The Aurigian Reach

The Aurigan Reach is an interstellar nation located in the periphery region known as the Aurigan Reach, which borders on the Capellan Confederation and the Taurian Concordat, along with the Rimward Frontier space.[1] For most of its existence, the Aurigan Reach kept a low profile and was ignored as a state, to the point of being omitted from most contemporary starmaps. This may have been because it was considered a mercantile coalition over a political one and not taken seriously as a real state, or because of the relatively low populations and industrial base of its constituent worlds, or a combination of both.  


Aurigan Coalition Era
Under the rule of the oligarchic Founding Council and the High Lieges from their number, the Aurigan coalition expanded into the Frontier Reach, and fended off piracy, and were able to peaceably cede from the Taurian Concordat in 2910. The Aurigan people enjoyed various political, personal and economic rights across the Coalition.    
Directorate Coup
  High Lord Tamati Arano II and his wife Serena Arano (nee Espinosa) were killed in an accident in 3022, leaving their daughter Kamea as heir. With Kamea refusing to listen to her uncle about how to rule the Coalition, Santiago Espinosa decided to take matters into his own hands. Along with his daughter, Victoria Espinosa, he would successfully stage a coup, forcing Lady Arano off Coromodir and taking the throne, installing himself as "Director" of the realm.   “ We are here today because if Lady Arano will not act, someone must. I know what I am asking of you. You will face former comrades or even loved ones on the battlefield. I take up arms against my own niece. But remember: today we sacrifice, so that tomorrow we can return our kingdom to its proper glory. To its proper strength! So should you fall tonight - know that you did so as true heroes of the Reach! To your stations! For the Directorate!" ” - Lord Santiago inspiring his Directorate troops before deploying on Cormodir.   As ruler of the rechristened Aurigan Directorate, Santiago would form a brutal dictatorship in his wake, creating concentration camps on Weldry to hold possible dissident factions' relatives hostage including of the Founding Houses, and torturing and murdering political prisoners. His daughter, Victoria would slaughter anyone who did not support the Directorate, whether it be civilians or other House Lords of the Reach. Further, on Cormodir personal and political liberties were lost in exchange for increased economic luxuries under the police state in order to placate the population.  
Aurigan Civil War
In 3025 after three years in hiding, Lady Kamea emerged as the leader of the Arano Restoration movement. This has caused a civil war between the Restoration and state forces for control of the Reach, Between the ruling Aurigan Directorate and the Arano Restoration.
Time period: 2910 - Present   Classification: Periphery State
Controlled systems: 23   Capital world: Coromodir VI   Ruler title: 
  • Coalition: High Lord/Lady
  • Directoriate: Director
Current Ruler: Contested Between
  • High Lady: Kamea Arano
  • Director: Santiago Espinosa

  • Aurigan Coalition Military (ACM) - Arano Loyalist
  • Aurigan Directorate Defense Force (ADDF) - Directorate Loyalists
Secret Service: Aurigan Department of Military Intelligence (ADMI) - Directorate


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