The Circinus Federation

The Circinus Federation is a minor Periphery power located anti-spinward of the Lyran Commonwealth/Free Worlds League border, ~450 light years anti-spinward of Terra, in a region of space known as "The March Worlds"    


After being accused of contract violation against the Free Worlds League in 2770, the Black Warriors mercenary unit abandoned Marik space, narrowly escaping capture by the Free Worlds navy. Vowing eternal vengeance on House Marik for their outlawed status, the Black Warriors settled on the planet Circinus and joined the pirates already operating there. Colonel Zachariah Cirion, leader of the Black Warriors, began to support his people through a series of sneak attacks against outlying Marik agricultural worlds. Both the Star League and the Marik House forces had their hands full with the Amaris Crisis, and so the Circinus pirates flourished in the absence of reprisals. In 2785, a small convoy of settlers fleeing the destruction in the Lyran Commonwealth landed on the planet to make a new start. Warrior and farmer combined their forces to establish a viable economy and culture.   The Lyran farmers apparently were never fully aware of the nature of their new allies. The pirates were involved in what remained "covert operations," but the farmers asked no questions as long as their allies provided the tools and consumer goods the farmers needed. The pirates, for their part, welcomed the farmers for two reasons. First, they provided stability and the possibility of internal law and order (without the brutal punishments and intimidation that mark pirate societies elsewhere), that would keep the band of cutthroats from turning on one another. Second, they helped the pirates present the illusion of a respectable, agrarian society to the neighboring worlds who were their victims.   Despite the fact that the Free Worlds military occupied Circinus during a lull in the Second Succession War, it is still the most successful of the Bandit Kingdoms, having long since adopted a presidential system of government. Piracy is a major governmental function, with covert "agencies" responsible both for the raids themselves and for covering them up. Lyran pundits often note that the Circinian president's chief duty is to look the other way so that he will not have to acknowledge the crimes his government is constantly committing.   Between the years of 2990 and 3020, the combined farmer/pirate alliance settled eight other worlds around the planet of Circinus. The then-president, C.J. McIntyre, signed a series of reconciliation treaties with the governments of both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Worlds League. The President conducted these treaties with some skill, as he managed to play off of the mutual suspicion between the two powers to help avoid their taking over of his Federation.  


The Black Warriors currently serve as the entire Circinan military. Never a truly unified force, the Black Warriors constantly test the loyalties of the various factions within their ranks. The largest faction, led by Major Fritz Donner, consists of units loyal to President McIntyre. A second faction of near-equal strength, however, supports company commander Michael Cirion, heir to the Black Warriors' command. Because of the fierce rivalry of these two factions, most of the mercenaries employed in the Circinan military studiously avoid taking sides.   Circinian military leaders have never made any real effort to regulate or standardize uniforms, so each Circinian military unit has its own uniform. This system was established when the Black Warriors began attracting other units to join them, under the belief that unique uniforms help each unit maintain a strong sense of individuality and morale. Detractors of the practice criticize it as yet another source of division between military units in the Federation. However, Circinian military leaders require that all unit uniforms include the emblem of the Federation and that all military personnel wear the emblem somewhere above the waist. Although all Federation units use the same progression of rank, rank insignia varies widely among units.   Members of the McIntyre House Guard wear simple black pants and a dark gray shirt.
Time period: 2785 - Present   Classification: Periphery State
Controlled systems: ca. 9   Capital world: Circinus   Ruler title: President   Current President: Charles Johannes "C.J." McIntyre
Military: Black Warriors   Secret Service: FIC


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