 1E 478-482
    The Alessian-Direnni War
    Military action

    The Direnni make significant gains in Skyrim, Hammerfell and Cyrodiil but are met with staunch resistance from the Alessian Empire, culminating in the battle of Glenumbra moors.  The Last King of the Ayleids takes up arms for the Direnni but they are ultimately defeated by the Alessians and begins the Downfall of the clan.

  • 1E 700
    The Battle of Red Mountain

    War of the First Council ends: A religious conflict between the secular Dunmer Houses Dwemer and Dagoth and the orthodox Dunmer Houses Indoril, Redoran, Dres, Hlaalu, and Telvanni. The First Council was the first pan-Dunmer governing body, which collapsed over disputes about sorceries and enchantments practiced by the Dwemer and declared profane by the other Houses. The Dwemer mysteriously all disappear during the battle and Indoril Nerevar is murdered.

  • 1E 701-720
    The Genesis of the Dark Elves
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Companions of Indoril Neravar, Almalexia, Sotha Sil and Vivec, discover the Heart of Lorkhan and use the left-behind tools of the Dwemer Sorcerer Kagrenac to turn themselves into living gods. In the process they cast out former companion Dagoth Ur, who is left to eternally dream.  Sotha Sil angers the Daedric Prince Azura by proclaiming the Chimer no longer need the Daedra as they are their new gods. Azura curses the Chimer with ashen skin and red eyes, transforming them into the Dunmer.  The tribunal temple is formed, dedicated to the worship of Almelexia, Sotha Sil and Vivec.

  • 1E 803
    The Redguard Arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Redguards arrive and settle in Hammerfell, following the sinking of their homeland Yokuda.

  • 1E 1200-2208
    The Middle Dawn
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A group known as the Marukhati Selectives accidentally cause a Dragonbreak that lasts 1008 years.

  • 1E 2200-2600
    The Thrassian Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Thrassian plague spread throughout all of Tamriel, killing near all living creatures that came into contact with it. This lead to the weakening of Elsweyr and Valenwood who chose to join the Empire in the aftermath of the plague.

  • 1E 2650
    The All Flags Navy Attacks Thras
    Military action

    In retaliation to the plague they sent to Nirn, Admiral Bendu Olo formed the All Flags Navy, comprised of all nations on Tamriel, to attack the slug people known as the Sload on their Coral Kingdom known as Thras. The sload were defeated and Thras destroyed.

  • 1E 2703
    The First Akaviri Invasion
    Diplomatic action

    The denizens of Tamriel's Eastern continent, Akavir, invade Tamriel, killing many as they cut a path to the Imperial City. However, when they met Emperor Reman Cyrodiil during the battle of Pale Pass they surrendered and declared fealty to the Emperor, becoming his sworn protectors known as the Dragonguard.

  • 1E2920
    Assassination of Reman III
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Reman III is assassinated by the Morag Tong and is succeeded by his Akaviri advisor Versidue Shae as Potentate.

2nd Era


Political and military stability in Tamriel begins to dissipate, leading to the formation of several multi-provincial alliances and the absence of legitimate rulers of the Cyrodilic Empire. This causes the Interregnum, culminating in the Alliance War and paving the way for the Planemeld, the invasion of Tamriel by Molag Bal from Oblivion. In the midst of the battles raging during the Alliance War, the Court of Bedlam would carry out the Daedric War in Vvardenfell, Clockwork City, and the Summerset Isles against Vivec, Sotha Sil, and the Psijic Order to reshape Tamriel in their image. By the latter stage of the Second Era, Tiber Septim would crusade the provinces of Tamriel and unite them under the Septim Empire. The Second Era begins with the assassination of the last members of the Reman Dynasty and ends 896 years later, with the unification of Tamriel under the reorganized Septim Empire led by the newly founded Septim Dynasty.

  • 2E 0
    The Beginning of the 2nd Era
    Era beginning/end

    Potentate Versidue-Shae declares the beginning of the Second Era.

  • 2E 230
    The Founding of the Mages Guild

    Vanus Galerion, a former student of the Psijic order, forms the Mages Guild; making magical teaching accessible to the public.

  • 2E 321
    The Guilds Act
    Political event

    The Guilds Act is passed: "In the 321st year of the Second Era, the Potentate gave his approval to the Guilds Act, officially sanctioning the Mages, together with the Guilds of Tinkers, Cobblers, Prostitutes, Scribes, Architects, Brewers, Vintners, Weavers, Ratcatchers, Furriers, Cooks, Astrologers, Healers, Tailors, Minstrals (sic), Barristers, and the Syffim.  The Guild of Fighters was established under the section four of the "Guilds Act," the charter first confirmed under Potentate Versidue-Shaie in this year.

  • 2E 324
    The Assassination of Versidue-Shaie
    Life, Death

    Potentate Versidue-Shaie is assassinated by the Morag Tong and succeeded by his son Savirien-Chorak. The new Emperor outlawed the Morag Tong as an organisation throughout the Empire.

  • 2E 325
    The Genesis of the Dark Brotherhood

    A Dunmer woman hears the voice of Sithis and murders her 5 children for the Dread Father. She is subsequently killed by the townspeople, appalled by her act and she becomes the Night Mother. The Night Mother talks to a man in his sleep who becomes the first Listener and begins the Dark Brotherhood.

  • 2E 430-896
    The Interregnum

    Potentate Savirien-Chorak and his heirs are assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood and the Empire is thrown into centuries of chaos that are defined by misrules, challenges to the throne and strife throughout Tamriel.

  • 2E 533-573
    The Longhouse Dynasty
    Military action

    Durcorach the Black Drake leads his reachmen to take the Ruby Throne and begin the Longhouse Dynasty of reachmen Emperors. During their reign they legalise Daedra worship which divides the Empire. The dynasty ends when Durcorach's grandson is killed by Varen Aquilarios who proclaims himself Emperor.

  • 2E 580-?
    The Three Banners War
    Military action

    With the Empire without an Emperor many made claim to the Ruby Throne. The Daggerfall Covenant comprised of High Rock, Hammerfell and Orsinium fought against the Ebonheart Pact made up of Skyrim, Morrowind and Black Marsh as well as the forces of the 2nd Aldmeri Dominion of Elsweyr, Valenwood and The Summerset Isles. It is unknown when the conflict came to an end but it was one of the bloodiest in Tamriel's history.

  • 2E 578-582
    The Planemeld
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Varen Aquilarios attempts to use the Amulet of Kings to become Dragonborn and legitimise his claim to the throne. However, he was tricked by his advisor Mannimarco, a necromancer who used the ritual to allow the Daedric Prince Molag Bal to send his Dark Anchors to Tamriel in an attempt to merge his dark realm with Tamriel. The Planemeld is ended when a hero known as the Vestige defeats Molag Bal in his realm of Coldhabour with the help of the Daedric Prince Meridia.

  • 2E 255-296
    The Tiber Wars
    Military action

    General Talos begins his conquest across Tamriel to unite all nations under the Imperial banner. He is successful in his attempt and ends the era by declaring himself Emperor Tiber Septim and begins the Septim Dynasty of Emperors that reign throughout the 3rd Era.

3rd Era


The Third Era begins with the founding of the Septim Empire under the Septim Dynasty. The centralized authority of Tamriel under the Septim Empire rises in power, followed by populist revolts against Imperial authority, especially in Morrowind and presumably Black Marsh by the An-Xileel by the latter stage of the period. Events such as the Imperial Simulacrum, The Warp in the West, the rise of Dagoth Ur and the Nerevarine, the fall and eventual reorganization of the Tribunal Temple, the establishment of Raven Rock on the island of Solstheim, the Oblivion Crisis, the final Greymarch in the Shivering Isles, and the return of Umaril would all occur during the latter period of the Third Era. The Third Empire's eventual loss of power and regional control would eventually lead to the assassination of Uriel Septim VII and his heirs by the Mythic Dawn, and the subsequent invasion of Tamriel by Mehrunes Dagon. The end of the Septim Dynasty during the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433 marks the beginning of the Fourth Era.

  • 3E 0
    The Beginning of the 3rd Era
    Political event

    Emperor Tiber Septim declares the start of the Third Era.

  • 3E 38
    The Death of Tiber Septim
    Life, Death

    Tiber Septim's reign ends aged 108. He is succeeded by his son; Pelagius Septim I.

  • 3E 276-290
    The Invasion of Akavir
    Military action

    In seeking his legacy, Emperor Uriel Septim V set out to conquer the neighbouring continent of Akavir. He began by gaining control of the small islands that lay between Tamriel and Akavir. Once a foothold was established in Akavir the emperor himself left to see what his new prize would look like. After 18 months on the Eastern continent the Empire's men were suddenly routed by the Tsaesci, the supposed vampire snake-men of Akavir, the race that once swore fealty to Reman Cyrodiil. The Empire fled Akavir, never to return, however the Emperor was killed whilst defending his men's retreat in the Imperial colony settlement of Akavir.

  • 3E 389-399
    The Imperial Simualcrum
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Imperial Battlemage Jagar Tharn uses The Staff of Chaos to imprison Emperor Uriel Septim VII in Oblivion whilst he impersonates the Emperor. The Eternal Champion sets out to recover the pieces of the now shattered staff and defeat Tharn, releasing the Emperor from his prison and rescuing Tamriel from the evil battlemage's corrupt rule.

  • 3E 405-417
    The Warp in the West
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Imperial Battlemage to Tiber Septim threatened to return and wreak havoc across Tamriel as the Underking. However the Hero of Daggerfall prevented his ascendancy by activating and then destroying the Dwemer's brass God known as Numidium. A weapon of mass destruction that Tiber Septim used in his conquest of Tamriel. The result was a long Dragon Break that concluded with the fragmented 44 states of High Rock and Hammerfell being settled into 4 distinct kingdoms.

  • 3E 427
    The Neravarine Prophecy Fulfilled
    Life, Career

    The Neravarine, an incarnation of the Dunmer hero Indoryl Neravar, is identified and fulfills the prophecy that tells he would stop the ever dreamer Dagoth Ur from spreading the terrible Corpus disease across Tamriel, destroying his own Numidium known as Akulakhan in the process. The Neravarine would then go on to settle the dispute between the now diminished Tribunal and prevent the Bloodmoon from occurring on Solstheim. The hero would then set sail for Akavir, never to be seen again.

  • 3E 433
    The Last Greymarch

    The Hero of Kvatch travels to Daedric Prince of Madness, Sheogorath's realm of the Shivering Isles to end the Greymarch; an event that occurs at the end of every era where the Daedric Prince of Order enters the realm to destroy it. The hero discovers Sheogorath is cursed to become Jyggalag at the end of every era. He defeats Jyggalag, allowing him to roam Oblivion once more whilst the Hero of Kvatch becomes the new Sheogorath.

  • 3E 433
    The Oblivion Crisis
    Disaster / Destruction

    Emperor Uriel VII and all of his heirs are assassinated by the Mythic Dawn, a cult dedicated to the Daedric Prince of Destrucion: Mehrunes Dagon. This causes the dragonfires to go out and Oblivion gates allowing the forces of the Daedra to enter Tamriel appear throughout the continent. The disaster is eventually solved by the Hero of Kvatch and Saint Martin Septim, bastard son of Uriel VII, but at the cost of Martin's life and not before Mehrunes Dagon's invasion causes devastation across Tamriel.

4th Era

4E1-203 and Beyond

A resurgence of military and political power in the Elven races centralized in the Third Aldmeri Dominion pressures the struggling and largely leaderless Septim Empire. The Mede Dynasty takes over the Septim Empire and later enters into the Great War against the Third Aldmeri Dominion, resulting in the temporary weakening of the Dominion, crippling of the Empire, and signing of the White-Gold Concordat treaty. That treaty, which outlaws the worship of Talos, would later cause the Skyrim Civil War which would coincide with the Dragon Crisis, the attempted fulfillment of the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy, and the return of Miraak on Solstheim.

  • 4E 0
    The Beginning of the 4th Era
    Political event

    Former Chancellor, now Potentate Ocato announces the beginning of the 4th Era.

  • 4E 14-21
    The Stormcrown Interregnum
    Military action

    Following the assassination of Potentate Ocato a power vacuum engulfed the Empire with no clear leader on the throne, until Colovian Warlord Titus Mede I takes the Imperial City by force; declaring himself Emperor and beginning the Mede dynasty.

  • 4E 22
    The Thalmor Ascendancy
    Political event

    The formerly minor Political party of High Elves known as the Thalmor come to power in the Summerset Isles and rename the province to Alinor.

  • 4E 29
    The Third Aldmeri Dominion
    Political event

    The Thalmor enact a Coup in Valenwood and take control over the land of the Bosmer. In doing so they cut all ties with the Empire and create the 3rd Aldmeri Dominion.

  • 4E 98-100
    The Void Nights
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Moons Masser and Secunda disappear for two years. No one is unsure how they vanished or how they returned but this caused unbelievable strife in Elsweyr as the moons are vital for Khajiit births. The Thalmor claim they returned the moons and in thanks Elsweyr agrees to become a client state to the Dominion.

  • 4E 171-175
    The Great War
    Military action

    The Thalmor appear to Emperor Titus Mede II with a deal: Swear fealty to the Dominion or face destruction. The Thalmor then show the Emperor a cart that inside has the head of every member of the Emperor's personal network known as The Blades that were operating in Alinor. The Emperor does not bow to the demands and the Great War begins. The conflict ends with the Empire losing Hammerfell and Morrowind, who become independent states as well as being forced to sign the White-Gold Concordat; a deal that outlaws Talos Worship.

  • 4E 176-201
    The Skyrim Civil War

    Following the signing of the White-Gold Concordat Nord general Ulfric Stormcloak creates the Stormcloaks and incites the Skyrim civil war. in 4E 201 the conflict becomes is deadliest when Ulfric kill High King Torryg using the ancient weapon of The Voice. The conflict is resolved when General Tullius leads the Imperial force to victory in Windhelm, executing Ulfric and winning the war.

  • 4E 201-203
    The Song of the Dragonborn
    Life, Career

    Dragons returned to Skyrim following the arrival of Alduin The World-Eater. The Dragonborn rises to defeat the Dragon God and kill many of his followers. He would then go on to stop the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy and defeat Miraak, The First Dragonborn at the Summit of Apocrypha.

  • 4E 203
    The Assassination of Titus Mede II
    Life, Death

    Titus Mede II is assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood and is succeeded by his daughter, Empress Septima Mede aged just 19.