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Martin Hollowick

Leftenant General Martin Thule Hollowick

Martin was raised in the young pixie kingdom of Ny Thuleen. Ny Thuleen territory consisted of several hundred square yards of woodland at the edge of the Tajnikus estate in Olliette. The several hundred pixies in the community maintained a good relationship with the family, keeping more mischievous and even dangerous creatures away from the main grounds. Martin and his friends would often look after young Brance during his childhood expeditions into the wood, on occasion teaching him new tricks or games.   When Brance went off to school in faraway Galaston, Martin tagged along. While he spent some time helping Brance get into and out of trouble, he dedicated countless hours to study in the libraries. He pored over tomes on history and military strategy. Dry textbooks and fanciful fables alike capture his attention. When Brance returned home, so to did Martin. But while Brance then left the family estate more or less for good, Martin stayed behind to help ensure it's protection. He (very loosely) applied what he had learned about tactics, strategy, and military organization to the pixie militia. When not playing tricks on the estate's stuffy custodian, the moderately-well-organized strike force continued to keep vigil over even the darkest corners of the wood.   Relatively recently, Brance returned to the estate, retired from his adventuring days. Martin was happy to see the return of his friend. Despite the fact that he is grayer, slower, and more melancholy now, Martin still thinks of him as the child who would always search for the tallest trees in the wood to climb. He understands that Brance is in the winter of life now, but hopes beyond hope that he can brighten it by helping him solve one last mystery.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim. Not much in the way of brute strength, but decently athletic.

Apparel & Accessories

Where's a derby, treats it as a sign of rank.

Bold, curious, and outgoing.

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Chaotic Neutral leaning Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Colonel Major in the Thelemaran military.
Ny Thelemar
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by JaeCheol Park


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