The High Lord of Waterdeep

The Current High Lord of Waterdeep is Sir Barring Shellington, Younger Brother to Sir Archibald Shellington 17th. Son to Sir Archibald Shellington 16th. Deviating from a long tradition of passing the Seat of High Lord of Waterdeep to the firstborn son of the Shellington Family. Many Locals are skeptical of this as the last time this happened was in 1376; Baron Shellington was crowned Regent High Lord of Waterdeep until his nephew, Sir Archibald Shellington, the 14th, came of age. He ruled with an iron fist and slaughtered many innocents, and later Baron Shellington was also found guilty of killing his own brother, Sir Archibald Shellington the 13th. It wasn't until more than 15 years later that Sir Archibald Shellington 14th uncovered the plot that murdered his Father. Therefore, Sir Archibald Shellington 14th gathered his fellow Lords of Waterdeep and disposed of Baron Shellington, Stripping him of all titles and royalty before hanging him 18th Kythorn, 1393.
Form of Address
My Lord
Source of Authority
The People of Water deep and the Royal Bloodline of the Shellington Family
Length of Term
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